英语重点核心词汇predict举例详解分析表格版 2021 predict vt.预言、预测、预告 The weather forecast predicts the weather.(天气预报预测天气) predict the path of typhoon 2022 contradict v.反驳、相矛盾、相抵触 contradict your teacher contradict oneself Her husband contradicted everything she said. The two stories contradict each other. 2023 get into a panic 惊惶失措起来 I get into a panic when I found the door open. The audience got into a panic about the fire. get into a panic about the exams 2024 dictate v.命令、规定、口授、决定、支配、控制 n.命令、原则、标准 We have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dictate the subject. (我们错失先机,让对手规定主题强加给我们) That doesn't give you the right to dictate to me.(这并不意味着你有权对我发号施令) No one shall dictate to me.(没人能向我发号施令) 2025 dictation n.口授、听写 word dictation before class take dictation in English 2026 leave……to/with 把……留给、把……托付给 leave a message with the receptionist(接待员) leave a problem with Can I leave my son with you? I'll leave you buying the tickets to you 2027 on the way 在途中、在路上 on your way home on his way to school on the way of one's dream 2028 take sides(with) 偏向一方、站在……一边 You mustn't take sides in the argument. He could not take sides with him. We can't take sides in a war. 2029 indicate vt.暗示、表明、指示、指出 The blue sky indicates fine weather. His expression indecates a bad mood. Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. 2030 addicted adj.成瘾的、沉迷的、入迷的 be addicted to PC games be addicted to smoking be addicted to television 2031 at the thought of 一想起 Cheer up at the thought of seeing her. get excited at the thought of going home be afraid at the thought of the exam 2032 greet v.问候、招呼、迎接、作出反应、向……传来 Chinese people shake hands to greet. greet the guests 2033 greeting n.问候、招呼 give a friendly greeting I nodded at him in greeting. He raised a hand in greeting. 2034 appoint sb. as 将某人任命为 Appoint you as our agent in Japan. We will appoint him as chairman. Appoint the man as my secretary. 2035 recite v.背诵、朗诵、列举出 recite poems in public recite the text in class They recited poems to one another. 2036 recipe n.食谱、烹饪法、诀窍、方法 Learn to cook following recipe. The recipe lists the ingredients.(原料) the recipe for remaining young give a good recipe for cakes 2037 arrive in 到达 I arrive at school at 8 every day. 2038 be married to 与……结婚、嫁给……、迎娶…… He is married to a friend of mine. 2039 in one's sight 在某人看来 In his sight,Jack is a nice teacher. In her sight,something strange happened. 2040 on one's part 就某人而言、由某人所为 It's not right on your part. It was a slight overlook(疏忽) on my sight. There is an objection(反对) on her part. 2001 breathless adj.喘不过气来的、停止呼吸的 The clime left him breathless. Heave smoking makes him breathless. 2002 congratulate sb. on. sth. 因某事向某人祝贺 I congratulate you on your success. Congratulate you on your graduation. I congratulate you on your marriage. 2003 safe and sound 平安地、安然无恙地 They arrived safe and sound. They have got home safe and sound. The package arrived safe and sound. 2004 tear at 撕扯 tear something with the teeth The child is tearing at the box. The wind tore at the trees. 2005 company n.公司、陪伴、同伴们、一群、连队 He's a big weel in the company. Start a record company get into bad company(交坏朋友) I enjoy his company.(我喜欢他的陪伴) We're expecting company next week.(我们预料下星期有客来访) 2006 accompany vt.陪同、陪伴、伴随、与……同时发生、为……伴奏 Martin agreed to accompany me to Africa. Lightning was accompanied with thunder. accompany a friend to the hospital accompany a speech with gestures accompany the singer on the piano 2007 companion n.同伴、伴侣 Dogs are man's faithful companion. daily companion(朝夕相处的伴侣) work as a companion to an old man(当一位老人的陪伴者) 2008 on the tip of one's tongue 就在某人的嘴边 Words are on the tip of his tongue. His name is on the tip of my tongue. I had a rude comment(n.v.评论) on the tip of my tongue. 2009 valuable adj.有价值的、贵重的 n.[pl.]贵重物品、首饰 listen to the valuable advice gain valuable experience a valuable painting valuable collection 2010 avail n.v.利用、有助于、有益于 The dark and narrow hiding place did not avail to save the fugitives. (黑暗狭窄的藏身地并未能挽救那些逃亡者) My daughter did not avail herself of my advice.(我女儿没有利用我的建议) The police searched all the rooms again and again, but to no avail. (警察将所有的屋子搜了又搜,却一无所获) It would be of no avail to act with undue haste.(操之过急,于事无补) We tried and tried, but it was all to no avail.(我们试了又试,可全都无济于事) 2011 available adj.可利用的、有空的、可获得的 Office works are available on weekends. The doctor is not available now. This book is not easily available. available space. 2012 be of 表示人或物的特征 (相当于……的) Experience is of great value to us. My advice may be of use for you. I'm glad to be of some assistance. 2013 universe n.天地万物、宇宙、领域、体系、范围 I'm not trying to explain the secrets of the universe in this book.(在本书中我并不试图解释宇宙的奥秘) They try to understand the whole universe,its provenance and fate. (他们试图认识整个宇宙,其起源及命运) The universe was complex but it obeyed certain rules.(宇
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