《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:Job Description A.Wait for a better chance B.Make a job-hopping C.Become a producer D.Work harder and be more focused 【答案】 CCR1L3H10C5D3J1Z8HF3A8U6R10X8R7G1ZG6R8Z1L7U3U7R9 2、The sleeping soldier received a strong ___ from his commanding officer. A.respite B.reprimand C.revulsion D.rookie 【答案】 BCZ3A5H7S2H5Q3C8HR7Q1E3O1D9X10L4ZS9V6Z6H2F6D6G3 3、Passage 6 A.Doubtful B.Approving C.Welcoming D.Optimistic 【答案】 ACT1B3S9W10E10N6V10HG5Q9U7Y10U1W2H9ZF2V7M2Q5A4H4X5 4、OPEC holds meetings frequently so as to regulate the output of______ oil. A.crude B.original C.first D.primary 【答案】 ACZ7B2F1H4Q7H3Y7HA4R6X6M6N9L2B5ZB10R1D10J2B6O9F7 5、企业接受的现金捐赠,应计入( )。 A.营业外收入 B.盈余公积 C.资本公积 D.未分配利润 【答案】 ACU2X8J1O4S1B8B2HM9D9E7D2E10T5W5ZD9S4Y5M2U1E3I5 6、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.X展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.Because those sites can legitimize suppliers B.Because those sites are free of charge C.Because those sites can verify the suppliers’ legitimacy D.Because those sites can arrange factory visits for businessmen 【答案】 CCY9U2I1L1D3L5X7HO6Q1X3S6I1V4G2ZQ3D2Y1R3W4G7Y2 7、我国现阶段的货币政策采用(  )公式来考量M2增速是否适宜。 A.M2增速=GDP增速+CPI+1% B.M2增速=GDP增速+CPI+2% C.M2=GDP增速+CPI D.M2=GDP增速+CPI+1%至2% 【答案】 CCR8F7H6D5C4M10W2HA10P5T3E3V10O9V2ZX10N7R1L3K7Z2U7 8、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. A.a difficulty that can be corrected by an operation B.eyes that are not exactly the right shape C.an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glasses D.one eye bigger than the other 【答案】 BCZ5X7F6L8H4D2Y9HP8N5N1O4F10M4M7ZB3J3R1N6D5O6V9 9、在确定的借贷周期内,按复利的(  )越多,其收入比值越高。 A.本金 B.计息次数 C.利率 D.本息和 【答案】 BCP5Y10L8E7L2J3O1HY8G10N6P3W3D1J1ZI1D4R5A6J6Q7W4 10、 2007年5月2日,吴某到某县郊区旅社住宿,拒不出示身份证件,与旅社工作人员争吵并强行住入该旅社。该郊区派出所以扰乱公共秩序为由,决定对吴某处以300元罚款。下列哪一说法是正确的?(  ) A.派出所可以自己的名义作出该处罚决定 B.派出所可以当场作出该处罚决定 C.公安机关无须将此决定书副本抄送郊区旅社 D.吴某对该罚款决定不服,应当先申请复议才能提起行政诉讼 【答案】 ACQ1B8Z7P3O9V10L8HJ5L5G5O7C1L5V2ZW4U4M3U3Q9M1C7 11、Passage 2 A.Challenges facing European regulators B.A new regulation in Europe that opens banks to competition C.The solutions to the flawed banking system in Europe D.A looming threat to customers’private bank data 【答案】 BCX4L2Q1L6B8T6L8HM9H7G10B6C9P8U7ZO5W6F4B6W6U2E1 12、夏日雷雨过后,人们会感到空气特别清新,其主要原因是( )。 A.雷雨过后,空气湿度增加 B.雷雨过程中雷电导致空气中的臭氧分子增加 C.雷雨过程中空气中的灰尘随雨水降落到地面 D.雷雨过程中气温快速下降 【答案】 BCP7E6I1V3A2E10B10HA7X4M1Y3Q2Z7P9ZB2H10R1K3V5P6R5 13、初唐四杰指的是( )。 A.王绩、王勃、杨炯、卢照邻 B.沈佺期、宋之问、王勃、骆宾王 C.王勃、杜审言、陈子昂、杨炯 D.王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王 【答案】 DCR5J1R10I8M2C9E9HR9G7T10Q2G6Q8A3ZA7N5E9Y6L6Q8Z9 14、计算机病毒是指()。 A.带细菌的磁盘 B.已损坏的磁盘 C.具有破坏性的特制程序 D.被破坏的程序 【答案】 CCF7J1T1F9N7W4Z9HW2E7L2C4Q2P5I6ZD4P1D2K10E3K6V8 15、It is ___ of the young senator to challenge the leadership so soon. A.presumptuous B.jubilant C.quizzical D.ultrasonic 【答案】 ACC2K1R9M8V10A8S9HJ6L8B5M1F6E7H2ZX9X10J6K1E9M1Z8 16、资料: The following passage is the introduction about one of the Monsell international financial products.According to the passage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,then select the right answer. A.Together with Primary Chequing,you can own 20 accounts B.If you make 32 transaction,a fee of $1.4 will be charged C.You will be able to save up to $240.5 a month on fees D.You can sell U.S.cash(up to $5,000 U.S.per transaction)at preferred exchange rate 【答案】 CCU9S6B1E7Q6M1W8HO5J1P8P4Q8G8Q8ZH7F5O3D5C2N1W7 17、阅读理解 A.a solid motionless object B.certain characteristic vibrations in“ether” C.a form fixed in space and time D.a mass of atoms in motion 【答案】 DCC1G10N7N2W2F7P4HD1Z7A7M2F4X3X9ZN3U8J4B7G5Z2G6 18、帕累托最优条件不包括( )。 A.效率问题 B.社会问题 C.生产问题 D.分配问题 【答案】 DCA5H5V8F10H5B8Y10HX2D3U7K1R6C7D6ZE5S1L2V4H1A9C2 19、某投资项目原始总投资额为90万元,项目寿命10年,已知该项目第10年的经营现金净流量为20万元,期满处置该固定资产的残值收入和回收流动资金共5万元,则该项目第10年的净现金流量为(  )万元。 A.25 B.20 C.29 D.34 【答案】 ACH8P5I10Z2N3P3R4HG5N3U1E5A5O1E2ZN6N3R8C4U4F6F3 20、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢? A.作者认为移动设备对青少年的影响与以往的新技术相同 B.智能手机等移动设备目前还没有“引发灾难” C.作者认为家长对移动技术的担心是没有必要的 D.作者认为新技术后果的评估和它的问世之间存在时间上的滞后 【答案】 ACG5D10T5H4W9X6S8HH7G9E5C10W2E4J4ZH7B5I4G1U2H5V2 21、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas. A.The project will only improve road in Tajikistan by three miles but it will do great help B.Local people welcome the projects C.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can start the pr
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