湖北省恩施市万寨民族中学高三英语模拟试题含解析 一、 选择题 28. Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes_________ the increase of cancers. A. contributes to                              B. appeals to   C. applies to                                 D. occurs to . 参考答案: A 略 2. Scientists study ____ human brains work to make computers. A. when              B. how                C. that           D. whether 参考答案: B 略 3. . Every student as well as teachers who      to visit the museum      asked to be at the school gate on time.        A. is; is   B. are; are       C. is; are D. are ; is   参考答案: D 略 4. --- Can you show me Mr. Jaffer’s office, please? --- _____. But I don’t know if he is in at the moment.     A. Thanks         B. Go on        C. Sure        D. You are welcome 参考答案: C 解析:题意是“你能告诉我Mr. Jaffer的办公室吗?当然,不过我不知道他此刻是否在办公室”。只有sure符合题意。     5. The thought of_____________made her very annoyed.   A.making fun of    B.making fun    C.being made fun of   D.being made fun 参考答案: C 6. Sometimes the message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of     others ________actually understand. A. what    B. why C. how    D. which 参考答案: A 考查宾语从句。句意:你想通过话语传达的信息也许正与其他人实际理解的相反。介词 of 后的宾语从句中的 understand 后缺少宾语且表示物,故用 what。 7. In addition to the farming they ______ since the 1990s, the Smiths have started a small business. A.     have done   B. had been done  C. were doing   D. have been doing                                                                 参考答案: D 略 8. The hotel ______now beside the park was designed by a group of young men. A. to be built     B. built     C. being built     D. building 参考答案: C 略 9. In the evenings he ______ his books. A. was buried in       B. buried in      C. was buried with      D. was burying in 参考答案: A 10. ______ I really don’ t like art, I find his work impressive.    A. As         B. Since     C. If        D. while 参考答案: D 考查让步状语从句的连接词。此处while意为:尽管。句意:尽管我不喜欢艺术,但我发现他的作品给我留下深刻印象。 11. Our club is open to adults only. ___________ your children have entered without permission. A. There seems that   B. It seems to be   C. There seems to be   D. It seems that 参考答案: D 12. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now ______later in life. A. will be repaid           B. was being repaid       C. has been repaid        D. was repaid 参考答案: A 句意:…你现在所做的努力在以后的生活中会有回报的. 显然是将来时态且为被动. 13.   ____, the driver looked at the vast desert without knowing if he could get across safely.  A. Tired and sad   B. Tired and sadly  C.Tiredly and sad    D.Tiredly and sadly 参考答案: A 14. —Is that the small town you often refer to? —Yes, just the one ________ you know I worked for years. A. which             B. where            C. that                   D. what  参考答案: B 15. Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams. A keep up with         B put up with        C end up with        D catch up with 参考答案: C 16. —I come all the way to say “Thank you” and we ________ it without you. —Think nothing of it. A.should have done                B.mustn't have done  C.couldn't have done               D.needn't have done 参考答案: C 二、 书面表达 17. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请你根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给21世纪英文报写一封稿件,介绍你班上周五下午参加学校组织的“安全教育——消防演习”活动的全过程。 注意:词数不少于60。 提示词:消防演习fire drill 灭火器 fire extinguisher ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: Possible version: To promote the awareness of fire safety, our school conducted a fire drill last Friday afternoon. Before the drill, a firefighter officer gave us a lecture on the danger of fire, the importance of fire prevention, and the ways of self-rescue. We all listened attentively and took notes. Shortly afterwards, a fire drill began. Hearing the alarm, we lined up and walked out of the classroom at a fast pace. Approaching the staircase, we found ourselves surrounded by heavy smoke. We panicked at first, but soon calmed down. As instructed, we covered our mouths and noses with wet towels, stayed low beneath the smoke and orderly descended the stairs following the escape route. We all safely arrived at the playground and cheered for surviving the big fire. After a short break, firefighters showed us how to use the fire extinguishers properly and using their instructions, we put out fires successfully. Back in our classroom, we excitedly held a meeting sharing our ideas and feelings. We realized that when faced with danger, you should stay calm. Having knowledge of safety procedures can increase your chances of survival. (186 words) 三、 阅读理解 18. I read a newspaper article about a new concept. The idea is simple, but revolutionary(革命性的): combining a residential home for the elderly with a nursery school in the same building. The children and the residents(住户)eat lunch together and share activities such as music, painting and gardening. In the
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