外研版八年级下外研版八年级下写作素养提升练写作素养提升练 Module 6 Hobbies 外研版八年级下外研版八年级下本模块的话题是“爱好”,介绍了爱好在休闲娱乐以及个人成长方面的作用。该话题贴近学生生活,与学生的日常息息相关,同时启发学生培养健康有情趣的爱好。素材典藏素材典藏hobby,as,valuable,value,interest,skill,activity,encourage,result,pleasure,success,relaxing,active单 词:素材典藏素材典藏have a look,as a result,be interested in,come out,learn new skills,usual activities短 语:素材典藏素材典藏1.My hobby is writing.2.Hobbies have brought pleasure and success.3.I talked about my life and told interesting stories in my writing.4.Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.句 型:经典例题经典例题每个人都有自己的业余爱好,好的业余爱好不但可以陶冶我们的情操,增强我们的体质,放松我们的身心,还能让我们在学习或工作时精力更旺盛,效率更高。作为一名中学生,你在忙碌的学习之余做些什么?请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈一谈你的业余爱好。经典例题经典例题1.写作要点提示:(1)你的业余爱好是什么;(2)重点讲述你从事业余爱好的一次经历;(3)你的业余爱好对你学习、生活的影响。2.写作要求:短文的内容应包含所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,使短文的意思连贯;短文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;短文的词数在90左右。经典例题经典例题1.体裁:体裁:本文是一篇记叙文。2.话题:话题:记叙你的爱好经历,及它带给你的影响。3.人称:人称:应使用第一人称。4.时态:时态:本文围绕“My hobby”展开写作,介绍一次从事爱好的经历。注意描述经历使用一般过去时。在描述影响时,要用一般现在时。【审题指导审题指导】经典例题经典例题【思路构建思路构建】经典例题经典例题My hobbyI have many hobbies,but reading is my favorite all the time.I spend most of my free time on it.When I was five years old,my mother gave me a book as my birthday present.I learned a lot from it.As a result,I was interested in reading.I like reading best,because it can not only bring me more knowledge,but also teach me many skills of writing.I love reading!【范文赏析范文赏析】经典例题经典例题点评:本篇范文短小精悍,内容切题:作者开篇点题,说明爱好;其次,以母亲送书,说明自己如何喜欢上阅读;最后点明阅读的好处。语言连贯通顺,使用了如When I was five years old,because,as a result 等结构,使文章紧凑,是一篇佳作。写作实践写作实践为了配合“足球进校园”活动,你们班开展了一次主题班会。请你以足球迷的身份,根据表格中的要点提示,用英语向同学们介绍足球这项运动并谈谈自己的梦想。常识 历史悠久,深受喜爱,世界杯每4年举行一次好处 男生女生皆可参加,利于培养团队精神自拟(至少1点)偶像 梅西,有足球天赋梦想 自拟(至少1点)写作实践写作实践注意:1.词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2.短文须包括所有要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:梅西 MessiDear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 footballthemed schools by 2020._写作实践写作实践_Dear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 footballthemed schools by 2020.Football has a very long history.It is liked by people all over the world.The World Cup takes place every four years.Playing football has lots of advantages.First,both boys and girls can take part in it.Second,it helps develop team spirit.写作实践写作实践_Whats more,playing football is good for our health.Im a football fan.Messi is my hero.He has a gift for playing football.My dream is to become a famous football player like Messi.I hope China will hold the World Cup some day.Thank you for your attention.
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