Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A(影片1)blackblondWhat color are his eyes?What color is his hair?blueblondWhat color are his eyes?blueWhat color is her hair?blond They look the same.They have black hair and black eyes.看起来很像。看起来很像。look 意为意为“看起来看起来”。They dont look the same,but they are good friends.Listen,look and say.Pay attention to the intonation.Oh,he is my friend,Yukio.Who is that boy?(影片2)1b.Listen and complete the table.Name CountryHair(color)Eyes(color)Yukio Michael America Kangkang ChinaJapanblackblackblackblueblackblond2.Please retell the dialog according to the table.You can retell like this:Yukio isgreenorangewhitegraywhitepink purpleredyellowA:What color is this?B:Its pink.blackwhiteorangepinkyellowgreenblueredpurplebrowngrayAsk and answer about colors.Point out the colors in the pictureand write them down.Colors_blackyellow greenwhite pink blue brownpurpleredorangegrayGuess first,then listen,check and color the pictures.词汇:词汇:black blue blond brown green gray pink purple red yellow white orange句子:句子:We dont look the same.What color is it?Its pink.color观察观察你你的的班班里里有有多多少少种种颜颜色色。你你能能把把它它们们写写下下来来吗吗?
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