题目: iphone的仓储管理系统
姓 名 蒋欣怡 周娜
学 院 自动化学院
专 业 物流工程
班 级 2009211408班
学 号 09211915 09211916
班内序号 24 25
指导老师 苏志远
2012年 5月
基于系统分析报告综合采用多种常用软件开发的成熟技术及软件,对该系统进行了概要设计和详细设计,如充分利用Powerdesign强大的数据库建模能力设计实现了该库管系统的后台数据库(关系型数据库MYSQL 10.0)。
关键字 物流信息系统 库存管理 UML eclipse
Inventory management is a very complex work, it demands a lot of time to deal with a large number of documents data every day, including storage, a library, withdrawn and cold storage, and so on. Therefore, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of inventory management, it must be developed according to the characteristics of the warehouse management inventory logistics information systems.
The paper, based on the status of the development of logistics information system, is telling the process how an inventory information system software is designed for the specific circumstances of the professional company to provide warehousing services for Apple products. The system construction of the main objectives: to increase the product out of storage, transfer database, inventory and related financial and staff management efforts; comprehensive master warehouse information in real time to improve warehouse management and operational efficiency; preliminary logistics, capital flow integration and information flow. Firstly we carried out a detailed and consistent analysis of the feasibility of storage features of Apple products, and determine the need for development of stock logistics information system. Then the system using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) made a detailed and thorough system analysis, and describes the diverse needs of the inventory logistics information systems, organizational structure, business processes, data flow, the resulting system analysis report.
Using a combination of many commonly used software and mature technology, based on system analysis of the system outline and detailed design, for example, we take full advantage of the powerful database modeling capabilities of Powerdesign to achieve the back-end database system of inventory management (relational database is MYSQL 10.0).
Finally, with the powerful object-oriented features and graphical drag and drop programming tools, the eclipse development achieved multi-functional inventory logistics information system. We analyzed and designed many modules such as employee information management, rights management, goods management, client information management, provider information management, storage management, library management, inventory management, shift library management and library information management, at the same time, we wrote a variety of important documents of the software development process.
This paper analyzes the background of the system, a brief description of the system needs to solve the main problem, and solvation: development goals and needs, the system of business processes and architecture design, detailed design of the functional modules, the main function interface. This system is designed to efficiently manage and use the warehouse, as so as to make the warehouse operations standardization. There is a certain practical significance and value in real-time comprehensive grasping of the storage information, increasing visibility, improving warehouse management and operational efficiency.
前 言 1
第一章 系统概况 1
1.1 现有系统分析 1
1.2 开发意义 2
1.3 系统目标 2
第二章 系统分析 2
2.1.1技术可行性 2
2.1.2社会可行性 2
2.1.3操作可行性 3
2.2 需求分析 3
2.2.1系统功能需求分析 3
2.2.2组织结构分析 5
2.2.3系统业务需求分析 6
第三章 系统设计 10
3.1 总体结构设计 10
3.1.1软件描述 10
3.1.2代码设计 10
3.2 数据库设计 10
3.2.1系统数据表 11
3.2.2输入输出设计 18
3.2. 3部分程序设计 18
3.2.1用户登陆 19
3.2.2主界面 27
3.2.3出入库管理 44
3.2.4库位管理 65
第四章 总结与展望 68
致 谢 68
参考文献 68
第一章 系统概况