《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、掠夺交易是指以强制手段为基础、一方强迫另一方的利益转移(包括其承载物的转移>。下列不属于掠夺交易的是( )。 A.甲有一幅非常珍贵的古名画,乙知道后千方百计想得到,就请甲的领导出面,用一幅现代名画将乙的那幅画换到手 B.张某摆了一个杂货摊点,一天,有一人来买塑料面盆,她拿出一元钱塞给张说:“我知道你卖三元一只,我们是邻居,就一元卖给我吧。”说完就拿走了面盆 C.小李家正搞装潢,谁知预算失误,少买了几平米某名牌木地板,急需补上,经销商谎称木地板涨价,必须加价,最终小李以三倍的价格买回所需地板 D.小王和小章是两位集邮爱好者,他们常常交换邮品,虽然有时用以交换的邮品价格悬殊,但双方都非常乐意,毫无怨言 【答案】 DCG4S9F6D2L4V9T2HB8Z7V4E10X9S9W2ZC2L6H9C9R1X3D10 2、He spent ages ______ for a pay increase,only to resign from his job soon after he’d received it. A.observing B.occurring C.negotiating D.securing 【答案】 CCH7R8Z3B4N9F2E5HQ1W5P8F7R9V8D4ZH5F1T6D3J2R6F10 3、May is as(  )as a peacock and always wants to be the center. A.beautiful B.smart C.slender D.vain 【答案】 DCF5X10X8J1N9H1R10HU5X3X5Z3L6Z5J1ZH8H9X6L9W4T9X6 4、Sales are up dramatically____percentage terms compared with a year ago. A.by B.in C.at D.for 【答案】 BCA7O1Y4Q5J7U10Y3HY2K9J6B1A9I3J8ZW3T8Z5P5A1B6H5 5、汽车轮胎上的沟纹的主要作用是(  )。 A.增加与地面的摩擦 B.排除雨水和泥水 C.增加车身的缓冲 D.保护内胎,防止刺破 【答案】 ACD8X4M2B7Z4C7L10HI4S3R2X4C6V9G6ZK5J3K2V10Z10K9G2 6、But at the same time, 77 percent of moms and dads____that the Web is crucial to learning,and an overwhelming 91 percent admit that it helps their kids explore things they're passionate about. A.recognize B.announce C.distinguish D.assert 【答案】 ACV7A10Z2A5G4P6F5HM5F6Q8Y10J6X7M9ZY6L3O7R8R2B9Q6 7、The number of people wanting to become a Southwest Airlines flight attendant has reached ________ . A.record high B.a record high C.high record D.a high record 【答案】 DCH10S7E8G3B7M6H2HV6J7A10C6N5P8U9ZR9N7A2P4Y2C1P1 8、下列属于产品成本的是(  )。 A.厂房管理人员工资 B.车间人员工资 C.董事会人员工资 D.专设销售部门人员工资 【答案】 BCD9T10M8W4F7N9A1HW4J9B9H2N4L2W9ZQ4U4Z9G9T7A4G7 9、资料:Talk about Christmas in July. Carrie Rocha has already started her holiday shopping. “A few weeks back I picked up a $60 toy for $4, and, truth be told, I picked up a whole lot more than that,” she wrote in an email. “I spent about $80 total and got $350+ in toys.” A.Because the toys were on sale in most stores B.Because she was preparing the gifts for Christmas C.Because the holiday season is coming D.Because she loves to give out toys as gifts 【答案】 ACA10U10R4G1R5F8P4HQ4C4H8J6D2E10U9ZS2V2Q4R5D6D9O9 10、资料:As a business owner, it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies. Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand operations. A.Technology B.Culture C.Business D.Social 【答案】 ACN5X7E2H8U9P4D4HB5O4Q4V9K1Z3Y8ZS4A6G7Q4X4E4O5 11、夏天干旱,甲、乙两家请人来挖井,阴天时,甲家挖井需要8天,乙家需要10天,晴天时,甲家工作效率下降40%,乙家工作效率下降20%,两家同时开工并同时挖好井,问甲家挖了几个晴天?(  ) A.2天 B.8天 C.10天 D.12天 【答案】 CCX7Y7V6G10V2G8T4HF9D3W3J8C6X4H8ZP5E8J8Z1S5Q1G9 12、 甲乙两人合资购买一辆运输车,其中甲出资l0万,乙出资5万。两年后乙远赴国外做生意,甲决定将运输车卖给丙。那么,下列说法中正确的是(  )。 A.甲只能转让属于他的部分所有权,可以事先不通知乙 B.甲的份额大,无需征求乙的同意,即可将运输车卖给丙 C.乙可以委托他人处理自己的权益,将运输车卖给其他人 D.同丙相比,乙拥有优先购买运输车的权利 【答案】 DCP1A6I6D1O2Y5O2HQ6S1X6E6K10Z2C5ZT6E9U6M3T10G1A2 13、资料:From: Peter Manx pmanx@bettertraining.co.au A.Reasonable prices B.Useful course content C.Flexible arrangements D.Well qualified teachers 【答案】 ACG8P4I9J9W8Q1J4HC3M4G8Q3B8V3M2ZL10H6H6O10C4Y9L1 14、 收入的确认应当满足的条件不包括( )。 A.与收入相关的经济利益很可能流入企业 B.经济利益流入企业的结果会导致企业资产的增加或者负债的减少 C.收入是与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入 D.经济利益的流人额能够可靠地计量 【答案】 CCO6X9T4L2N4I5Q1HK8W8P5S1Q10Q10Y4ZC5P9J1S9H1F5W2 15、下列历史事件按时间排序正确的一组是(  ) A.百家争鸣——独尊儒术——新文化运动 B.大泽乡起义——太平天国运动——安史之乱 C.王安石变法——商鞅变法——戊戌变法 D.贞观之治——文景之治——康乾盛世 【答案】 ACY5L2T7U9V7T4K5HI7F3R6V7K2T9H3ZY7W7B3S4I4F7R3 16、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company. A.What’s in the image? B.What attracts customers? C.What’s in a logo? D.None of above 【答案】 BCN7B7G3E9G5O9F1HB1J4C6T7M10U3Y10ZD2N9L7J2Q2E5Q6 17、The______goal of the project is to expand the scientific knowledge relevant to improving health outcomes for women and children in low income countries. A.entire B.total C.target D.overall 【答案】 DCZ8U1R8M4G6H7Z9HK6V4Y5P6M4M1C6ZI3G7J10R4F3Z4I3 18、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her country’s withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the country’s exit. A.The rights of EU’s citizens will be protected in Britain after the divorce B.Britain would be willing to continue to fulfill the commitment they have made during the period of membership C.A good trade relation between Britain and the EU is in line with the interests of both sides D.Britain will provide 20 billion euros to EU during the transition period 【答案】 DCJ2M5O8O4Z10R9C4HP9B4D5B6D8Z4Y4ZB5H6H4M4F10H5X4 19、 甲在商场柜台边捡到一个钱包,内装人民币6000元,送交给该商场保卫科负责人乙.乙将此款据为己有。乙的行为构成(  )。 A.侵占罪 B.挪用公款罪 C.贪污罪 D.巨额财产来源不明罪 【答案】 ACT3P3K4O1W4K2X2HW6L2Q1X2J9R9Y9ZK6B7K1N1C5X1A10 20、资料:From:Gloria Richter A.Gunther Schmidt is
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