名校版高考高中英语语法详解 动词see主要意思及考点 常见动词see所表达的意思有很多,今天主要讲其中的四个意思。它在使用中的注意事项及考试要点分述如下。 1.see用作及物动词时,可以指“看见,看到”。比如:I demand to see the manager.我坚决要求见经理。It's great to see you again.很高兴再次见到你 2.see的意思是“会见,接待,访问”。比如:We are going to see grandma in hospital tomorrow.我们明天要去医院探望奶奶。 3.see指“陪伴,送”。比如I’ll see you to the door.我送你到门口。Someone ought to see the children safely home.应该有人送孩子们安全回家。 4.see的意思是“发觉,理解”。比如:I see that I was wrong.我发现我错了。Did you see what I mean?你明白我的意思吗?I can’t see why she is so against the plan.我不明白为什么她这么反对这个计划。 5.see表示“目睹,经历”。比如:You and I have seen some good times together.你和我一起共同度过一些美好时光。 难点及考点: 1.当“看见”讲时,see后面再用动词时,要用省略to的动词不定式。比如:We saw him leave the room.我们看到他离开房间。 但是,如果see用在被动语态中,则动词不定式符号to要保留。比如:He was seen to leave the room. 2.当see表示“看,看见;看出,认出;经历;理解,认识到;明白;认为,看待”时,不用进行时。比如: It is so dark and I can hardly see.天太黑了,我几乎看不到。I looked for her, but I could see her in the crowd.我找她,但在人群中没见到她。 This old house has seen better days.这座房子曾有过风光的日子,但现在破败不堪。It took me a while to see the truth of her remarks.过了一会我才理解她话中的真意。 I can not see the point of learning it.我就不明白学习它有什么意义。How do you see the current situation?你怎样看现在的局势? 3.分清see与look,watch区别。see表示看见某一件事的发生,强调结果;look表示集中精力,注意或试图看见什么东西,强调动作;watch强调全神贯注地看变化或发展的事物。比如: I looked but saw nothing.我看了,但什么也没看见。They are watching how the machine work.他们在看机器怎样运转。 4.看电影,戏剧用see,比如:see a film;看电视则用watch,比如:watch TV。 英语的程度副词,比如,almost、very、hardly、quite和rather等都是用来修饰形容、副词和动词的。修饰的词不同,这些副词的位置也不一样,而且它们会经常出现在试卷中。下面就常见的七个程度副词举例说明。 1.very的意思是“很,非常”。very用于修饰形容词、副词和分词时,要放在它所修饰的词之前。比如: These people are very odd.这些人都很古怪。Evans played very well.埃文斯比赛很出色。I am very tired.我很累。 2.quite的意思是“完全地;非常”。它可以放在be 动词之后、动词之前、助动间don't/doesn’t和原形动词之间。比如: My position is quite different.我的立场完全不同。“I quite understand,” he replied.“我很理解”,他回答道。Something doesn't quite fit here.这里有点不大协调. 3.much意思为“非常,很”。通常放在副词之前、形容词之前及情态动词之后。比如: You must work much harder in order to make your parents happy.为了使你的父母高兴,你必须更加努力。This isn't much good.这东西没多大用处。 4.almost的意思是“几乎,差不多”,通常位于be动词之后、行为动词之前、情态动词之后。比如: Her expression is almost comical.她的表情几乎有点儿滑稽。She is not happy and she almost said nothing. 她不高兴,几乎一言不发。It would almost certainly succeed, but he gave up.几乎肯定要成功了,结果他放弃了。 5. enough的意思是“足够地”,它可以放在形容词之后及副词之后。这也是英语考试的考点。比如: We didn't leave early enough.我们离开得不够早。His mother got angry for he didn’t work hard enough.他的妈妈很生气,因为他不够用功。 enough作为副词修饰形容词、副词时,放在所修饰词的后面。但是,当enough作为形容词修饰名词时,放在它所修饰词的前面。比如:Heaven knows they have enough money.确实他们有足够的钱。 6.rather的意思是“相当,颇”,它一般放在动词、形容词及副词之前。比如: The leaves taste rather bitter.这些叶子尝起来相当苦。The young teacher rather likes her students.这位年轻老师相当喜欢她的学生们。My blue shirt is rather too big, but I still like it.我的蓝色衬衫太大了,但我还是很喜欢它。 7.hardly的意思是“几乎不”,通常位于动词之前、情态动词之后及构成时态的助动词和动词之间,它也是考试的考点。比如: I can hardly believe it.我几乎不敢相信。 Sometimes I hardly dare open my mouth.有时我几乎不敢开口说话。He has hardly touched the ball all game.他整场比赛几乎没碰到过球。 汉语的“工厂”一词在英语中的对应词有factory、plant、works和mill。下面我们看看各种工厂的英语都怎么说。 常用factory一词表示“工厂”的有机电类工厂、轻工类工厂。比如:汽车厂automobile factory;柴油机厂diesel engine factory;电影机械厂filming equipment factory;广播器材厂radio equipment factory;electrical appliance factory工器材厂;musical instrument factory乐器厂;arts and crafts factory工艺美术厂;电线缆厂wire and cable factory。 化纤厂chemical fibre factory;卷烟厂cigarette factory;服装厂clothing factory;塑料厂plastics factory 合成橡胶厂synthetic rubber factory;制鞋厂shoe factory。 由plant组成的工厂名称有:发电厂power plant;无线电制造厂radio manufacturing plant;通用机械厂general machinery plant;重型机床厂heavy machine tool plant。 矿冶机械厂mining machinery plant;炼铁厂iron smelting plant;炼钢厂steel plant;塑料厂plastic materials plant;包装厂packaging plant;制冷厂refrigerating plant;化工厂chemical plant;化肥厂fertilizer plant。 一些工厂名称机电类、轻工类、冶炼类的工厂是由works构成的。比如;汽轮机厂turbine works;低压开关厂low-voltage switchgear works;化工设备厂chemical engineering equipment works;电表仪器厂electric instrument & apparatus works;玻璃厂glass works;邮票厂stamp printing works;钢铁厂iron and steel works。 由mill组成的工厂名称有:轧钢厂steel mill;棉纱厂cotton mill;棉纺织厂cotton textile mill;针织厂knit goods mill;丝绸厂silk mill 纸板厂;毛纺厂woolen mill; 印染厂printing and dyeing mill。 还有:汽车制造厂auto manufacturer;石油加工厂 petroleum refinery;电影制片厂film studio。 提到将来时,我们就会想到will/shall+原形动词这种形式。其实,一般将来时的表达方式还有很多种,对这些方式的了解会有助于我们写出地道的英语句子。下面这四点也是英语考试的考点。 1.“be+to+动词原形” be+不定式表示将来时间时,常常表示比较正式的安排、公务或是人为控制的动作。比如: The two young men are to get married at the end of the year.两个年轻人年底结婚。 The teacher and the student are to meet at ten tomorrow.老师和学生约定明天十点见面。 有时在禁止或公告等中也会用“be+to+动词原形”表示将来。比如: This kind of bags is not to be bought in the store nearby.这种包包在附近商店买不到。The dictionary is not to be purchased here.这本辞典在这里买不到。由于新冠疫情,原定于5月20日召开学校运动会将取消。The sports meet scheduled for May 20 is to be put off due to COVID-19. 2.用某些动词的进行时态形式表示将来时间 有些动态动词,尤其是表示表示位置转移的动词,比如arrive、come、leave,go等,都可以用现在进行时表示来时间。比如: Some students are leaving from Hongqiao Railway Station tomorrow.一些学生将在明天离开虹桥火车站。 We are going to the supermarket in the afternoon.我们下午去超市。 Just wait for me. I’m driving home at four this afternoon.等着我。我今天下午四点开车回家。 3.用一般现在时
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