奶粉代理购销合同(中英文对照) 目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1、合同标的 1. CONTRACT’S SUBJECT MATTER 2. 合同价格和总额 2. CONTRACT PRICE AND TOTAL AMOUNT 3. 交货事宜 3. DELIVERY OF THE GOODS 4. 货物的数量和质量 4. QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF THE GOODS 5. 装运条款 5. SHIPMENT 6. 保险 6. INSURANCE 7. 付款条件及付款程序 7. PAYMENT TERMS AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 8. 双方的义务 8. THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 9. 保证 9. REPRESENT AND GUARANTEE 10. 不可抗力 10. FORCE MAJEURE 11. 争议的解决 11. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12. 其他条件 12. Miscellaneous 部分章节示例如下: 鉴于卖方系本合同项下销售的奶粉的生产厂家并具有出口产品的资质; 鉴于买方希望取得在本合同项下许可区域的产品代理经销权; 经双方协商一致,就 代理及购销事宜达成以下协议,以资信守: WHEREAS the Seller is the manufacturer of the milk powder under this contract and with the qualification to export the products. WHEREAS, the Buyer wishes to obtain the right to distribute the products on the agency basis in the territory licensed under this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by mutual consent, have agreed as follows in respect of the agency and purchase / distribution of : 1、合同标的 1. CONTRACT’S SUBJECT MATTER 1.1. 卖方如约生产、交付买方指定的奶粉产品(以下统称为“货物”);买方如约支付相应的费用。 卖方实际交付的货物及其票据应与订单约定的货物数量、种类、质量、价格等要求相符。 1.1. The Seller shall, in accordance with the agreement, manufacture and deliver the products of milk powder which specified by the Buyer (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Goods"); and the Buyer shall pay the corresponding costs as agreed. The goods actually delivered by the Seller and its documents or bills shall conform to the quantity, type, quality, price and other requirements of the goods stipulated in the Order. 1.2. 货物按最有利于买方接收且最有利于保障货物品质的方式交付。 1.2. The goods shall be delivered in the manner most favorable to the Buyer’s reception and to ensure the quality of the goods. 1.3. 买卖双方确定订单合同后,应根据订单合同约定付款。 1.3. The payment shall, upon the parties’ confirmation of the Order contract, be effected in accordance with the agreement of Order contract. 2. 合同价格和总额 2. CONTRACT PRICE AND TOTAL AMOUNT 2.1. 货物价格以订单合同约定为准。 2.1. The goods price shall be subject to the stipulation of Order contract. 2.2. 卖方按照买方订单上载明的内容发货。订单上应列明货物的具体品牌、分类、数量、价格,结算货币和付款方式以及其他应当在订单中予以明确的内容。 卖方应在收到买方订单之日起三日内向买方发送确认函并反馈备货情况。 经双方协商一致,双方可通过订单及确认函的方式对合同的履行作出补充约定,与本合同约定具有同等效力。 2.2. The Seller shall deliver the goods in accordance with the contents of the Buyer's Order which should specify the specific brand, classification, quantity and price of the goods, the currency of settlement and method of payment in addition to other details which shall be specified in the Order. The Seller shall, within three days upon receipt of the Buyer's Order, submit the Confirmation Letter thereof and feedback on the availability of the goods to the Buyer. The parties hereto may, by mutual negotiation, make additional agreements on the performance of the contract by means of the Order and Confirmation Letter, which shall have the same effect as this contractual agreement. 4. 货物的数量和质量 4. QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF THE GOODS 4.1卖方应提供符合买方销售区域同类商品在市场合法流通的证明文件。 4.1 The Seller shall provide documentary evidence of the legal circulation or sale of similar goods in the Buyer's market area. 4.2.货物的验收应按照订单及运输单证中载明的内容办理。如货物未通过验收,买方有权拒绝接受货物。 4.2. The inspection or acceptance of the goods shall be carried out in accordance with the contents of the Order and the transport documents. Provided that the goods fail to pass the inspection or acceptance, the Buyer shall be entitled to reject receipt of the goods. 4.3.因卖方原因导致的货物质量问题,给买方造成经济损失的,应由卖方承担。 4.3. The Seller shall undertake the responsibilities of any economic loss which caused to the Buyer due to the Seller’s reason of the goods quality. 5. 装运条款 5. SHIPMENT 5.1.卖方有义务将货物按时装载到买方提供的运输工具上。 5.1. The Seller is obliged to load the goods on the conveyance of transportation which provided by the Buyer. 5.2.卖方应向买方提供全部确保货物得以合法按期运输的相关文件(包括且不仅限于:货物清单、装箱单、提货单、出口报关资料、货物原产地证书、质量检测证明、英文标签等)。 5.2. The Seller shall provide the Buyer with all relevant documents and bills (including and not limited to: List of Goods, Packing List, Bill of Lading, Export Customs Declaration, Certificate of Origin, Quality Test Certificate, English label, etc.) to ensure the goods are transported legally and on schedule. 5.3.卖方应在装货后通知买方全部利于接收货物的相关事项。 5.3. The Seller shall, subsequent to loading or shipment of the goods, notify the Buyer of all issues which relevant to facilitate receipt of the goods. 5.4.买卖双方对其他相关费用承担的约定: 如有变更以订单合同为准。 从卖方仓库运输货物到买方指定承运人产生的任何费用,包括但不仅限于运费、货物保险等,应由卖方支付。 5.4. The agreement on other relevant expenses by the Seller and the Buyer, Any amendment or change thereof shall be subject to the Order contract. Any costs and fees incurred in transporting the goods from the Seller's warehouse to the Buyer's nominated carrier, including but not limited to the freight, insurance of the goods, etc., shall be paid by the Seller. 5.5. 中华人民共和国海关部门向买方同意接受的货物征收的税款由买方支付。 5.5. The taxes levied by the Customs authorities of the People's Republic of China on the goods agreed to be accepted
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