Unit 2 School lifeIt is a mixed school./mikst/Boys and girls study togetherChineseMathsEnglishPEArtsubjectsHome Economicssewcooktasty fooddeliciousWe have a sports meeting tooDo you have a sports meeting as well?basketballsoftballShe is my heroYang LiweiFei Junlong and Nie HaishengheroesWhere are their schools?JohnsNancysRead the first and second passages quickly and then answer the questions belownear Londonin DenverWho is the second passage about?Who is the first passage about?Nancy JohnTrue or false4 Nancy is a girl of 16.()5 Nancys brothers name is Tom.()6 Jim drives Nancy to school now.()F F T F 1 John is in Year 9 at Woodland School,a mixed school.()2 John likes Home Economics best of all.()3 There are two Reading Weeks in Johns school every year.()F T Read carefully again then judge T or FWhat do they like in the school?John Nancy older students talk to new students about school lifeHome EconomicsReading WeeksoftballBuddy Clubcook and sewread any books from the schoollibrary and even bring in books and magzines from homeReading aloud and discussionAsk questions beginning with:(1)who-?(2)where-?(3)what-?(4)when-?etc.a mixed schoolplay softballhave lessons togetherHome Economicspractice softballcook and sewTasty mealsgo to a buddy clubReading Weektalk to new studentsread any booksmeet friendsbring in books and magazinesgo to shopping mallsJohn Nancy Fill in the blanks according to the text and hints(提示)(提示)Text 1Johns school is a (mix)school.Boys and girls have lessons (一起一起).His favourite is Home Economics.He didnt know how (do)things for (he)before he came to that school.Now he can cook (与与delicious同义同义 )meals.He loves Reading Week because he can read any books from the school and even books and from home.mixedtogethersubjecthimselfto dotastylibrarybring inmagazinesText 2Nancy is 14 years old.Her brother had lessons in school last year.Now he drives Nancy to school every day.It takes timethan taking the bus.She loves playing after school,she spends much time .She also goes to every Monday.In the Buddy Club,older students talk to new students about .Julie is her because she can help her with her homework.drivinglesssoftballpracticingbuddy clubschool lifeheroWhat kind of books should we read?Why?Who is the hero in your mind?Why?What can you learn from John and Nancy?Thanks 随着信息化教学所谓“小组合作学习”就是根据教材内容和学生特点,综合多种情况和学生个人需求,引导学生组成小组,以来激发学生的学习热情。在新课程改革的背景下,高中教育强调学生的主体地位,分组教学法则充分考虑到了学生的主体地位,是现阶段一直倡导的一种教学方式。根据以往的教学经验可以得知,课堂上只有学生与教师之间的互动是远远不足的,学生需要与其他学生一起参与课堂活动,这样学生能够更加充分地体验到课堂参与感,以此来调动自己学习的积极性,并在这个过程中感受到课堂的趣味。因此,在高中地理教学中,教师要注重让学生小组合作学习,以此努力培养学生的实践能力。例如,教师在教导学生学习地球的自转和公转这部分的知识时,教师可以让学生制作模型,并附上知识点,但有许多学生并不能靠自己的力量完成实践,教师就可以将学生分成不同的小组展开教学,并要有分层教学的意识,不能强行要求所有学生都一次完成,着重为跟不上的学生进行指导,还可以让能力强的学生去教导自己的组员,辅助教师一起帮助能力弱的学生完成实践任务。活动的开展,教师的教学课堂发生了极大的改变,学生的学习状态从自身被动转变为主动探索,为学生将来的学习提供了前置条件。在高中地理教育中,教师应积极使用多媒体技术和网络资源,为学生创造更生动的教育情境,除此之外,还要充分充分理解高中地理核心素养的含义,强调自己在课堂教学中的引导地位,将学生的学习方式与实践相结合,提高学生的兴趣,完成素质教育的目标。教师在教学过程中,要注意多媒体的使用。例如,教师在教导学生学习地表形态的塑造的过程中,教师就可以先通过“沧海桑田”的故事,来引导学生认识地面的形状是不断变化的,并请同学们探讨地面受到哪些力?又是如何变化的?在此基础上,让同学们在地图上绘制出板块中各部分的受力方向,在绘图中掌握各板块的构造规律。但很多学生并没有类似的画图经验,就可以利用多媒体,使用情境创设法,为学生播放这个实验验证的视频,最好以动画的形式展现给学生。这丰富了教学的形式,能够有效激发学生的学习兴趣,而且直观明了,实践中需要注意的问题学生都可以通过视频了解到,通过这种方法,学生学习科学课程的效率将会大大提高,有助于提高其实践素养。谢谢聆听,同学们再见!
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