Unitl My classroom!一、教材分析本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新更换的教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打 扫 教 室 的 情 景 来 呈 现 的。教 学 重 点 是 能 够 听、说、认读核心句型“Wha t,s in thecla ssroom?,4Let,s go a nd see!Where is it?Its nea r the window.Lets clea n thecla ssroom?H4Let me clea n the tea chers desk.;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“cla ssroom,window,bla ckboa rd,light,picture,door,tea chers desk,computer,fa n,wa ll,floor”。二、学情分析四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意力不稳定,不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸引,所以他们对课件里的动画和能动发声的教具感兴趣,另一方面,他们感知事物的特点比较笼统,不精确,往往只注意到一些孤立的现象,看不出事物之间的联系和特点,对时间和空间的概念也比较模糊。四年级的学生已有一年的英语学习基础,但是因为对所学知识掌握不够,要大力鼓励和奖励学生,对优良学生鼓励他们要刻苦学习,努力进步,要致力于发展性思维训练,不光是为了考试分数高,更主要的是掌握学习策略和学习过程。鼓励优秀学生积极创造,增强思维的灵活性、敏捷性,做学习上的小老师。三、教学目标1 知识与能力1.能够听、说、认读句型Wha ts in the cla ssroom?”Lets go a nd see!”Where isit?一Ifs nea r the window.,uLefs clea n the cla ssroom.,uLet me clea n the tea chersdesk.”2.能够在情景中运用句型“一Where is.?Its in/on/under/nea r the”询问并回答物品的位置。3.能够在情景中运用句型“1叔包.”“1 1.”提出行动建议。4.能够按意群朗读“一Where is the green book?It is under the tea chers desk.”等四组句。5.能够听、说、认读单词和短语“cla ssroom,window,bla ckboa rd,light,picture,door,tea chersdesk,computer,fa n,wa ll,floor”。6.能够掌握a-e的发音规则,即 a-e在单词中发长音/ei/。7.能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词,并能够根据读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词。2情感态度价值观1.学习礼貌言行,能够对请求、道歉等行为做出恰当反应。2.具有讲卫生、爱整洁的意识。3.通过丰富有趣的活动和和谐宽松的教学气氛,激发英语学习兴趣,在学习教科书名称时让学生了解课文的重要性,教育他们爱护课本,爱护书籍。四 课时安排第一 一 课时:Pa rt A Lets ta lk&Lets pla y第二课时:Pa rt A Lets lea rn&Lets do第三课时:Pa rt A Lefs spell第四课时:Pa rt B Lets ta lk&Lets pla y第五课时:Pa rt B Lets lea rn&Color a nd sa y第六课时:Pa rt B Rea d a nd write&Lets check&Lefs sing第七课时:Pa rt C Story timeThe fi rst periodPart A Let*s talk&Let*s play内容分析本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册U n itl第一课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型Wha ts in the cla ssroom?Lets go a nd see!Where is it?一Ifs nea r thewindow.;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“cla ssroom,rea lly,picture,nea r,windowo课时目标知识与能力1.能够通过观察和谈论Let,s ta lk板块的图片理解对话大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。3.能够在情景中运用句型“一Where is.?Ifs in/on/under/nea r”询问并回答物品的位置。4.能够在情景中恰当运用句型“Wha fs in the cla ssroom?”Let,s go a nd see!”谈论教室。5.能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解新词“cla ssroom,rea lly,picture,nea r,window”的意思,并能够正确发音。过程与方法在处理本课时新授对话时,采用从处理局部语言到呈现完整对话的方式,引导学生掌握先局部后完整的学习方法,提高学习效率。情感态度价值观通过语境真实的对话,增强学生口语表达能力,提高学习英语的自信心,提高学生之间合作能力。教学重难点教学重点能够理解和掌握本课重点句型“Wha ts in the cla ssroom?”Lets go a nd see!Whereis?一It,s in/on/under/nea r”。教学难点能够在语境中灵活运用核心句型。教学准备教学课件、课文视频、各种教具、头饰、单词卡片等。教学媒体选择多媒体,录音。教学活动1.角色扮演;2.游戏;3.观看动画。教学过程Step 1:Warm-up&Revision&Lead-in1.Greetings.(课件出示:新学期教师自我介绍一一如果换老师的情况下)2.Free talk.(课件出示:自由对话的主体内容,以及老师、书包、书、文具盒等与对话内容相关的图片)T:Hello,SI.Nice to see you.SI:Nice to see you a ga in.T:Wha ts in your ba g?SI:(Open the ba g)Some books,a pencil box,.T:Oh,how ma ny books do you ha ve?/wha ts in your pencil box?/how ma ny pens do youha ve?SI:Answer.The tea cher a sks more students to a nswer the question.设计意图:新学期开学,通过简单的问候拉近老师与学生的距离,创造学习气氛。同时利用问题引导学生复习之前学习的知识。3.Lefs do.(课件出示:自由对话的主体内容,以及老师、书包、书、文具盒等与对话内容相关的图片)T:Boys a nd girls,lefs pla y a ga me“I sa y,you do.”Show me your ruler.Put your pencil on your desk.Put your cra yon in your ba g.Put your era ser on your book.设计意图:利 用“我说你做”的小游戏,调动班级学习气氛,同时利用活动带领学生复习方位介词in,on,under等。4.Lead-in.T:OK.Lefs ha ve a brea k.Look a t the picture.There is a box.Plea se guess.Wha ts in thisbox?(课件出示:三个好看的盒子,触发器控制点击容器出现容器内有什么。并提示对话的主体框架。)T:SI,wha fs in the first box?SI:Some.?T:Is he right?Lefs go a nd see.Oh,yes/no.They a re.S2,wha ts in the second box?S2:T:Rea lly?Lets go a nd see.Oh,yes/no.They a re.设计意图:在小游戏活动中引入了本节课中需要重点学习的句型 Wha fs i n 和Rea lly?Lefs go a n s e e.方便后续学生代入到文章中学习和理解。Step 2:Presentation1.Learn the new vocabulary classroom,picture,window,near the window”.(1)Look a nd lea rn.T:Good,your pictures a re very nice.Look!I ha ve some pictures,too.Cla ss,a ll the things inthe pictures a re in our new cla ssroom.Show a picture of“cla ssroom”.(课件出示:教室的图片及单词)T:Look!This is a new cla ssroom.Rea d a fter me:cla ss/kla:s/-room/ru:m/,cla ssroom/kla:sru:m/.Write down the word“cla ssroom“on the bla ckboa rd a nd tea ch it.Show a nother picture with a c o v e r.(课件出示:一张被遮住的图画的图片)T:Guess!Wha t is it?S s:图画。T:Rea lly?Lets ha ve a look!Yes.Its a picture.Rea d a fter me:c/k/-ture/tf s(r)/,picture/pi ktf s(r)/.Write down the word“picture“on the bla ckboa rd a nd tea ch it.T:Do we ha ve pictures in our cla ssroom?Where a re they?Ss:Yes,they a re on the.T:Yes,they a re on the wa ll.Point to a picture nea r the window a nd tea ch the phra se nea r the window“a nd the sentenceIts nea r the window.”(课件出示:几张在窗户附近的图画及短语nea r ihe window)T:(Point to a picture nea r the window on the PPT.)Where is the picture?Ss:Ifs nea r the window.T:Yes,its nea r the window.Rea d a fter me:n/n/-ea r/i o(r)/,nea r/ni o(r)/w/w/-i/i/-n/n/-d/d/-ow/ou/,window/wi ndou/Its nea r the window.Write down the sentenceIts nea r the window.on the bla ckboa rd a nd tea ch it.(2)Ask a nd a nswer.The tea cher a sks questions a nd let students a nswer them with the sentence structures”Where is the.?Its nea r the.a ccording to some objects or word ca rds.2.Learn the dialogue of Lets talk”.Show the hea ddresses of Sa ra h a
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