Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesTeaching Plan(6 periods)Teaching Plan(6 periods)1.1.教学目标及基本要求:教学目标及基本要求:Objectives:Objectives:Students will be able to:Students will be able to:1)Grasp the main idea(dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success)and the structureof the text(narration with a flashback);2)Appreciate the narrative skills(using details to bring out a character;a surprising ending;use of puns);3)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4)Conduct a series of reading,listening and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2.2.教学内容及学时分配:教学内容及学时分配:Time allotment:Time allotment:1 period:pre-reading;text organizationstndrdththth2 period:while-reading3 period:post-reading activities4 period:reading practice5 period:speaking6 period:writing3.3.教学重点及难点:教学重点及难点:Important language points in the text:Language Study(60 minutes)Language Study(60 minutes)A.WordsA.Words1.sweat:sweat:vi/n.drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot,ill,afraid.etc.出汗/汗水 E.g.She swept the sweat from her face.2.grace:grace:n.quality of being smooth and elegant,esp.in movement or structure.优美,优雅E.g.The trained dancer has an extraordinary grace of movement.3.mere:mere:a.nothing more than 仅仅,只不过E.g.Its a mere 300 meters from my house to the college.4.fantasy:fantasy:n.imagination,esp.when it has no connection at all with reality 幻想 E.g.I still have the fantasy that one day I will win the National lottery.5.numerous:numerous:a.very many 许多,无数的 E.g.He has been late on numerous occasions.6.passion:passion:n.strong feeling,esp.of live 热情 E.g.He is a man of violent passion.He argued his case with considerable passion.7.details:details:n.1)small,particular fact or item 细节,琐碎的事 E.g.No details of the negotiation between the two countries have been revealed.I can still recall every detail of my Graduation Day.2)sth.Which is unimportant and doesnt affect the main issue E.g.The salary is a detail;the main thing is to find a job.In detail:In detail:fully or thoroughly E.g.She told them in detail what they were going to day at the meeting.8.recur:recur:e or happen again 再来,再发生 E.g.This theme recurs several times through the book.第 1 页9.coincide:coincide:vi.1)happen at the dame time(followed by with)同时发生,一致 E.g.His arrival coincides with our departure.2)be in agreement(with)E.g.Her story coincided exactly with her brothers.10.core:core:n.the most important part 核心 E.g.The core of the problem is their objection to the policy.11.alternate:alternate:a.every other or second;happening by turns 交替的,轮流的 E.g.It has been a week of alternate rain and sunshine.12.relax:relax:v.make or become less tense,worried or nervous 放松 E.g.When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.I will relax when I know you are safe.13.vain:vain:a.too pleased with ones own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的 E.g.Too much praise can make a person vain.She is too vain to wear glasses.14.emotion:emotion:n.a strong feeling of any kind 情感,感情 E.g.He lost control of his emotion.They expressed mixed emotions at the news.15.preparation:preparation:n.the act or process of preparing 准备 E.g.Preparation for the party started early.Careful preparation for the exam is essential.16.startle:startle:vt.give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊E.g.I didnt mean to startle you.The explosion startled the horse.17.intensity:intensity:n.the state of being intense 强烈,紧张 E.g.The storm resumed with even greater intensity.In order to finish the job,we have to work with greater intensity.18.anxiety:anxiety:n.a feeling of worry or fear 忧虑,担心 E.g.Some patients experience high level of anxiety.Youd better share your anxieties with doctor.19.tension:tension:n.worry or nervousness 紧张,不安 E.g.We laughed and that helps ease the tension.20.tense:tense:feeling worried or nervous;making people worried or nervous 紧张的。令人紧张的 E.g.Facing so many teachers,John got very tense and made several mistakes in his speech.He is a very tense man.21.breeze:breeze:a.微风 E.g.The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze.22.deaf:deaf:a.unable to hear at all or to hear well 耳聋的 E.g.He was born deaf.B.PhrasesB.Phrases1.bear out:bear out:prove that(sth.)is true 证实 E.g.The other people will bear me out.2.coincide with:coincide with:(of two or more events)to take place at the same time.及同时发生 E.g.The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.3.work out:work out:go through a physical exercise session 体育锻炼,训练 E.g.I work out regularly to keep fit.4.dedicate sb to sth:dedicate sb to sth:to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you第 2 页think it is important 把奉献给 E.g.She dedicates herself to her work.5.on one/two/several occasion(s):on one/two/several occasion(s):有一(两,几)次 E.g.On one occasion,she called me in the middle of the night.6.be ashamed of:be ashamed of:feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of(sth)因感到难为情 E.g.She was so ashamed of cheating in the test.She was ashamed of her behavior at the party.7.
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