高中英语阅读理解技巧点拨2则 高中英语 | 阅读理解技巧点拨(1) 理解主旨和要义——段落大意题和全文大意题 理解语篇的主旨和要义是高考英语阅读理解的考查技能之一。解答这种类型的题目需要考生具备很强的篇章分析能力。从考查的题型类别看,理解主旨和要义的题目一般可分为两类:段落大意题和全文大意题。段落大意题针对语篇的某段或者某几段的主要内容进行提问。全文大意题针对整个语篇的主题进行提问。 下面我们结合高考真题对这两种题型的解题技巧具体说明。 ☆段落大意题 解答段落大意题,最关键的是要找到段落主题句。段落主题句可出现在段首或段尾。这类文章一般段内层次较为分明,多采用“总——分”或“分——总”结构。但有时主题句会出现在段落的中间,这时段落结构一般是:细节——主题——细节。请特别关注段落内起过渡作用的词汇,如however、but、and、also、for example、in conclusion、on the contrary等。 例1:(2022年高考英语全国I卷D篇,保留原题号,下同) The connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research. Recent studies have found positive effects. A study conducted in Youngstown, Ohio, for example, discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime. In another, employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants 32. What is the first paragraph mainly about? A. A new study of different plants. B. A big fall in crime rates. C. Employees from various workplaces. D. Benefits from green plants. 【分析】 段落主题句为Recent studies have found positive effects。第一句介绍人与植物之间的关系为科学研究的常见主题。第二句(主题句)介绍近期的研究指出了植物对人的积极影响。之后的两句用两个科研成果具体阐释了这些积极影响。答案选项(D项)中的Benefits为主题词positive effects的同义替换表达。 例2:(2022年高考英语全国III卷B篇) . The creative team behind “Apes” used motion-capture ( 动作捕捉) technology to create digitalized animals, spending tens of millions of dollars on technology that records an actor's performance and later processes it with computer graphics to create a final image ( 图像). In this case, one of a realistic-looking ape. . 25. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about? A. The cost of making “Apes. ” B. The creation of digitalized apes. C. The publicity about “Apes. ” D. The performance of real apes. 【分析】 该段落遵循了“总——分”的写作方法。该段由两句构成,首句的主句部分为段落主题句,介绍了《猩球崛起》的创意团队用动作捕捉技术制作电子动物。第二句具体介绍了这部电影中制作的是“猿”这种动物。答案选项(B项)中的creation原词复现了主题句中的create;digitalized apes是主题句中的digitalized animals的下义词;apes与原文第二句中的ape构成原词复现。 ☆全文大意题 全文大意题考查考生能否分辨主题和细节,是否具有提纲挈领的能力。做这类题时,要求考生能理解全文细节,然后运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑方法对文章进行总结。常用的技巧有: 1. 寻找主题句。文章的主题句通常出现在文章第一段或最后一段,而有些文章需要通过归纳总结每段的段落大意获得主题句。 2. 抓住高频词。选项形式为一两个单词或一个短语时,文中被反复提到的概念或名称多是正确选项。 3. 看选项特点。正确选项通常不含表示绝对意义的词,而且不能只是概括某个细节或表述局部观点,也不能包括文章没有提及的内容。 例1:(2022年高考英语全国II卷B篇). Psychologist Susan Levine, an expert on mathematics development in young children at the University of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition ( 认知) after controlling for differences in parents' income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said. The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age. . The findings were published in the journal Developmental Science. 27. What is the text mainly about? A. A mathematical method. B. A scientific study. C. A woman psychologist. D. A teaching program. 【分析】 该题目的选项均由三个词的词组组成,属于高度概括型的选项。文章中的Psychologist、researchers、found、analyzed、findings等词为主题词,这些词分别与科学研究的从事者、研究的实施方法、研究的结果相关,据此可判断,文章的主要内容是一项科学研究,故选B项。 例2:(2022年高考英语全国III卷C篇) With the young unable to afford to leave home and the old at risk of isolation (孤独), more families are choosing to live together. The doorway to peace and quiet, for Nick Bright at least, leads straight to his mother-in-law: she lives on the ground floor, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters It's hard to tell exactly how many people agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers have been rising for some time. Official reports suggest that the number of households with three generations living together had risen from 325,000 in 2001 to 419,000 in 2013. Other varieties of multigenerational family are more common. Some people live with their elderly parents; many more adult children are returning to the family home, if they ever left. It is said that about 20% of 25-34-year-olds live with their parents, compared with 16% in 1991. The total number of all multigenerational households in Britain is thought to be about 1.8 million. Stories like that are more common in parts of the world where multigenerational living is more firmly rooted. In India, particularly outside cities, young women are expected to move in with their husband's family when they get married. 31. What is the text mainly about? A. Lifestyles in different countries. B. Conflicts between generations. C. A housing problem in Britain. D. A rising trend of living in the UK. 【分析】 本文遵循“总——分——总”的写作手法。首段综述了一个现象:由于年轻人无法负担独居的费用,且老年人会面临孤独的问题,很多家庭选择多代同住;接着以Nick Bright一家为例,具体介绍了这种现象;最后三段是针对这种现象的一些研究、评价及延伸。答对此道题目的关键在于理解各个段落的大意及关系,并且需要根据段落主题词才能概括出答案选项(D项)的内容。尤其是答案选项中的rising trend,需要根据倒数第二、三段中的各种数据推断而来。 综上,解答理解主旨和要义的题目,需要从分析语篇的写作结构入手,并运用相关语篇知识。同学们应在平时的学习中加强这些能力的训练,以便在考试中做到游刃有余。 高中英语 | 阅读理解技巧点拨(2) 标题归纳题考查考生准确理解全文、提炼信息、概括总结的能力。这种题型要
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