《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、According to the passage, "dwindle" means___________. A.decrease B.enlarge C.weaken D.eliminate 【答案】 ACP6M10V1V7G4O10O6HL10S9A4A4T5L5Y1ZN1Q1C5H1K4W5N5 2、在因特网中,常用的电子邮件缩写是( )。 A.FTP B.WWW C.BBS D.E—mail 【答案】 DCK2P7T3G3R8J2N8HW4O5D8R3Y4W6I6ZT8S4C8Q1V1E10I2 3、股票在中国的历史,可以追溯到19世纪洋务运动时期。当时中国出现了一批官办与官商合办的股份制企业。1873年成立的轮船招商局,发行了中国最早的股票。1914年,中国北洋政府颁布《证券交易所法》,1917年成立了北京证券交易所。到抗日战争前,上市股票已达百余种。但后来几经挫折,股市始终没有发展起来。 A.股票发源于19世纪洋务运动时期 B.股票的发源地是中国 C.股票在中国历史的各个时期都存在 D.股票在近代中国有一段辉煌的历史 【答案】 DCT5R9B8B2X7J5X10HT10H1E10J10W7V4S9ZP6A4O1F4O2W8I5 4、一段路程分为上坡、平路、下坡三段,路程长之比依次是1 : 2 : 3。小龙走各段路程所用时 间之比依次是4:5:6。已知他上坡时速度为每小时3千米,路程全长是50千米,小龙走 完全程用多少小时?( ) A.10 5/12 B.12 C.14 1/12 D.10 【答案】 ACW5A4K5R8O4F2K4HS6L3M2B6P10G1J2ZG9G3O1H9S8Q10K8 5、This eoHrse is__________must for students who want to work in the film industry as__________editor. A.不填;a B.a;an C.不填;the D.a;the 【答案】 BCI5M6B10B6U6P2G1HA2N7G10L6E3M6D8ZV7U10U5J1T3A8D10 6、一个三位数,百位的数字比十位的数字大而且都可以被3 整除,十位的数字和个位的数字都可以被2整除而且相加的值比百位大1,则这个三位数是( )。 A.632 B.942 C.964 D.639 【答案】 CCP10G10H10Y2E7Z6B1HW4K3X5M9Q7T8B1ZW1B6E2M1A4H1E7 7、实验中学初中部三年级有四个班,本学期末要评选三好学生,名额分配关系如下:三年级一班、二班、三班评选出32名三好学生,三年级二班、三班、四班评选出28名三好学生.并且三年级一班和四班的三好学生总数是三年级二班和三班三好学生总数的2倍,请你计算一下,本学期末三年级评选的三好学生总数是(  )人。 A.50 B.40 C.42 D.45 【答案】 DCQ6K3L9A7J8I4H9HC5L7W5Q4I10M6R9ZF7G4O8U5E3Z5W2 8、The beautiful mountain village__________ we spent our holiday last year is locatedin __________ is now part of Guangxi. A.which ; where B.where; what C.that ; what D.when ; which 【答案】 BCD10L9V4L10N1P7B7HW1E7G8Z2H4Q2P2ZL4U8I6A10C6L7B3 9、To our surprise, the stranger ______ to be an old friend of my mother's. A.turned out B.turned up C.set out D.set up 【答案】 ACI5G4O4R10F9O7R9HF9V7Z9M1R6B4K3ZU2I10H6W6C10F10M1 10、三个容积相同的瓶子里装满了酒精溶液,酒精与水的比分别是2:1,3 : 1,4 :1。当把三瓶酒精溶液混和后,酒精与水的比是多少?( ) A.133 : 47 B.131 : 49 C.33 : 12 D.3 : 1 【答案】 ACK2C5C2E3L1E6W9HH8N2Q1I2Q2G2J7ZT6H6B1D8Y1P10K6 11、What is true about Imex System Inc.? A.Many of its customers have a high speed connection B.It was the first Internet service provider in Lofton City C.The prices of many of its items were recently reduced D.It offers cheaper Internet Service than Interspeed 【答案】 ACJ7A3D10Z8G7C4A10HJ5V8X6P1T4O2I5ZY7P3U1M1V3N9Y5 12、Premises that are related to each other seems to be dispensable because . A.Kant thinks they are indispensable B.either of them can resolve the paradox C.the premises are separated D.the premises can account for the theory 【答案】 BCL3N3R2Q5Z9D5U1HS2G4Q6Y2N1W7T5ZV8I3L6J1T5Q7Q5 13、结构性失业:指由于经济结构、体制、增长方式等的变动,使劳动力在包括技能、经验、工种、知识、年龄、性别、主观意愿、地区等方面的供给结构与需求结构不相一致而导致的失业。 A.某电子工厂的产品因长期滞销而被迫转产,职工小张因没有合适的岗位而另谋生路 B.农民小王趁农闲之机进城务工,但一时还找不到工作 C.小赵去年大学毕业,一心想留在大城市工作,但高不成低不就,无奈之下又继续学习准备报考硕士研究生 D.小李在某公司工作了两年,感觉没有继续发展的空间,今年辞去了工作,打算另谋高就 【答案】 DCA4I4P4J9F7V3C7HR5T3C3Q8Z9R2P3ZJ3V2A10N2W5N7J6 14、甲、乙、丙、丁四人的血型各不相同,甲说:“我是A型。”乙说:“我是0型。”丙说:“我是AB型。”丁说:“我不是AB型。”四个人中只有一个人的话是假的。 A.无论谁说假话,都能推出四个人的血型情况 B.乙说假话.可推出四个人的血型 C.丙说假话.可推出四个人的血型 D.丁说假话。可推出四个人的血型 【答案】 BCZ8U9X1R1M9Y3L10HI10D5T7X4J5L10A10ZL4A2I7Z7Q3G3U5 15、YANGON--Myanmar has officially accepted an offer of the United States to send humanitarian aid to the country's cyclone victims, state radio reported Friday in a night broadcast. Myanmar Deputy Foreign Minister Kyaw Thu gave the assurance Friday, saying that the country is receiving such relief aid from any country without limit at this time according to its policy of dealing with the disaster, the report said. A.How to Help Myanmar B.Myanmar Accepts US Humanitarian Aid Officially C.Myanmar is Receiving Relief Aid from Any Country without Limit D.The Government and the People of Myanmar Are Grateful 【答案】 BCT5J10D7V6M6L5V1HL8Y8A8R5I9M2F1ZP5D1E8A8D2G7R2 16、Rising wages -- together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs -- are eating away the once-formidable"China price" advantage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,000 people in China alone."One can talk about a world pre- and post- Foxconn," says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the world's biggest sourcing company and a supplier of Wal-Mart. "Foxconn is as important as that." A.if labor costs continue to grow, it would ripple through the economy B.average wages grow 19 percent from 2005 to 2010 C.foreign enterprises should switch their manufacturing to cheaper sources D.the wage rises over the past 2 decades could be offset by rising production 【答案】 DCZ6P4C9O1Y4L1Z9HN10M9W8T7Y5E3R1ZS8L6R9Y7J6P9Q8 17、2014 年8 月,英国资产市场迎来了历史最大的抛售潮,一共有270 亿美元的资金流出英国。而造成这一结果的主要原因是( )即将进行独立公投。 A.苏格兰 B.爱尔兰 C.北爱尔兰 D.威尔士 【答案】 ACS2X4K1Y5W3L5L10HL10B1A8J8K2S9X8ZA2V7V2M5R5V3F5 18、世界上越是经济发展快的地方,人们看表的次数相对也就多。越是发展缓慢的地方,人们看表的频率也就越低。早些时候,按经济发展速度的排列次序是美国、日本、德国、荷兰、
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