Go for it!Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Required wordsRequired words Additional words Additional words ball games ball games 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 sports sports 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 1111 task task Lets play.Lets play.Do you have a?Do you have a?Lets.Lets.Do you know them?*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?rugby 5r5rQQbbIIa form of football played between two teams of a form of football played between two teams of 13 or 15 members each.(rugby football)13 or 15 members each.(rugby football)Word StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?racket 5r5rA Akki it tWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?tennis racket 5t5teen ni is s 5r5rA Akki it tWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?bat bbA At tWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?ping-pong table tennis 5t5teieiblbl 5t5teen ni is sWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?tennis 5t5teen ni is sWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?baseball 5b5beieisbsbC:C:l lWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?ballbbC:C:l lWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?volleyball 5v5vRRl lIIbbC:C:l lWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?basketball 5b5bB:B:skski itbtbC:C:l lWord StudyWord StudyWhats this in English?soccer 5s5sC CkkEE soccer ball a form of football played by two 11-member a form of football played by two 11-member teams.teams.*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?water polo 5w5wC:C:t tEE 5p5pEuEul lEuEu*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?polo 5p5pEuEul lEuEu*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?softball 5s5sRRftbftbC:C:l la form of baseball played on a smaller playing a form of baseball played on a smaller playing field with a larger and softer ball.field with a larger and softer ball.*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?hockey 5h5hC Ckki i*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?handball 5h5hA AndbndbC:C:l la game played by two or four persons who strike a game played by two or four persons who strike a ball against a wall or walls with the hand.a ball against a wall or walls with the hand.*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?golf C Clflf*Word Study Word StudyWhats this in English?cricket 5kr5kri ikki it ta game,popular esp.in England,for two teams of a game,popular esp.in England,for two teams of 11 members each.11 members each.Lets choose one!Choose one ball you like*Word Study Word Study Lets play sports!judo 5dV5dVu:u:ddEuEu*Word Study Word Study Lets play sports!wrestling 5r5reeslsli iN N*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!shooting 5F5Fu:u:t ti iN N*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!fencing 5f5feensnsi iN N*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!cycling 5s5saiaiklkli iN N*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!surfing 5s5sE:E:ffi iN N*Word Study Word Study Lets play sports!canoe kkEE5n5nu:u:*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!diving 5d5daiaivvi iN N*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!swimming 5sw5swi immi iN N*Word Study Word StudyLets play sports!weightlifting 5w5weieit7lt7li iftfti iN N*Word Study Word Study Lets play sports!boxing 5b5bC Cksksi iN NDo you have a?Do you have a?No,I dont have a.Yes,I have a.Lets play.That sounds.Lets play Lets play.That sounds.PracticePracticeLets.Do you have?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Well,lets.That sounds.Practice Practice Lets.Do you have?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Well,lets.That sounds.Practice Practice Lets.Do you have?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Well,lets.That sounds.1a1.tennis racket_2.ping-pong ball_3.soccer ball_4.volleyball_5.basketball_6.TV_caefdbgoodbyeGoodbyeGoodbye
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