《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、鼓励冒险和革新的组织文化称为(  )组织文化。 A.学院型 B.俱乐部型 C.棒球队型 D.堡垒型 【答案】 CCV8Z8R3L9I8G3F10HP10R1W9C6V10W4Y2ZE10E3K7Q3R7G9U2 2、公文应在(  )装订。 A.左侧 B.右侧 C.上面空白区 D.下面空白区 【答案】 ACY8G2P3E5D9M4O3HM5Q4K10G2N8H8R9ZC8E6I4N3D4T5A1 3、通常我们讲的国际间的货币可兑换指的是(  )。 A.经常项目可兑换 B.资本项目可兑换 C.金融项目可兑换 D.平衡账户可兑换 【答案】 ACS8J4G1E4F7Z5P5HH1E6V10E10T4J7X7ZE10A5A4Q8K2U5O8 4、资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible: engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better. The result is more than just a new notebook. It’s the future of the notebook. And now, with sixth-generation Intel processors, improved graphics performance, faster flash storage, and up to 10 hours of battery life. MacBook is even more capable. A.Bigger screen B.Faster flash storage C.Longer battery life D.Clear representation 【答案】 ACO2Q7S10B2P8G9Q4HD9Y5G9B3H9R7E10ZK3H1U6R6K7D5S7 5、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer’s life. A.deprives people of a good sleep B.disturbs people's life C.makes people always restless D.is beneficial to people 【答案】 DCC7K6M4J1G10E6Y4HZ6B1R1B4V5Z4J2ZL8H8D4T6O2W5A2 6、衡量一个社会生产力发展水平的客观尺度是(  )。 A.生产工具 B.劳动者素质 C.科学技术 D.管理水平 【答案】 ACV5G2Y3Z2M8X5E2HG10C6Q9M6Q8K7K4ZJ5H8S1I9W5S8K9 7、下列叙述正确的是( )。 A.字长为16位表示这台计算机最大能计算一个16位的十进制数 B.字长为16位表示这台计算机的CPU一次能处理16位二进制数 C.运算器只能进行算术运算 D.SRAM的集成度高于DRAM 【答案】 BCU8H2Z2W4D4C1Y5HJ5X7M2W5Q10R5P7ZH8S3J1E9U8S4H9 8、Passage 4 A.The more money we have,the more stress we have B.Money can be of great help C.We should try our best to earn money D.Money is helpful in some way,but we should make full use of it 【答案】 DCD1D2L2I6L3T10C2HL5T7O9E6P7C1B3ZM7I3X3L6B9S7C8 9、经济一体化的最终目标是(  )。 A.关税同盟 B.共同市场 C.经济联盟 D.自由贸易区 【答案】 CCB2L2C2G3Z6O7N8HH8N6Z2B6J2U7A9ZI9X1K3G4C10R10O1 10、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin. A.In companies where good health is promoted, employees are more likely to be loyal and productive B.Offering seminars, starting competitions and offering discount on gym memberships will be costly, so companies should not pay much attention to these activities C.Exercise plays an important role of building a strong body D.Chronic stress in the workplace might be harmful to the company's interest 【答案】 BCQ3R5B3Q4O7D4T7HK10B3U6W6T7B1T5ZS3K10P3B2N6A1K9 11、有一批书要翻译,如果甲单独翻译需要22天,如果是乙单独翻译需要11天。现在甲先翻译一天,乙接着翻译一天,然后甲再翻译一天……如此以后,翻译完这批书需要(  )天。 A.16 B.15 C.17 D.14 【答案】 BCT1W10J2R4M7D9J5HJ4G2W10P6L9C2K2ZS1M1B4Q6W1A8H5 12、资料:Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some forms, football, hockey, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering. A.nature B.each other C.other teams D.international standards 【答案】 ACD2G8G9E5R4P4J7HH10M10Y8H5K7I3R1ZT4C8G10U7T3B5P8 13、资料:FAST cars whizz around,malls are full of expensive luxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But scratch the shimmering surface of the Gulf and you soon find countries hurting from the low oil price,currently around $40 a barrel.Growth is slowing and unemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t” word until recently taboo:tax. A.Saudi Arabia,UAE,Venezuela B.Qatar,Kuwait,Nigeria C.Bahrain,Oman,Qatar D.Iran,kuwait,Dubai 【答案】 CCL4Z7X10M7Y5F1Y1HU6X8F2I10U4L4P10ZI6U5G2Y8L3Q7G3 14、商品内在的使用价值和价值的矛盾,其完备的外在表现形式是( )。 A.商品与商品的对立 B.具体劳动与抽象劳动的对立 C.私人劳动与社会劳动的对立 D.商品与货币的对立 【答案】 DCC3A9H1M10P2X4W10HN3V9G9O10I5G8G10ZA9W4J5M4R6N3P7 15、资料:Italy's next government, a coalition between the populistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive €250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italian banks, and in particular for their biggest burden: non-performing loans(NPLs). Over €185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of 2017, the most for any country in the European Union. (1) A.uneasy B.awkward C.furious D.indifferent 【答案】 ACL4G4Z2W10K8P9U7HX8Z7B6G1T9J2B3ZG10N9S6V6M4V7Z1 16、Air Bus’ world-renowned hot-section engineering______the needs of industrial gas turbine customers. A.replies B.answers C.frees D.addresses 【答案】 DCY9M7G6Y3L5E1X10HV8A1E9C1U10J2B8ZR8I10H6Y3K2A2Z8 17、 汇票全额解付的,以汇票卡片作借方传票,解讫通知和多余款收账通知作借方传票附件。其会计分录为( )。 A.借:汇出汇款   贷:联行汇人款项(联行来账) B.借:汇入汇款   贷:联行存放款项(联行来账) C.借:汇出汇款   贷:联行存放款项(联行来账) D.借:联行存放款项(联行来账)   贷:汇出汇款 【答案】 CCR8O10S2N3B7E8G2HS7W5T1T7W10
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