Aredcoat三年级“跟上兔子”系列英语绘本TeachingContents教学内容:三年级“跟上兔子”系列英语绘本AredcoatTeachingaimsandlearningobjectives教学目标:1.能在情境中听懂、会读服饰类单词。2.能正确使用日常交际用语Lookat以及对他人进行赞美的句型。3.能通过阅读文本和图片,理解绘本故事的内容。Focusofthelessonandpredictedareaofdifficulty教学重点和难点:1.能较流利朗读故事并了解故事大意。2.通过本课的学习,学生能了解到物品再利用的意义并体会到DIY的乐趣。It is an animal.It is tall.It has a long neck(脖子).g gi ir ra affeffe Guess a riddleMrs GiraffeMrs Giraffe DIY DIY She can make Look and sayskirt bagglove 手套手套scarf围巾围巾Im a tailor.裁缝裁缝手工制作手工制作Mrs Giraffe会会把牛仔裤改造把牛仔裤改造成什么呢?成什么呢?我亲爱的女儿我亲爱的女儿Nancy 也非常喜欢也非常喜欢DIY呢!呢!小朋友们小朋友们,仔细观察封面,仔细观察封面,你们能获得什么信息呢?你们能获得什么信息呢?Read the coverTitle 标题标题character 人物人物NancyHelenMikeWhose(谁的谁的)?Do you want to know more?Do you want to know more?Q Q:小朋友们,故事中小朋友们,故事中这这件红色的外套被件红色的外套被做成哪些有创意的服装呢?做成哪些有创意的服装呢?Read the storyThink and chooseQ Q:What clothes do they DIY with the red coat?A.B.C.D.F.E.dress长裙,连衣裙长裙,连衣裙headwear发饰发饰小朋友们,在这个故事中小朋友们,在这个故事中这些这些DIY服装出现的顺序服装出现的顺序是什么?它们又分别是谁是什么?它们又分别是谁做的呢?做的呢?Read and answerRead and answer小朋友们小朋友们,我们再仔细地我们再仔细地读一读这个故事吧!读一读这个故事吧!It is winter.Thank you,Mum.Happy Birthday,my dear.Look and sayLook and say冬天冬天BenLook at my new coat!How nice!Read and dub Read and dub小朋友们,请想象小朋友们,请想象Nancy此时的心情并此时的心情并来给她配音吧!来给她配音吧!It is spring.RRead and thinkead and thinkThis coat is short for you,dear.短的短的春天春天I have a good idea,Mum.好主意好主意 DIY DIY Does the red coat fit Nancy now?现在现在Nancy的这件红外套还合身吗?的这件红外套还合身吗?Is the dress for Is the dress for NancyNancy?小朋友们,连衣裙小朋友们,连衣裙是是Nancy为为她自己她自己做的吗?做的吗?Think and say Think and say L Look and sayook and say_ makes a dress for _.NancyHelenThis is for you.I like it.Thank you,my friend.This is for you.I like it.Thank you,my friend.Look at my _ .new dress Read and completeRead and completegreatYou look _.小朋友小朋友们,如果你来,如果你来DIY,你会把,你会把这条条dress做成什么呢?做成什么呢?I can make a _.Who is the T-shirt for?这件件T恤是恤是给谁的呢?的呢?It is summer.It is summer.Look and say夏天夏天This dress is too short.But I have a good idea.DIY DIY Look and say_ makes a _ for _.MikeHelenT-shirtI love it.Thank you,my friend.This is for you.I have a new T-shirt.Its cute.I love it.Thank you,my friend.Think and discussThink and discuss!Mike的好朋友们会怎的好朋友们会怎么评价他的这件么评价他的这件T恤呢恤呢?It is autumn.Look at your T-shirt.Its too small.秋天秋天 Look and say小的小的Oh yes!But I have a good idea.DIY DIY Does the T-shirt fit Mike now?小朋友们,现在这小朋友们,现在这件件T恤恤Mike穿着穿着还合身吗还合身吗?Who is the scarf for?这条条围巾是巾是给谁的呢?的呢?Its warm.Thank you,my friend._ makes a _ for _.BenMikescarf Look and say Think and choose Think and choose温暖温暖!Its warm.Thank you,my friend.Think and discussWhat do Ben and his friend say?小朋友们小朋友们,想象一下,想象一下Ben和他的朋友们在和他的朋友们在说些什么?说些什么?.Look at my new scarf.!Its lovely!SummerAutumnSpringwinter Think and say Look and sayHappy Birthday!This is for you.Its beautiful!_ makes a _ for _.NancyBenheadwearHappy Birthday!This is for you.Thank you,my friends!My red coat comes back.Ha!Ha!Its beautiful!Look and say回来回来coatcoat故事中故事中DIYDIY服装出现的顺序是什么?服装出现的顺序是什么?它们又分别是谁做的呢?它们又分别是谁做的呢?Do you remember?Do you remember?Retell the story Retell the story小朋友们,小朋友们,试试着来复述这个着来复述这个故事吧!故事吧!1.1.Try to DIY.Try to DIY.(你也来试着你也来试着DIYDIY一下吧。一下吧。)2.Retell the story and share it with 2.Retell the story and share it with your family.your family.(把这个故事讲给你的家人听一听把这个故事讲给你的家人听一听。)Thanks!
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