状语从句句子简单句并列句复合句名词性从句主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句定语从句状语从句状语?动作时间地点方式原因目的结果。状语?某个状态的程度好good相当好quite good非常好very good可以作状语的有?句子短语词我马上就回来。我完成工作后就回来。in a minuteI will return after I finish my workI will return soon.你必须把车停在这里。你必须把车停在角落里。你必须把车停在人很少的地方。You must stop your car here.You must stop your car at the corner.You must stop your car where there are few people.状语从句的划分状语从句时间条件让步结果目的方式原因地点比较引导词的解题步骤1.找出主从句2.根据主从句的逻辑和意思选择正确引导词知识点各引导词介绍考点引导词的比较:when,while,as;until&till从句中时态的选择时间按状语从句时间状语从句的引导词当时whenaswhile一就as soon asthe minutethe momentdirectlyinstantlyimmediately刚一就hardlywhenscarcelywhenno soonerthan直到时候untiltillbefore:在之前after:在之后since:自从every/each time:每次next time:下次when,while,asWhen you think you know nothing,then you begin to know something.当你以为自己一无所知的时候,你就是在知道一些事情。Work while you work,and play while you play;that is the way to be happy and gay.工作时工作,游戏时游戏;这才是幸福 之道。When,as,whileas,when+While+延续性动词He fell asleep when/while/as he was reading.It was raining hard when/as we arrived.When 引导的从句动作可以发生在主句之前,之后或同时发生。while,as 强调和主句的动作同时发生。When he finished his homework,he took a rest.As I was going out,it began to rain.延续性动词/短暂性动作延续性动词:可以持续一段时间的动作 如stay;work;learn;live;read瞬时动词:开始就结束的动作如die;leave;come;go;arrive;start;begin;finish;become;get;open;close成对瞬时动词和持续性动词 die(be dead):死 buy(have):买 leave(be away):离开 catch a cold(have a cold):感冒marry(be married):结婚 put on(wear):穿As as 还有“随着”的含义 As spring warms the earth,all flowers begin to bloom.As years go by,China is getting stronger andricher“一边一边”The students took notes as they listened whenbe about to dowhen“正打算忽然”也可加just 表示强调例句:I was about to go swimming when our guide stopped me.我正要去游泳,这时向导把我拦住了。I was just reading when she came in.while 趁着 Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁。侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。如:Please dont talk so loud while others are working.Until&till意思都是“直到某时”主句是肯定句:“做直到”动词是延续性动词主句是否定句:“直到才”动词可以是非延续性的。例句:She watched TV until/till her mother came back.她看电视直到她母亲回来 She didnt watch TV until/till her mother came back.直到她母亲回来她才(开始)看电视。They slept till noon.他一直睡到中午 They didnt get up until noon.他一直睡到中午才起床。until可放句首,可用强调句型。Till不可 句型转换:直到我们向他们指出了他们的错误,他们才意识到。1.They didnt realize their fault until/till we pointed it out to them.2.Not until we pointed out their fault to them did they realize it.3.It was not until we pointed out their fault that they realized it.As soon as,the minute,the moment,directly,instantly,immediatelyI became financially independent as soon as I found a job.My brother said that he would give me a ring the moment/minute he reached London.Directly/instantly/immediately he was out of sight of her he wanted to see her.Be out of sight:见不到-Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见为净。no sooner than,hardly when,scarcely when:刚就主句用过去完成时,从句过去时主句用过去完成时,从句过去时Hardly had I sat down when the telephone rang.I had hardly sat down when the telephone rang.我刚坐下,电话铃就响了。The laugh had scarcely died away when someone laughed again.笑声刚结束有人就又笑起来了。Scarcely Scarcely had the laugh died away when someone laughed again No sooner_(close eyes)than he_(fall asleep).他刚闭上眼睛就睡着了Hehad he closed his eyesfell asleepBefore,afterYou have to consider your character and interest before you make a decision.He will go to study abroad after he graduates from college.Since:自从从句用过去时,主句现在完成时从句用过去时,主句现在完成时 Great changes have taken place since the town was liberated.It is+时段+sinceIt is three months since he got married.=It has been three months since he got married.every time,next time,the dayEvery time I listen to your advice,I get into trouble.Next time you come,please bring your composition.The day he returned home,his father was already dead.时态回顾I will give the secretary message the moment she comes back from the meeting.1.主将从先She has worked as a nurse since she left school.2.sinceHardly had we arrived when it began to rain.3.hardly/scarcely when,no soonerthan1.引导词介绍2.时态的选择条件状语从句引导词If(如果);unless(除非);once(一旦);in case(万一)假如:Suppose;supposing(that)Provided(that);providing(that);on condition that 只要:as/so long as;If(如果);unless(除非);We shall have a picnic if it is a fine day tomorrow.unless=if notYou will never play the piano well unless you practice more.=You will never play the piano well if you dont practice more.in case(万一),once(一旦)In case I forget,please remind me about it.。In case you need something,please dont hesitate to let me know.Once you get into a bad habit,it will be very hard to get rid of it.条件状语从句中的时态从句中用现在时代替将来时,那么 If you will go with me,Ill wait for you.?如果你愿意跟我去,我就等你。但若从句谓语用了will或would,那will或would则是表示“愿意”的情态动词。as/so long as(只要)例句:As long as we dont lose heart,we will find a way to overcome the difficulty.You can learn anything so long as you set your mind to learn it.Set ones mind to do sth.=determine to do sth.下定决心做某事1.lose heart:灰心丧气2.Overcome the difficulty:克服困难Suppose/supposing/provided/providing(that)/on condition that(假如)Supposing/suppose(that)he doesnt agree,what will you do?He will do the work providing/provided(that)you pay him.Well let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy.引导词:where;wh
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