2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第 一 部 分(共 20小题,每小题1.5 分,满分30分)1.-Which driver was to blame?-Why,!It was the childs fault,clear and simple.He suddenly came out between two parked cars.A.both B.eachC.either D.neither2.The artist is said during the production and thus a pirated video was sold in every part of Kenya.A.to be cheated B.being cheatedC.to have been cheated D.having been cheated3.I still find it hard to imagine that such a clever child make such a foolish mistake.A.shall B.mustC.can D.should4.After the flooding,people were suffering in that a r e a,u r g e n t l y needed clean water,medicine and shelter tosurvive.A.which B.whoC.where D.what5.I hope when you come tomorrow,you the reading and have something to share.A.did B.are doingC.will be doing D.will have done6.What matters in life is working hard hardly working.A.as well as B.less thanC.rather than D.other than7.A good suitcase is essential for someone who is as much as Jackie is.A.on the rise B.on the lineC.on the spot D.on the run8.They came back from their long walk and went into bed,.A.tiredly but relaxing B.tired but relaxingC.tiredly but relaxed D.tired but relaxed9.一 Where is my Chinese book?I remember I put it here yesterday.-Y o u it in the wrong place.A.must put B.should have putC.might have put D.might put1 0.Scientists have many theories about how the universe into being.A.cameB.was coming C.had come D.would come11.She said her is enough to support her in later years and that her only hope is that her son can visitregularly.After all she had not much time left.A.pension B benefit C.allowanceD.bonus1 2.The national park has a large collection of w i l d l i f e,f r o m butterflies to elephants.A.to range B.rangeC.ranging D.ranged1 3.What shall we do tonight then?,whatever you want.A.Help yourself B.It9s a dealC.No problem D.Its up to you1 4.The auto factory new profit records through technical innovation 10%growth rate in the last two yearsand hopefully 15%this year.A.set B.has setC.is setting D.has been setting1 5.It is reported that the in Libya is hotting up.A.strength B.violence C.power D.activity1 6.What it be?-It be a man,for it is not moving.It be a dustbin,I think.A.can;may;must B.can;cant;mustC.can;must;can D.may;may not;could1 7.What has made him in such high spirits recently?by his teacher for succeeding passing the exam.A.Being praised B.PraisedC.Having praised D.To praise1 8.People should stop using their cars and start using public transport._,The roads are too crowded as it is.A.All right B.ExactlyC.Go ahead D.Fine1 9.to her own work,she spent little time with her familyA.DevotingB To be devotedC.Devoted D.Having devoted20.My friend warned me going to the East Coast because it was crowded with tourists.A.by B.against C.on D.for第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(6 分)Nearly one in four Americans made money over the last 12 months by using their personalcomputers or other devices connected to the Internet.The Pew Research Center;an independent research group inWashington,found that people are using the Internet to find extra work.They go online to sell things such as used booksand furniture or they offer to provide services such as babysitting,house cleaning or computer repairs.Pew found that income earned on the Internet can come in many forms.Some said they had jobs that paid a fewpennies each to take surveys.In these surveys,people are asked for their opinions of different products or well-knownpeople.About two percent of Americans earned money from ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft.Whendrivers are ready to pick up passengers,they use their ride-share companys app.The computer program lets themknow when passengers are ready to be picked up and how to reach them.Some people make their homes,apartments,or rooms inside their homes,available for money to people visiting their cities.About 60 percent of people say the income they earn is important to them.But just one in five people who sellthings online say the income is enough to be important to their lives.Only 16 percent believe doing online work will leadto a meaningful career.But 37 percent say the extra income earned from online jobs helps them make up for shortagesin money.The number one reason people gave for taking online jobs was that the work gave them something to do and wasfun.What kind of people work online or use online devices to find work?The answer appears to be:mostly people whoalready have jobs.1、What is the main idea of paragraph 1?A.How to sell used books.B.How to find extra work online.C.A new way of making money.D.A new research on the Internet.2、How many forms of earning money online are mentioned in paragraph 2?A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.3、How does the author make the point more persuasive?A.By listing numbers.B.By asking questions.C.By telling stories.D.By doing surveys.4、What is implied in the last parag
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