【推荐推荐】人教新目标版人教新目标版英语八年级下册(英语八年级下册(全书全书)课件课件省优省优PPTPPT(共共10291029张)(张)(20202020年制作)年制作)一次下载,终生使用一次下载,终生使用一次下载,终生使用一次下载,终生使用如果您现在暂时不需要,记得收藏此网页!如果您现在暂时不需要,记得收藏此网页!因为因为再搜索到我再搜索到我的的机会为零机会为零!错过我,就意味着永远失去错过我,就意味着永远失去错过我,就意味着永远失去错过我,就意味着永远失去 精选精选精选精选各各各各省级省级省级省级优秀课优秀课优秀课优秀课原创原创原创原创获奖课件获奖课件获奖课件获奖课件请仔细核对教材版本与目录哦!请仔细核对教材版本与目录哦!含本书所有课时,但顺序可能与目录不同Unit 1Unit 1Whats the matter?Whats the matter?Section A 1a2d 八年级英语下 新目标 人Lets learn the parts of the body.headarmfootleghandneckkneestomachthroat Look at the picture.Write the correct letter a-m for each part of the body._ arm _ back _ ear _ eye _ foot_ hand _ head _ leg _ mouth_ neck _nose _ stomach _ toothhegibajlcdmkfHe has a cold.Whats the matter with him?She has a stomachache.Whats the matter with her?He has a sore back.Whats the matter with him?教材解教材解读读1.Whats the matter?本句是本句是对对某人患有疾病的某人患有疾病的询问询问,相当相当于于Whats the trouble(with you)?/Whats wrong(with you)?/What seems to be the trouble?“你哪儿不舒你哪儿不舒服服/怎么了怎么了?”。Whats the matter with you?你怎你怎么了么了?I have a toothache.我牙疼。我牙疼。2.I have a cold.have a cold表示表示“感冒感冒”,相当于相当于catch a cold,修修饰饰患重感冒用患重感冒用bad。注意后。注意后者者catch a cold不能和表示不能和表示“一段一段时间时间”的状的状语连语连用。用。I had/caught a bad cold last week.上周我得了一上周我得了一场场重感冒。重感冒。3.I have a stomachache.stomachache n.胃痛胃痛;腹痛。腹痛。stomach 胃胃;腹部。腹部。“have/has a+病痛的名病痛的名词词”表示表示“患某种病患某种病”。He has a stomachache.他胃痛。他胃痛。【拓展拓展】患病的相关短患病的相关短语语:have a stomachache胃痛胃痛;have a fever发烧发烧;have a headache头头痛痛;have a sore throat喉喉咙咙疼疼;have a toothache牙痛牙痛;have a cough咳嗽。咳嗽。【辨析辨析】sore,ache,pain(1)sore指因指因发发炎引起的疼痛炎引起的疼痛,是形容是形容词词,用以修用以修饰饰名名词词。常用。常用结结构构为为“have a sore+身体部位身体部位”。She has a sore back.她背疼。她背疼。(2)ache常与身体部位名常与身体部位名词词构成合成构成合成词词,指某部位疼痛。常用指某部位疼痛。常用结结构构为为“have a+身体部位身体部位-ache”。I have a toothache.我牙痛。我牙痛。(3)pain指身体某部位疼痛。常用指身体某部位疼痛。常用结结构构为为“have/feel a pain in the/ones+身体部位身体部位”。She felt a pain in her stomach.她感到胃疼。她感到胃疼。Listen and look at the picture.Then number the names 1-5.Nancy _ Sarah _ David _Ben _ Judy _41235She talked too much yesterday anddidnt drink enough water.She has a very sore throat now.Whats the matter with Judy?Look at the picture.What are the students problems?Make conversations.I have a sore back.I have a stomachache.I have a toothache.Whats the matter?Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them.12345The general idea of the conversations is about.A.study problems B.health problemsC.health problems and adviceListen to the tape and find out the general idea of the conversations.C1.fever a.lie down and rest2.cough and sore throat b.drink some hot tea with honey3.stomachache c.see a dentist and get an X-ray4.toothache d.take your temperature5.cut myself e.put some medicine on itListen again.Match the problems with the advice.Listen again.Then fill in the blanks.You shouldI have a cough and a sore throat.drink some hot tea with honey.You should _I have a toothache.see a dentist and get an X-ray.lie down and restI have a stomachache.You should _ _.take your temperature.I have a fever.You should _ _I cut myself by accident.You should _ _.put some medicine on it.A:Whats the matter?B:My head feels very hot.A:Maybe you have a feverB:Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.教材解教材解读读1.lie down and rest lie v.躺躺;平躺。平躺。现现在分在分词词是是lying。lie down 躺下。躺下。The dog was lying on the ground.狗躺在地上。狗躺在地上。【拓展拓展】lie作作动词动词意意为为“位于位于”,相当于相当于is/are,还还可意可意为为“说谎说谎,撒撒谎谎”。lie作名作名词词意意为为“谎谎言言”。Taiwan lies/is to the east of Fujian Province.台湾位于福建省的台湾位于福建省的东东部。部。Dont believe her because she always lies.别别信她信她,因因为为她她总总是是说谎说谎。You are lying,but lies can not cover up facts.你你在在说谎说谎,但但谎谎言掩盖不了事言掩盖不了事实实。【辨析辨析】lay,lie原原 形形过过去式去式过过去分去分词词 现现在分在分词词lay 产产(卵卵);下下(蛋蛋)laidlaidlayinglie 躺躺;位于位于laylainlyinglie 说谎说谎liedliedlying2.drink some hot tea with honey with说说明名明名词词,表示事物的附属部表示事物的附属部分或所具有的性分或所具有的性质质,意意为为“具有具有,带带有有,加上加上,包括包括在内在内”,如如“加加的茶水的茶水、馅馅的包子、水的包子、水饺饺”等。本句中等。本句中with honey作作hot tea的后置定的后置定语语。He doesnt like tea with sugar.他不喜他不喜欢欢加糖的茶水。加糖的茶水。I like dumplings with meat.我喜我喜欢欢肉肉馅馅的水的水饺饺。【拓展拓展】with是介是介词词,表示表示“和和一一起起”。with还还表示表示“带带有有,有着有着”,指人随指人随身身“长长着着,戴着戴着,带带着着”,还还表示人或物表示人或物的某种特征。的某种特征。He likes to live with his parents.他喜他喜欢欢和父母住在一起。和父母住在一起。China is a country with a long history.中国是一个有着悠久中国是一个有着悠久历历史的国家。史的国家。Please take an umbrella with you.请请随身随身带带把把伞伞。Read the conversation and answer the questions:(任任务题务题)(1)Whats the matter with Lisa?(2)Did she have a fever?(3)What did she do on the weekend?(4)What does she need to do?(5)What should she do now?(6)What should she do if things dont get better?She has a headache and cant move her neck.She needs to take breaks away from the computer.No,she didnt.She played computer games all weekend.She should lie down and rest.She should go to a doctor.教材解教材解读读1.Should I take my temperature?take ones temperature 意意为为“量体温量体温”。Tom is ill.The doctor is taking his temperature now.汤汤姆生病了。大夫姆生病了。大夫正在正在给给他量体温。他量体温。2.You need to take breaks away from the computer.take breaks 表示表示“休息休息”,away from表表示示“远远离离,不在不在”。The old man enjoyed the holiday,away from the city noise.这这位老人喜位老人喜欢欢度假度假,远远离城市的喧离城市的喧闹闹。3.Y
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