《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、As ___, I think business English is more practical than other courses. A.an International Business student major B.an International Business major C.a International Business student major D.an International Business major student 【答案】 DCK6S4Z5K3S4Z4V4HA6K1S4V7U4I9W6ZD7I6Y3K7G3M3J9 2、 合同被撤销之后,合同的效力(  )。 A.自撤销时无效 B.自始无效 C.没有成立 D.自发现撤销事由之日起无效 【答案】 BCV2S9V3W7R5N6P5HL1W6D6P9F10B9Q2ZF7K10U5T9B5V2W6 3、资料:packing tips A.Papers B.Cash C.Plastic bottle D.Clothes 【答案】 BCF9K2W2H2E7O6B6HH1V2W7V8K1O9V6ZU9L3R1L2U7M9P7 4、Since he suffered a great deal from stomachache,the doctor insisted that he ______ wine any more. A.did not drink B.does not drink C.should not drink D.could not drink 【答案】 CCC10O6G8F1I2G5X5HM2F9X8T3N2O5Q1ZI9N6Q1H4I4Q6E7 5、资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. A.Stop the Dakota Access permanently B.Join the Paris climate agreement C.Require federal agencies to take climate change into consideration when making decisions D.Suspend the construction of Dakota Access 【答案】 ACG2H8V9I1K7Q7S6HM7E7Z3C4E3C8E4ZE8W9W10P6O3V3V8 6、In the experiment , the researcher placed a rat in a maze, ___ it was presented with different smells to see if it can resist the distraction and get to the exit. A.what B.that C.where D.which 【答案】 CCS5E10W2M3L2K6G9HY2P1M7N5L8Q1J9ZS9T3X3E3E10C3V6 7、财政收支对货币供应量的最终影响,取决于( )。 A.财政结余 B.财政收支平衡 C.财政支出 D.财政收支状况及平衡方法 【答案】 DCY6P6R7Z2R8K1M4HM5E3M1M6T7N7R6ZD10F10T2P5K2M7M7 8、Passage 7 A.No particular reasons B.For a better reputation C.For the social equality D.As the law said 【答案】 CCM2H7H9M1M7H10G5HD4I9Y6Z8P1Y7Y3ZN7J10A4J1B2S8L3 9、资料:Anything that affects the smooth flow of information is known as noise. This might be, for example, the language used,an in appropriate use of technology or the different levels of skill and knowledge of the sender and receiver. For example, every day in the press and on TV, consumers are bombarded with often confusing or contradictory information about the health benefits or risks associated with different foods. Consumers may not have enough understanding or information to judge between conflicting messages. It is therefore not surprising that many people do not hear these messages and switch off. A.because they may not have enough understanding or information B.because the messages are spread on newspapers C.because they care more about health risks associated with different foods D.not mentioned 【答案】 ACY2M6S3E8E1S3Z2HC6Q10M9J9M7U1A10ZQ1Q2Z1N6D9P6V8 10、资料: The following passage is the introduction about one of the Monsell international financial products.According to the passage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,then select the right answer. A.introduce the Bank of Monsell B.analyze the products of Bank of Monsell C.introduce certain products and services for teens D.show the success of the Bank of Monsell 【答案】 CCC7C8M5F10N2W1O6HC5N9X2P3V1P10T4ZI8B9G5K6U5I8K7 11、资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. A.Stop the Dakota Access permanently B.Join the Paris climate agreement C.Require federal agencies to take climate change into consideration when making decisions D.Suspend the construction of Dakota Access 【答案】 ACE8P1Q6P8B10V2I10HH5F7U1U8X7H3Q3ZZ2H6T7Q7O8C2F9 12、Excel中单元格C4表示在工作表的第(  )行,第(  )列。 A.4,5 B.3,4 C.5,4 D.4,3 【答案】 DCG1S3Z10J2T10O7A5HR3Z9F6A5R1S3M6ZP8D5B2M3O2M2P3 13、下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.舞低杨柳楼心月—柳永 B.两情若是久长时—秦观 C.此情无计可消除—李清照 D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨—辛弃疾 【答案】 ACT2I8T4Z5O5W10P2HN2I8C10W3M7M9C4ZE1H4O2E6U2Y4V9 14、马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想共同的精髓是( ) A.从群众中来,到群众中去的群众路线 B.实事求是的思想路线 C.具体问题具体分析的方法论原则 D.革命性和实践性相统一的理论特征 【答案】 BCA8Y1Q1I6X7R2D5HB2Q9G7C4X1D7A4ZI3Z7H7A1V5Z10I7 15、积极开展网络融资服务。农业银行创新推出(  )线上贷款产品,实现农户贷款线上申请、线上审批、线上发放、线上还款,全面提升农户贷款的覆盖面和办理效率。 A.助农e贷 B.轻松e贷 C.惠农e贷 D.全民e贷 【答案】 CCK4I10X7K7S6U1J4HJ1D5H7B10K10V3P1ZA4L10Y9K9B5O6D1 16、消费者对价格敏感,生产与销售成本低,竞争者易进入,商品差异性小的新产品定价,应采用(  )。 A.高价策略 B.低价策略 C.满意策略 D.折扣策略 【答案】 BCW6Y6I6K2U2H8E5HQ2P1D1E2W3V10G6ZO8J4C8G7W5E5J7 17、In terms of viewpoints and attitudes, authors may not state ______ that they are neutral, negative, positive or objective. A.exceptionally B.empirically C.explicitly D.extravagantly 【答案】 CCN6C1Z10U5X1G9Q7HA2P9I8Y3I10G1Z4ZG4J1P8S3V6H9M6 18、资料:This exhibition brings together outst
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