After completing this module,you will be able to:Understand VMR concept and applicationArticulate types of cost savings opportunities created by VMRsUse the Bain framework to conduct a VMRRefer to real examples of Bains VMR process and successValue Managed Relationships Objectives1 VMR ConceptVMR Key Success FactorsVMR Sources Of ValueBain VMR ProcessExampleKey TakeawaysAgenda2 A Value Managed Relationship(VMR)is a full partnership between a customer and a supplier.Its goal is to maximize quality and minimize total system costs of doing business through collaborative sharing of information and resources.A VMR creates a win/win relationship.VMR Definition3“Partnership”True VMR Procurement StrategiesValue Managed RelationshipSole SourceVertical IntegrationCompetitive BidShort-term Contract/SpotLong-term ContractA VMR is one procurement strategy to maximize cost savings and strategic value.What is a VMR?4 A Value Managed Relationship can exceed the value potential of both vertical integration and traditionally negotiated arms length transactions:a consolidation of purchases to one or few suppliers who are capable of maintaining long term competitive economics,high quality and efficient deliveryparticipants must share single goal of achieving lowest industry systems costsavings should be shared to provide mutual ongoing incentives to eliminate redundanciesA VMR,when appropriate,exceeds the value of all other types of relationships.How Does a VMR Work?5Fragmented supplier base,sporadic communicationSingle or small number of suppliers,frequent communicationIn-house supply,communication frequentTraditional Arms Length ApproachVertical IntegrationInvestments based upon manufacturers needsPotential for customized investment in facilities/equipmentMay require investment in weak strategic businessAdversarial bid negotiations to obtain lowest unit priceLong-term commitment focused upon lowest total systems cost using value chain perspectivesFocus driven by internal incentives/transfer pricesSeparate product designJoint product design and cross functional participationJoint product design often at oddsVMRVMRs can exceed the value of both traditional contracts as well as vertical integration.Strategic Purchasing Options6 High PotentialHighLowHighLowPurchasing volume(relative to total supplier sales)Value-added/engineered levelProduct redesignMaterial substitutionProduct redesignMaterial substitutionVolume discountSystem cost improvementModerate PotentialVolume discountSome system costNo/Little opportunity(need to cluster)VMRs are most appropriate where high volume and significant value added occurs.Medium/low potential Where Are VMRs Appropriate?7Large dollar purchaseHigh level of value-added cost in productFragmentation across many divisions and suppliersClient represents significant part of industry outputIndustry competitive intensity high:capacity utilization droppingconsolidation in progressmany new plants looking for volumehistorical industry price umbrellasVMRs are most effective in large dollar,high value added products.In Which Categories Are VMRs Most Effective?8Consolidate volume in long-term partnershipIncreased pace of innovation leads to strategic benefits for bothEnsures continued supply for buyer and capacity utilization for supplierCommitment and scale justifies joint investment in cost savings and R&D/technologyJoint efforts lead to system-wide benefits for bothAdded value leads to more reasons to collaborateA successful VMR will continue to create value as the relationship progresses.Value Cycle9VMRs create value for the buyer.Higher quality and fewer rejectsSuperior servicePartner in joint system cost reductionInnovationTechnological expertisepackage performance improvementsspec consolidationproduct redesign and materials substitutionPricing commensurate with larger,longer volume commitmentsCommitment to continuous improvement of the partnershipValue Of VMRsBuyer10VMRs create value for suppliers.Larger volumes in fewer itemslonger run lengths and fewer set-upshigher capacity utilizationlearning curve benefitsStable long term demandSharing in buyers strong commitment to future growthPartner in joint system cost reductionResources and stability to invest in technologyCommitment to continuous improvement of the partnershipValue Of VMRsSupplier11VMRs have averaged 15%to 20%cost savings.Average RangeBain Experience in VMRs12Although the value managed relationship can be sophisticated and complex,the results are quantifiable and simple.100%of volume with one supplier for three yearsUp front price reduction of 7%Guaranteed 9.8%recurrent savings within three yearsCost-based indexed pricing over time50/50 savings sharingPenalties and inspections built-inEtc.VMR Sample Agreement13 VMR ConceptVMR Key Success FactorsVMR Sources Of ValueBain VMR ProcessExampleKey TakeawaysAgenda14Over one half of existing partnerships do not meet expectations.This reality increases the need to understand and focus on the key succe
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