《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、下列叙述正确的是() A.字长为16位表示这台计算机最大能计算一个16位的十进制数 B.字长为16位表示这台计算机的CPU —次能处理16位二进制数 C.运算器只能进行算术运算 D.SRAM的集成度高于DRAM 【答案】 BCC4B10E7P3H3M8N1HX5E6Y10O5F10O1T1ZT3X4C5Q2C2S5D7 2、下面的数字中表现出一定的逻辑,170,120,82,48,(  ),你认为应该填入数列最合适的数字是?(  ) A.38 B.36 C.28 D.26 【答案】 DCH2M8B5O2D5H3W1HH5K5V4I9Q10G5Z7ZT5S8Q3D10R1N9T2 3、微观经济学要解决的核心问题是()。 A.资源的配置 B.资源的利用 C.资源的用逢单一 D.国民收入决定 【答案】 ACG1U2E3M1A3G3J2HL8A5A9G1T4K10T9ZB10C5B1O10O3R10X2 4、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. A.the government B.both the employer and the government C.the employer D.the employer, the government and the media 【答案】 BCR7V6X9Q3U7W10U6HU10D4M7M9B7H3Z9ZE2O10U5H8F7A8K1 5、In low and middle income countries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to______diseases. A.contagious B.transparent C.chronic D.immune 【答案】 CCO8L6E7O7D6H8S5HB9V9H9L5L4C3H9ZP1C8M8K7O4Q5J3 6、股利分配中的除息日是指( )。 A.股利权与股票互相分离的日期 B.股利发放日期 C.领取股利的登记日期 D.股利权从属于股票的日期 【答案】 ACD2A7Z1H8D10M8L1HC7A6Y9N1F10G7H3ZQ4O3M3I9E1B1D7 7、资料:Early Experiences A.The nearest customers B.The virtual customers C.People that pretend to be customers D.The VIPs 【答案】 CCH8Z5I8G10B4R3M4HP4I4Y1Q3K4L10Y4ZC4G9Q2U10T9Y9V10 8、冯·诺依曼在总结研制ENIAC计算机时,提出两个重要的改进是( )。 A.引入CPU和内存储器的概念 B.采用二进制和存储程序控制的概念 C.采用机器语言和十六进制 D.采用ASCII编码系统 【答案】 BCB7G2I5I3N1P10N3HO5V8L6N10J1W7E6ZI2O1K1T3V2E6M3 9、在竞争企业优劣势分析的内容中,属于市场营销方面的是(  )。 A.竞争企业的生产成本水平 B.竞争企业产品系列的宽度与深度 C.市场调研与新产品开发的能力 D.设施与设备的技术先进性与灵活性 【答案】 CCZ5Z5P2Q6O10B4O6HB3B8M8U9D1A3J3ZL8T7C2J3G3L5Z1 10、Passage 5 A.water deficiency B.distress C.desertification D.more grasses and lakes 【答案】 DCK5A8R1V9L3A4N2HG8K5Y1L1F7H9N4ZW4B2Q7D5I2P4M2 11、Just because I’m( )to him,my boss thinks he can order me around without showing me any respect. A.redundant B.versatile C.trivial D.subordinate 【答案】 DCM4R1T5H10D1T10I2HF1D9J10X10T4R9U5ZT3P2I4E7Q5W10Q2 12、国家卫健委日前明确,持核酸检测阴性证明返乡从2021年1月28日春运开始后实施,至(  )春运结束后截止。 A.3月8日 B.3月1日 C.2月28日 D.3月6日 【答案】 ACW6U4Z7H7W9W6S3HH2A10K3K10P2N6R3ZY8A1C3A9S8W4L2 13、Great Wall, first built 2000 years ago, is a____ miracle. A.cautious B.marvelous C.numerous D.serious 【答案】 BCP10H3K1M9W1N10B9HE3T2V1T10K3A4Y6ZX1X8O9C10X2A9Y3 14、We have experience in loading data ___ several A/C-manufacturers such as Boeing,Airbus,British Aerospace,Fokker,De Havilland and ATR. A.in B.to C.beside D.from 【答案】 BCX7F1U7X1N1P10J3HR9U1X4D1N5C10M7ZK6N9B8T5O6L8X8 15、资料:In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the battle of the sexes. A.Faith B.Complaint C.Account D.Reputation 【答案】 DCT1U6O7I3C1D2K2HS4J3R4B7H1T3H7ZO3N2R2H2H9K6L1 16、Although the great white shark has a fearsome ______,in a straight fight,it is outclassed by the killer whale. A.reputation B.imagination C.aggression D.acquisition 【答案】 ACZ2H2C8N8Y3Y10Y1HJ3E10I7M10W6L9C2ZA6J4K2H7Y2A8Q5 17、在发挥金融中介作用的过程中,下列符合投资银行运作方式的有( )。 A.资金供需双方是金融工具的借贷而不是买卖 B.资金供需双方是资金借贷而不是金融工具的买卖 C.在媒介过程中只发生资金供需双方之间的一次金融合约关系 D.在资金媒介过程中发生资金供需双方的两次金融合约关系 【答案】 CCE3J1I1N9X6O1J10HX7S2X1T6V2C7R9ZD2L9Y1O2D7W7G10 18、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world's biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba. A.Alibaba’s new business strategy B.Alibaba’s Alipay and Taobao marketplace expand into Australia C.Alibaba’s acquisition of Australian local companies D.The introduction of Alibaba 【答案】 BCK1H3R8S2F8K2M4HZ10T6R8D1X9F3V10ZT8Q10M9B6L6A6C10 19、基准利率作为其他利率水平或金融资产价格确定的基础,在我国,基准利率是(  )。 A.同业拆借利率 B.公定利率 C.存贷款利率 D.市场利率 【答案】 CCY10U7B1H1X9D10Q4HM5A9A1Z5Q8F5H7ZU10X1E3K3X10M5H2 20、Serena often has a long discussion with ______ colleagues about sales figure forecast for Q1 FY 2014. A.herself B.hers C.her D.she 【答案】 CCK1F7Q7P5C10M4X7HY3K5Z3L8I7Z10N9ZJ9N1E10M8P3Y4O5 21、It was very important(  )all projects before the end of the fiscal year. A.complete B.completed C.completing D.to complete 【答案】 DCA4F9Y3L10T5A4V10HT3F6Q1A7S2O4X5ZV4F6M8L2S5G3M9 22、Passage 2 A.one-sided B.reasonable C.puzzling D.well-based 【答案】 ACO9B2B6B10S3D10B4HA3J2U5G5I5Z4Z10ZH7N7A2V8A10H8O8 23、We need to involve at least 20 people on this project,____it can’t go ahead. A.however B.even if C.due to D.otherwise 【答案】 DCM9E2F8W7M5C3E4HP10D3D3K
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