湖北省孝感市黄陂路综合中学高三英语月考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. . I was about to go to bed _____ the telephone rang. A. that              B. when          C. which         D. while 参考答案: B 略 2.         is known to us is that tobacco contains nicotine and other harmful products, so you should give up smoking. A. As               B. It              C. What           D. Which 参考答案: C 3.  It was not until I came here _______ I realized this place was famous, for not only its beauty but also its weather. A. who                        B. that                        C. where           D. before 参考答案: B 4. At the business meeting last week, Miss Carlson _______several matters of great importance.    A.dressed up      B.turned up        C.brought up       D.broke up 参考答案: C 5. When you walk into any department store in Wuxi, chances are that you will see signs with a single digit number and the Chinese character zhe prominently displayed next to products that are on _____. A. discount    B. bargain    C. sale    D. reduction 参考答案: C 考查名词辨析。句意:当你走进无锡的任何一家百货公司时,在正促销的商品旁边你都会看到贴着醒目的促销牌子,上边会有数字和一个中国汉字“折”。A. discount打折;B. bargain交易;便宜货;C. sale销售;D. reduction减少。on sale“廉价出售”。根据句意,故选C。 6. —Don't you know that a group of teenagers from the USA are coming to visit our school? —Yes.____ past the headmaster^ office I happened ____ him talking about it with some other teachers. A.Walking; to hear                    B.To walk; to hear C.Walked; hearing                    D.Having walked; having heard 参考答案: A 7. “I am astonished, my dear,” said Mrs. Bennet, “that you _____ be so ready to think your own children silly.” A. might B. could C. would D. should 参考答案: D 8. —We’ve just sold out the last copy of this dictionary. —Well, it doesn’t matter. I think I might get        in another bookshop. A. one                    B. that                          C. this                          D. it 参考答案: A 9. In order to get started in this career, I'm willing to accept any position _________ I can show my abilities. A. where                  B. which                          C. when                             D. that 参考答案: A 考查定语从句。where在定语从句中作地点状语。 10. I came across a good friend of mine on the square the other day, but we didn’t talk much because he ________ to catch the bus. A. had rushed    B. was rushing C. would rush    D. has been rushing 参考答案: B 考查时态。句意:前几天我在广场上遇到了我的一个好朋友,但是我们不多说话,因为他赶着赶公共汽车。根据句意可知句子用过去进行时态,故选B。 11.  David gave us a vivid ____ of his trip to Mount Tai after his return.        A. account      B. explanation        C. imagination        D. idea 参考答案: A 12. Don’t forget to return your room key to the front desk when you      of the hotel.    A.turn out    B.check out    C.hang out     D.drop out 参考答案: B 13. Generally speaking,it is     that many people will realize the importance of saving it. A.until there is enough water     B.not until is there enough water C.not until there is enough water  D.until is there enough water 参考答案: C 14. David dislikes television heroes who smoke, __________?    A. do they          B. don’t they              C. doesn’t he          D. does he  参考答案: C 15. ---What do you think made her mother so angry? ---______ the exam. A. Because she didn’t pass              B. Her not passing C. She didn’t pass                     D. Because of her not passing 参考答案: B 16. Generally speaking,___________ according to the directions , the drug has no side effect. A. when taking    B. when taken     C. when to take    D.when to be taken 参考答案: B 17. —Who should be responsible for the action? —The boss is to blame. The employees just carried out the order     . A.as told B.as are told C.as telling D.as they told 参考答案: A 18. Alice tried to keep calm, but her red face ______ the fact that she was nervous. A. rejected    B. marked C. explored    D. betrayed 参考答案: D 【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:Alice尽力的保持镇定,但是她发红的脸泄露了她很焦虑。A. rejected  拒绝;  B. marked  标出;    C. explored  开发;  D. betrayed 出卖,背叛。根据句意可知,她尽力保持镇定,可知脸红泄露了她不镇定,故D项最切题。 19. Please remain_____;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.  A.seating          B.seated        C.to seat           D.To be seated 参考答案: B 二、 书面表达 20. 假定你是李华,前不久利用国庆假期与家人外出游玩并入住某国际连锁酒店。下面是酒店的经理Mr.Wayne在最近给你发来征求反馈意见的电子邮件。请根据以下要点写一封回邮: 1.对本次酒店入住体验表示肯定; 2.酒店的免费WiFi只在公共区域提供,而房间WiFi收费过高,希望改进; 3.祝愿酒店越办越好。 Dear Li Hua, Thank you for your recent stay at Hotel Westin,where you spent your holiday from Oct 1st to Oct 3rd.We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to give some feelback on your stay,which will help us to improve our service. Do you like the facilities of the hotel? Do you enjoy the food of the hotel restaurant? Are you satisfied with the service of the hotel staff? Any other advice? Thank you for your time.We look forward to welcoming you back to Westin in the near future. Sincerely, Bruce Wayne. 洼意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.邮件开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。 Dear Mr.Wa
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