Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Period 1Period 1教教 案案教学基本信息课题学科教材教学目标及教学重点、难点Teaching ObjectivesTeaching ObjectivesBy the end of the class,students will be able to1.express ways to help others in English;2.express your intentions to be a volunteer by using“Id like to/I hope to/I want to”and giveadvice by using the modal verb“could”;3.make a conversation to talk about some voluntary work to carry on volunteer spirit.Teaching focusesTeaching focuses1.express ways to help others in English;2.express your intentions to be a volunteer by using“Id like to/I hope to/I want to”and giveadvice by using the modal verb“could”;3.make a conversation to talk about some voluntary work to carry on volunteer spirit.Teaching difficultiesTeaching difficultiesMake a conversation to talk about some voluntary work to carry on volunteer spirit.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Period 1英语学段:初中学段年级初二书名:出版社:人教社出版日期:2013 年 10 月教学过程(表格描述)教学环节主要教学活动Describe Lei Feng in English.Let the students guess the name of him.He was oneofthevolunteerswhohelpothersintheircommunity or outside their community and expectnothing in return.Show the sign of United Nations V olunteer in Chinaand let the students talk about the deep meaning ofvolunteering.1a.Look and say.1b.Listen and number.1b.Listen and get information.1b.Make conversations according to the chart.1b.Retell the conversations according to the chart.2a.Look and say.2a.Listen and check.2b.Listen and get information.2d.Listen and get information.2d.Read and answer the questions.2d.Read the conversation.设置意图借助于图片,形象生动地呈现志愿服务活动,并请同学们进行分类,帮助学生们学会有条理,有逻辑地用英语表达祝愿活动种类及意愿。情境导入实战演练通过头脑风暴等方式帮学生扫清词汇障碍,通过各种形式的听力活动进行语言输入,给学生搭建脚手架,为下文的语言输出活动设计志愿计划的对话做准备。发挥英语学科“人文性”的功能,通过讨论,让学生意识到志愿活动利人利己。根据情境完成设计志愿活动方案方面的对话是这堂课的难点,通过这个活动进行语言输出,情感升华。巩固所学有关志愿活动的表达方式比较多,需要学生课下认真巩固落实所学,相关主题阅读可以让学生进一步感受主题语言,在语言和思想上进一步提升。主题升华Talk about the benefits of volunteering.编排对话,语言输出Let the students make a conversation about whatthey are going to do to volunteer.Finish 2c.Summarize the key points learned in this class.总结重点回归情境,布置作业1.跟读本单元单词并记忆;2.跟录音朗读课文听力原稿;3.做本节课配套的主题阅读练习。
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