1.To understand the passage about history of western painting.2.To appreciate Chinese and Western-style paintings and describe them.3.To learn about different painting styles in Western art.Unit 1 ArtUnit 1 ArtLove of beauty is taste.The creation of beauty is art.Ralph Waldo EmersonSchool of AthensSchool of Athens对美的喜爱是品味。对美的喜爱是品味。对美的创造是艺术。对美的创造是艺术。拉尔夫拉尔夫沃尔多沃尔多爱默生爱默生QuoteLove of beauty is taste.The creation of beauty is art.Ralph Waldo Emerson Appreciation and love of beautiful things show that the viewer has good taste,as in the ability to choose and recognise things that are of good quality.Ralph Waldo Emerson(American philosopher,essayist and poet)121 However,to actually create such beauty is a higher ability,because the creation of art is a process which requires a lot of energy,effort,motivation and imagination.2BrainstormWhen it comes to ART,what forms of art comes into your mind?Can you list some?artsculpturememorialarchitecturephotographypaintingmusicdance literature operamovieSchool of AthensSchool of Athens1.Do you know the name of the painting?Who painted it?2.What can you see in the painting?3.Who are these people?What are they doing?School of AthensSchool of Athens雅典学院雅典学院-Raphael(-Raphael(拉斐尔拉斐尔)AristotlePlatoSocratesRaphaelUnit 1 ArtUnit 1 Artwash drawing(水彩画水彩画)styles ofpaintingoil paintingcharcoal drawing(炭笔素描)(炭笔素描)brush drawing(毛笔画毛笔画)landscape(风景画)(风景画)cartoonfigure drawing(人物画)(人物画)water colorgraphic art(形象艺术画形象艺术画)imitating(临摹)(临摹)life drawing(人体素描)(人体素描)sketch(素描)(素描)What styles of painting do you know?Lead inSelf-Portrait with Shaded EyesImpression,Sunrise眼部蒙上阴影的自画像日出印象-Rembrandt伦勃朗(Holand)-Monet莫奈(France)Do you know the two paintings?Who painted them?Fast readingA SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING1.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.How religious paintings developed.B.How Western art developed.C.How oil paintings developed.D.How Impressionist paintings developed.Fast readingA SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING2.The authors main purpose in writing this passage is to _.A.to advertise the course of paintingB.to make you amusedC.to tell you how to paint picturesD.to introduce you some information about western painting3.Whats the order of this article?A.time order B.spatial order C.logical order(20th century to today)The Middle AgesThe RenaissanceImpressionismModern Art(14th to 17th century)(5th to 15th century AD)(late 19th to early 20th century)Time orderFast readingQ:How many periods of the paintings are mentioned in this text?What are they?PeriodThe Middle Ages The RenaissanceImpressionismModern ArtCause of change ArtistFeatureCareful readingRead the passage and make a flow chart to show the changes in Western painting styles.(Page 2,Ex.2)PeriodMiddle Ages from the 5th to the 15th century Cause of change ArtistFeatureGiotto di Bondonereligious themes;primitive and two-dimensional;much larger main characters;showed real people in a real environment(more realistic);set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.to teach about Christianity,uninterested in painting realistic scenesCareful readingWorks of the Middle Ages_themes_symbolsReligiousReligiousGiotto di Bondone 乔托乔托迪迪邦多纳邦多纳(1267-1337)犹大之吻犹大之吻PeriodThe Renaissance(from the 14th to the 17th century)Cause of change ArtistFeatureNew ideas and values replaced old ones from the Middles Aages.Masaccio,Leonardo da Vinci,Michelangelo,Raphael,Rembrandtconcentrated less on religious themes;adopted a more humanistic attitude to life;the use of perspective;the use of oil paints;look like photos with deep colours and realism;the emphasis shifted from religious themes to people and the world around us;portraits of people of high rank;themes of historical events or stories from mythology.Careful readingWorks of the Renaissance_ theme _,new oil paintshumanisticperspectiveMasaccio马萨乔马萨乔 (1401-1427)Madonna with Child and Angels圣母子Crucifixion三位一体Michelangelo Bounaroti(14751564)米开朗琪罗 Creation of Adam亚当的创造Raphael (1483-1520)拉斐尔 School of Athens雅典学院Raphael (1483-1520)拉斐尔 The Woman with the Veil披着面纱的女人Sistine Madonna西斯廷圣母 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)达芬奇达芬奇Mona Lisa蒙娜丽莎The Last Supper最后的晚餐PeriodImpressionism(late 19th to early 20th century)Cause of change ArtistFeatureThe invention of photograpy Claude Monet,Renoiraimed to convey light and movement rather than record the details of the scene itself;painted scenes of nature,daily life and people full of light,shadow,colour,and life;showed not just the outer image of the subjects,but their inner warmth and humanity as wellClaude Monet莫奈莫奈Impression,Sunrise日出印象Renoir雷诺阿雷诺阿The Theater Box包厢Girls at the Piano钢琴前的少女PeriodModern art(from the 20th century to today)Cause of change ArtistFeatureNot mentionedanalysed the shapes existing in the natural world in a new way,with Cubism;gave their paintings a realistic but dream-like quality;turned to abstract art;no longer show reality,but asked the question“what is art?PicassoPicasso(1881-1973)(Spanish contemporary artist)an
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