Unit 6 Using language I. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。 1. He is standing still beside the window, ________ (see) a spider making a web. 2. The museum, ________ (locate) next to the Wuzhen scenic spot, covers an area of 5,000 square metres. 3. They put the food out in their backyards and spent time in the nice weather, ________ (watch) birds. 4. “Don’t travel during the holidays” is one golden rule ________ (follow) by my friends for years, especially during the Spring Festival as the traffic is heavy. 5. Knowing what types of plants were growing in the area allows the scientists ________ (make) inferences about the climate at that time by using knowledge about modern and historical distributions of plants in relation to climate. 6. ________ (direct) by Chris Sanders, the film The Call of the Wild follows a dog named Buck as he is stolen from his home in California and sent to the Yukon, where he befriends an old outdoorsman and begins a life-altering adventure. II. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Travelling around Europe is always 1. ________ (excite), because it’s full of interesting things to see, from historical, culturally important monuments (历史遗迹) to natural sites. But Europe is also full 2. ________ magical and mysterious locations that will surprise even the experienced travellers and blow the minds of anyone who sees 3. ________ (they). Some of them are natural, while others are man-made. But there’s something similar about all these places — all of them are so mysterious 4. ________ if you go there, you’ll feel completely different and you’ll never forget your experience. Are you ready 5. ________ (take) the most amazing journey of your life? First and foremost, put Crooked Forest in Europe on your list! One of the most wonderful 6. ________ (forest) in the world, Crooked Forest is located in Poland, close to the border with Germany. It’s a small grove (小树林) and all trees in it have a quite strange shape. They 7. ________ (bend) over almost 90 degrees at the trunk and then they twist back straight again and keep on growing straight up, like all normal trees do. The only thing we know about this forest is that it was planted in 8. ________ 1930s. Why the trees took this strange shape still remains a mystery. According to one of the theories, it was done to produce 9. ________ (natural) bended wood for boats, but the 10. ________ (produce) was stopped as a result of the German invasion. III. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 The history of writing instruments,with which humans have recorded and conveyed thoughts and feelings,is the history of civilization itself.This is how we know about our ancestors and their life. The handy sharpened-stone was adapted into the first writing instrument.Around 24,000 BC,the cave man started drawing pictures with the stone onto the walls of his cave. 1  Walls at the Apollo site in Namibia are believed to be the oldest rock paintings to date.  Before paper came along,people used clay or wax tablets on which they wrote with sharp objects such as metal sticks or bones.Around 6,000 years ago,the Egyptians invented the first paper-like material called papyrus.The word “paper” actually comes from the word “papyrus”.  2  Bones or metal sticks were no longer useful as the papyrus could not be scratched.So the Egyptians created a reed-pen perfect for the papyrus. 3  And thus,ancient Egyptians transformed bamboo stems (茎) into an early form of a fountain pen.  Another writing instrument that remained active in history for a long period was the quill (鹅毛) pen.Introduced around 700 AD,the quill was a pen made from a bird feather.Goose feathers were most common. 4  For making fine line drawings,crow feathers were the best.  When writers had better inks and paper and handwriting had developed into both an art form and an everyday occurrence,man’s inventive nature once again turned to improving the writing instrument. 5   A.Now something was needed to write upon the papyrus. B.The papyrus became the most popular material at that time. C.Swan feathers were of high quality,being rare and most expensive. D.Bamboo stems were better and much more expensive than goose feathers. E.This led to the development of the modern fountain pen in the 19th century. F.These were mostly the stems of grass,especially from the bamboo plant. G.These drawings showed events in daily life like the planting of crops or hunting victories. 答案 I. 1. seeing 2. located 3. watching 4. followed 5. to make 6. Directed II. 1. exciting 2. of 3. them 4. that 5. to take 6. forests 7. are bent 8. the 9. naturally 10. production III. 1-5 GAFCE
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