《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、西欧中世纪庄园与东汉后期庄园的共同点是(  )。 A.主人和农民之间有雇佣关系 B.具有商品货币关系 C.有自营地和份地的区分 D.自给自足的经济体 【答案】 DCB5W10J4U5K3P4J2HE6T1A7Z7M7P8W7ZT3F2R10C7E9G2Z3 2、资料:(四) A.Approach to financial education B.Americans' financial skills C.Reform on financial education D.Lessons of financial crisis 【答案】 ACO9W3K5A8N1F7E1HX6E2L9S7S9H10U1ZP4U7R4B9H5G7O1 3、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer’s life. A.trying to help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams B.studying the benefits of dreams C.help the person understand himself better D.trying to make the sleeper dream logically 【答案】 CCW10T5V9K2E4B5T9HE3P7Z9S9B7T2J7ZP9S7F1W7S1I2Q8 4、对应付账款进行的分析程序不包括( )。 A.计算应付账款对存货的比率、应付账款对流动负债的比率,并与以前期间对比分析, 评价应付账款的整体合理性 B.获取或编制应付账款明细表,复核加计正确,并与报表数、总账数和明细账合计数核对 是否相符 C.分析长期挂账的应付账款,要求被审计单位做出解释,判断被审计单位是否缺乏偿债能力或利用应付账款隐瞒利润 D.利用存货、主营业务收人和主营业务成本的增减变动幅度,判断应付账款增减变动的合理性 【答案】 BCI2M5A6M2N6O9H4HR8K1R4Y3X6T2E6ZD6E3N1T9S10A10Y2 5、In 2012, the last______flood hit the southwestern part of the Netherlands and caused more than 1800 casualties. A.adverse B.radical C.severe D.disastrous 【答案】 DCD6P9I2K1Y7A1A4HW8W5T10N2T5N1E6ZW1H6S9X10O5N2L9 6、对于价值较低或极易损坏的低值易耗品,应采用( )进行摊销。 A.使用次数摊销法 B.分次摊销法 C.一次转销法 D.计划成本法 【答案】 CCB6G8I7R7C5L5E10HX4P4O2D2M10G2I8ZT8P1T8B4E9L1M1 7、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below. A.The minimum amount to invest is USD 2000 B.You may choose any maturity date as you wish C.The rates on certificate of deposits may vary day to day D.Separate certificates of deposits will be issued for additional deposits 【答案】 BCS10W6N8M8B1A9G8HA2P6S6W7V6V6E8ZT9B2A4L5N9V4R1 8、我国的金融债券最主要的发行主体是(  )。 A.商业银行 B.中国人民银行 C.政策性银行 D.证券公司 【答案】 DCT10Q3B9U2V6L4F2HY7J3W8O6T10R10Y10ZW5M2A10P5V8G8S10 9、债券与股票的共同点是(  )。 A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.②④ 【答案】 ACB4D2T3M9N9Q10K5HV3F10Q5L8I1W8P2ZN5I4Z10D1R2I4W5 10、通常情况下,下列商业银行资产的流动性自高至低排序正确的是(  )。 A.(2)>(1)>(3)>(4) B.(1)>(2)>(3)>(4) C.(2)>(1)>(4)>(3) D.(1)>(2)>(4)>(3) 【答案】 DCL9X2H4H7P1G1S5HR2A1I8H4M5Y2W4ZG2E10U3N3W8A1F1 11、Most of these resources are ______ towards paper-writing and research projects. A.hatched B.geared C.encouraged D.motivated 【答案】 BCD7A4X9S1R6L1S3HG9X3I6Y5P9T10R9ZO6H4H3T6E1E1E5 12、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为 2.5%。 A.4 B.5 C.8 D.20 【答案】 CCN6O8S7D8Y8E10H5HU8V1G5O9Z5T3E3ZW3J9Y3X6P8B1U2 13、2020年1月6日,国家主席习近平在人民大会堂同基里巴斯总统马茂会谈后共同见证两国共建“一带一路”谅解备忘录的签署。这标志着中国同所有(  )个建交太平洋岛国都签署了共建“一带一路”合作文件。 A.5 B.7 C.8 D.10 【答案】 DCW3J1H1D3V2P5G5HW6H5K2P8B1I10A7ZG10C6C2W2D10W7N9 14、资料:Human resource professionals act as mediators between an organization's management and its workers. This requires wearing many hats It's an HR administrator's job to make sure that employees are working in a safe environment that disputes are settled, and that benefits are understood and administered properly. At the same time, HR is charged with recruiting new employees who will not only fit in personally and professionally but also help the company achieve its business goals. They also represent management when negotiating for benefits with companies administering these benefits and when implementing companywide policies that will ultimately lower costs or boost profits. The needs of HR cover a wide range of tasks and,therefore, require individuals who are good with people in addition to being organized, analytical, business-minded, and heroic multitaskers. A.Ensure a sound working environment for employees B.Represent management in negotiation and policy implementation C.Help achieve business goals and profit boost D.Hire promising new employees for the sake of the company 【答案】 CCF4D1V10P1L9F5G10HH3S5V10E8Z1I10N9ZJ10X2J2Q7S3I6G4 15、This chapter gives an overview of three-dimensional (3D) textiles in sports and leisure clothing______manufacturing processes and product requirements. A.in connection with B.in common with C.regardless of D.with respect to 【答案】 DCE9S4E7U9D1R10X3HY2V8K7C7Y1Y6S9ZG10C10D1H3J7W6D8 16、资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. A.The companies that carry out the project B.Environmental campaigners C.North Dakota oil producers D.Consumers 【答案】 BCM9N9Z7N10S8Q4W4HP10P1M4B3T8Y9F9ZP3T6Q1Y5V10V9F4 17、“十三五”期间,我国森林覆盖率提高到23.04%,森林蓄积量超过1
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