素材和资料部分来自网络,如有侵犯您的权益,请联系文库作删除处理!2019-20202019-2020 年九年级英语下册年九年级英语下册 Module 8 On the town Module 8 On the town 动词不定式专动词不定式专项练习项练习 外研版外研版(一)选择1.The policeman told the little boy _ football in the street.Its dangerous.A.not playB.not playingC.not to playD.to play2.Martin looks so well.Weve never seen him _ so well before.A.is lookedB.is lookingC.to lookD.look3.They preferred _ in bed rather than _ horses.A.to lie;to ride B.lying;riding C.to lie;ride D.lying;ride4.What do you think of tomorrows football match?_difficult for us _ the match.A.Were;to win B.Were;winning C.Its;to win D.Its;winning5.Hi,Peter.Why are you in such a hurry?_the 7:30 train.A.Catch B.To catch C.Catching D.Caught6.Dont forget _ the letter.A.to send B.send C.sending D.being sent7.The chair looks very old,but in fact it is very fortable to _.A.sit B.sit on C.be sat D.be sat on8.Is _ necessary to return the book tomorrow?A.this B.that C.it D.which9.Im afraid they would not allow him _ here.A.to smoke B.smoking C.smokes D.smoke10.Mother told me _ the water before I drank it.A.boiling B.boiled C.boil D.to boil11.On my way home,I stopped _ some food.A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.bought1/5素材和资料部分来自网络,如有侵犯您的权益,请联系文库作删除处理!12.John was made _ the car for a week as a punishment.A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing13.The sitting-room needs _,but itll have to wait until Saturday.A.be cleaning B.to be cleaned C.clean D.being cleaned14.The first thing I want to do is _.A.visit to him B.to visit him C.visiting him D.visited him15.Li Yang advised me _ too much;otherwise I would have been drunk.A.not to drink B.to drink C.not drinking D.drinking(二)用所给动词的适当形式填空1.On June 1st,parents usually spend some money in_(buy)pictures booksfor their children as presents.2.He asked us _(wear)old clothes to school the next day.3.Jim decided _(leave)Polly to me when he was back to England.4.Would you like _(buy)a bottle of orange for me?5.If you are tired,you can stop_(have)a rest.6.Do you know the girl_(call)Mary?7.He found it not easy_(do)it well.8.I dont feel like_(have)medicine even though I am ill.9.If you set your mind_(do)it,youll be successful in the end.10.Do you mind my_(open)the window?(三)完成句子1.We must find a person _(做这项工作)2.She didnt know _(说什么)3.Do you have _(什么问题要问)4.In my family,my mother is always the first one _(起床)5.This book is _(不容易)6.He was too excited _(说不出话来)7.Do you think it easy _(与他相处)8.There are _(许多事情要谈)素材和资料部分来自网络,如有侵犯您的权益,请联系文库作删除处理!9.I opened the door _(让新鲜空气进来)10._(学好一门外语)is not easy.素材和资料部分来自网络,如有侵犯您的权益,请联系文库作删除处理!综合填空Dreams(梦)may be more important than sleep.We all n_ to dream,somescientists say dreams take up(占据)about one quarter of our s_ time.Peoplehave several dreams each night.Dreams are like short f_.They are usuallyin colour.Some dreams are like old films.They e to us over and over a_.That may be because the dreamer is w_ about something.Dreaming may bea way of t_ to find an answer.Some people get new ideas about their workfrom dreams.They may(可能)have been thinking about their work all day.Thesethoughts can carry over(携入)into dreams.Sometimes we wake up with a goodf_ from a dream.But often we cant r_ the dream.Dreams candisappear(消失)quickly from memory(记忆).Too much dreaming can be harmful(有害的).The m_ we sleep,the longer we dream.The mind is hard at workw_ we dream.That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.参考答案:(一)选择1-5 CDCCB 6-10 ABCAD 11-15 BABAA(二)用所给动词的适当形式填空1.buying 2.to wear 3.to leave 4.to buy 5.to have 6.called 7.to do 8.having9.to do 10.opening(三)完成句子1.to do the job.2.what to say.3.any questions to ask.4.to get up.5.not easy.6.to speak out.7.to get on with him.8.many things to talk about素材和资料部分来自网络,如有侵犯您的权益,请联系文库作删除处理!9.to let the fresh air in10.to learn a foreign language well(四)综合填空need,sleeping,films,again,worried,thinking,feeling,remember,more,when-如有帮助请下载使用,万分感谢。
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