《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、 In the 20th century, women began living longer, ______ because pregnancy and child birth had become less dangerous. A.immediately B.directly C.primarily D.accordingly 【答案】 CCN3L6O1Z2K6R7M5HA3U3S3S5I5I8Z8ZS9N5E8D5Z7D7Z3 2、下列句子中,没有语病的一项是(  )。 A.送走了所有人,他才有时间坐下来,静静地思考着今天一连串发生的离奇事件,最后浮现出的便只有那一种可能了。 B.虽然这种物理状态很少见,但是有了这么一段详实生动的描写,没有谁不会想象不出的。 C.前往西方发达国家游历是一很有意义的事情,通过游历,使我受到了极大的收获。 D.睡眠要占去一个人一生中三分之一的时间,因此,充分的睡眠,对生理有极其重要的作用。 【答案】 DCS6T7K1N2J2A1G8HI10Y2U10Q4G10J6C9ZS6U6R1Q9D5V2Z1 3、下列说法错误的是(  )。 A.高性能结构材料属于新材料领域 B.航空空间技术属于高新技术领域 C.太阳能是可再生能源 D.电能是一次能源 【答案】 DCC9D5R9I6A2X9V7HO1T8F2F8I7Z8J5ZD1U3T4D3L4S6J1 4、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned. A.result in the rapid increase of family breakdown B.undermine the relationship between father and child C.affect self-esteem of kids from the poorest family D.transmit the traditional role of fathers in the family 【答案】 BCQ6P4N4Q1W7K10X6HV6U7G7N6D5O4A7ZV7F9L2A9S2S4J1 5、A joke which was funny to American people might seem ______ to Chinese. A.defense B.fence C.offense D.intense 【答案】 DCQ9K9U2L5K9C3I3HN8B7Y1W5Z4K8A9ZO6Z1C5X9C7Y10O4 6、下列属于柜台市场的是( )。 A.第四市场 B.第三市场 C.深圳证券交易所 D.NASDAQ系统 【答案】 DCM9M4U10K3O10E7Y5HI9I4I10Q8C8L9E1ZP1B1Y5O4C10F7J5 7、阅读理解 A.a solid motionless object B.certain characteristic vibrations in“ether” C.a form fixed in space and time D.a mass of atoms in motion 【答案】 DCH7V4C9L2I2E3X6HS9Q4B1Z7D8X8I5ZI4K5A9R7N9C8E9 8、甲乙合作完成一项工作,由于配合得好,甲的工作效率比单独做时提高1/10,乙的工作效率比单独做时提高1/5,甲乙合作6小时完成了这项工作。如果甲单独做需要11小时,那么乙单独做需要几小时? A.13 B.16 C.18 D.20 【答案】 CCP3Q9C9C10T10J10I9HE3O6C2E1U6F5B6ZJ3N4R5Y4S1D5H4 9、能量守恒与转化定律又称为热力学第()定律。 A.— B.二 C.三 D.四 【答案】 ACS6U5O10Y7Y7Y3G4HV9I5A6Q5W9W3A5ZI5L9G9L7H4G1L3 10、中断处理时,要求保留现场的原因是( )。 A.为了保证不丢失数据 B.为了保证原程序完整 C.为了中断结束时返回原程序执行 D.中断处理时需要使用现场中的数据 【答案】 CCV4E9I7V10Q5P4V3HU7D7O2H6J7A9U5ZW5Y6K1M8F1N3P4 11、资料:When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claims, the first step is to present the warranty, or any other records which might help. at the store of purchase. In most cases,this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assuming he or she has a just claim. A.To ask for help from the shop assistants B.To show the written promise by the company C.To post it online D.To complain to the company 【答案】 BCL3N7Y3K8K1J2M1HY10J4R7S2T9Z6P4ZV6N3S2Y3L2U3O9 12、巴黎圣母院》的作者是(  )。 A.大仲马 B.小仲马 C.雨果 D.福楼拜 【答案】 CCT10F2I1D2Q2R2T7HA5S6A6F5P8O5K2ZE6L2E1B4I1S3L1 13、对于财产清査结果的处理,国家会计制度和单位内部会计控制制度都有规定和要求,下列各项中,未作明确规定的是( )。 A.分析产生差异的原因和性质,提出处理建议 B.积极处理多余积压财产,清理往来款项 C.落实经济责任,表彰先进 D.及时调整账簿记录,保证账实相符 【答案】 CCG5A4C10A7U6S1E6HR8G6E8S8S1R7I9ZT6L7P1F5Z7U6X10 14、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line if they have chances to do business B.welfare will enable people to be rich C.employment is the best solution to the poverty problem D.better solutions to the poverty problem are not found yet 【答案】 DCN10U8N5N4J4L2X1HR9Y3I1V3D2V4B9ZN10W10E2I1Q1R6R2 15、大额可转让定期存单最早产生于美国。美国的《Q条例》规定商业银行对活期存款不能支 付利息,定期存款不能突破一定限额。20世纪60年代,美国市场利率上涨,高于《Q条例》规 定的上限,资金从商业银行流入金融市场。为了吸引客户,商业银行推出可转让大额定期存 单。购买存单的客户随时可以将存单在市场上变现出售。 A.存款业务 B.贴现业务 C.贷款业务 D.证券业务 【答案】 ACG2X2N9O7R10U10B5HM10Y9V10T8F7A1A5ZE7W10A8S1Z6N2O2 16、资料:The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. A.It tells you what to produce B.It tells you how to grow tomatoes C.It provides you with everything you need D.It helps you save money 【答案】 ACI10M5C1T7D6P1L1HF4O2U10I6W2H4K3ZB3N2L5D4W3R9P10 17、根据《公司法》的规定,有限责任公司首次股东大会会议由(  )召集和主持。 A.出资最多的股东 B.全体股东一致认可的股东 C.公司董事会 D.公司监事会 【答案】 ACS2B7I7F4D5M7K3HX3M1S7I9V4T5A1ZW8A6U6A2N4H8W10 18、 按照资本保金的要求,企业不得用(  )发放股利或投资分红。 A.当期利润 B.留存收益 C.未分配利润 D.股本或原始投资 【答案】 DCU9Z1M3D2O3K4V5HJ4Y5G5N7V2R7X3ZF4M9E6V6F2W2G4 19、资料: The following passage is the introduction about one of the
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