湖北省荆门市栗溪职业高级中学2023年高三英语上学期期末试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. — The lady starred in many films. — Really? But rarely _____________in public nowadays. A. she is seen       B. is she seen        C. was she seen       D. she was seen 参考答案: B 2. Officials said that they were allowed to leave under a pre-arranged plan but would not say______ they were headed.        A.where          B.when            C.what              D.that 参考答案: A 3. He went on talking while I tried to ______ what it meant. A. come out              B. turn out    C. take out                   D. figure out 参考答案: D 4. The news has spread all over the world ___________ Saddam Hussein was hanged on December 30,2006. A.whether       B.what      C.that        D.which 参考答案: C 5. —How did your interview with the manager go?     —_____________ He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn't ask for references. A.Perfect!                             B.I'm not sure.     C.That’s right                     D.Couldn't be better 参考答案: B 6. Every minute has been made full ______ of by the girls ______ knowledge about etiquertte. A. using; learning      B. use; to learn         C. to use; to learn     D. use; learning 参考答案: B 略 7. ---Hi, David! How was your trip to Beijing? ---Wonderful. I have never had _______ in my life.    A. a most exciting holiday             B. a more exciting holiday    C. the most excited holiday            D. the more excited holiday 参考答案: B 8. Her new book on how to get along with others is to ______next month.    A. come out    B. get out         C. turn out          D. give out 参考答案: A 9. ---Could you turn the TV down a little bit? ---______. Is it disturbing you? A. Take it easy.    B. I’m sorry.    C. Not a bit      D. It depends 参考答案: B 略 10. The soldier narrowly escaped ________in the fierce battle. A. have killed B. killing          C. to be killed D. being killed 参考答案: D 11. Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _____ spending quite a lot of time with students. A. enjoys B. involves C. practices D. suggests 参考答案: B 12. The agreement was made quickly as both sides were satisfied with the conditions of _____. A. another        B. others               C. the other           D. either 参考答案: C 略 13. He wrote     song,which turned out to be fairly popular with   young. A.a:the    B.a:a C.the:a    D.the;the 参考答案: A 14. ____online anti-firework campaign started this very year is_____ good platform to   change the way people celebrate the New Year.   A. The; a B. The; the   C. An; a   D. An; the 参考答案: A 15. Evidence begins to   that the earth and the rest of the universe are in fact changing with time. A. accumulate     B.accelerate C.accompany    D.approve 参考答案:  A 二、 完型填空 16.      The military (军队)can be a lonely place when you’re 18, far from home and injured. Lance Dillon 41 that description. I met him about 25 years ago,when I was working in the 42 on a small military base in Alaska.       Lance had broken both 43 in a rock climbing accident. He was a 44 person Lo he around, but as time passed he became restless. Winter was fast coming. The days were almost too short now for Lance to 45 himself outside for a breath of fresh air. Close lo Halloween, his  girl Sarah wrote him the classic “Dear John” letter. It was not a good time. We could see the (lark shadows 46 around Lance. He had two friends, Rory and Kal, who 47 in the evening and made him laugh. As Thanksgiving approached, the clouds began to form 48 Lance again. We knew he 49 needed to get out of the wheelchair and out of the hospital, bul it was too 50 for him to walk on those broken feet.     That Thanksgiving,I delerminerl to bring some 51 into Lancet holiday. I told him I would take him to my 52 for turkey. Rory and Kal would  be there with my family. Making a chair with their arms,Rory and Kal 53 Lance into the house. We 54 from mid-moming and didn’t Lake Lance back to the hospital 55 after midnight. He 56 for days  afterward.      A few weeks later,Lance’s mother wrote me a letter,saying that she was 57 to me for  caring for her son during his Thanksgiving away from home. I still have that 58 in my  drawer. Someday I may have to write a thank-you letter lo some woman who will 59 one of my sons when he needs a home-cooked 60 far away from home. 41. A. changes       B. doubts     C. fits          D. believes 42. A. company B. church         C.school       D. hospilal 43. A. ankles       B. shoulders     C. arms          D. hands 44. A. fun           B. painful     C. difficult D. busy 45. A. persuade B. dress         C. hury         D. wheel 46. A. thickening     B. looking     C. disappearing D. reflecting 47. A. passed down    B. went through C. came by      D. got up 48. A. around       B. in             C. with          D. on 49. A. frequently   B. desperately C. seriously D. gradually 50. A. easy       B. early         C. strang
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