《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、金融创新就是( )。 A.在金融市场开展金融业务 B.金融体系与金融结构的变化 C.在金融领域内,各种要素实行新的组合 D.金融市场监管与金融发展关系的确定 【答案】 CCI7V7T3T2W4O3Z3HU6I3E8P5N3O10S6ZJ10F2B1G2R10Q6L10 2、Chinese table cloth is ____for its fine quality, exquisite workmanship and compelling style. A.distinctive B.nominated C.notable D.deviated 【答案】 CCJ2K2T10V6A7V6H4HI10M9S8D6A6B9W2ZR7W6Z3N2J6B10Z9 3、马柯维茨的现代投资组合理论认为,只要两种资产收益率的相关系数不为(  ),分散投资于两种资产就具有降低风险的作用。 A.0 B.-1 C.1 D.2 【答案】 CCR10H4C6A3F7Y7Y6HY10V9L5N1T2I9E1ZE7L1K4P3D8Q4Z10 4、Are you going out? Yes, please lock the door when you ___ . A.will leave B.leave C.have been leaving D.will have left 【答案】 BCZ8J1B9E2I5M4Q1HV2M5P8Y7D5Z5I6ZB7O10E3Q5V8U10O3 5、甲公司2019年12月1日购入生产设备一台,入账价格为200000元,采用年数总和法摊销,预计净残值5000元,预计使用年限5年。2020年12月31日,该生产设备的可收回金额为120000元,则2020年底,该设备的账面价值为(  )。 A.120000 B.135000 C.150000 D.161000 【答案】 ACP9Q7U9D3U3O7T6HO4H10L6S2D10R6J5ZX2I4Q8I4X2L6O5 6、Passage 3 A.Needless material is mostly recycled B.Fighting wastefulness is difficult C.People like collecting recyclable wastes D.The author is proud of their consumer culture 【答案】 BCE1K6Q7P3Q7S9N9HD9O1Z8M9S6V1V3ZF8Y6L3J8P3N8A3 7、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息8厘,月息 6厘,日息3厘,则分别是指( ) A.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为 B.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为3‰ C.年利率为8%。,月利率为6‰,日利率为3‰ D.年利率为8%,月利率为3‰,日利率为0. 33‰ 【答案】 DCH2K8C4X7I6T8I6HC8S1Z10H10C4U3Y8ZQ2V4Y7E1A5O4Z9 8、资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet. A.Singapore Airlines' online survey is to be carried out among its registered members B.Airbus A380 will be the first aircraft to be equipped with inflight internet and mobile service C.Singapore Airlines' inflight internet access will be limited to some specific devices D.Singapore Airlines' will be the first to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access 【答案】 BCH9K9U8A10P9U2Q4HV6R10U3P3M6Z7P6ZC9O3R5I3Q6A9M1 9、“十三五”期间,我国森林覆盖率提高到23.04%,森林蓄积量超过175亿立方米,连续(  )保持“双增长”,成为森林资源增长最多的国家。 A.20年 B.30年 C.15年 D.25年 【答案】 BCS9Z1T2L3M5E8G8HD6L1G7C1X1C1T9ZN5W10V8O3B4N5V2 10、Passage 6 A.It was created by Mrs.Field B.It collects information on you usually without your knowing it C.It is a hardware needed to access to your computer D.It is the latest in technology 【答案】 BCH5U10I1H3Q4L7W7HG5N7S9V6F3I1I1ZM3N3P2E5S4H1Z7 11、获得第八届美国飞马奖的作品是贾平凹的一篇(  )。 A.长篇小说 B.中篇小说 C.短篇小说 D.散文 【答案】 ACJ4X5Z6V9I4M9T1HP7I10I8W6T3R8R9ZG5U4H2X6U10J7B10 12、____ analysts’ predictions, McKnight Electronic engineers were able to create a battery capable of lasting twice as long as previous models. A.Nevertheless B.Contrary to C.Except D.Provided that 【答案】 BCK2T1U10K3M8F7O4HI7O3O6M2G4J9C2ZS9Z3L3G2I7I3N2 13、能量守恒与转化定律又称为热力学第()定律。 A.— B.二 C.三 D.四 【答案】 ACR6D3P4X5P6I6V2HH9O7E5M8A3W4K10ZZ4U1I5G2A2B5S4 14、Brands are strategic______that provide an organization with a mainly competitive advantage. A.belongings B.property C.assets D.assessment 【答案】 CCM8M2Z1G6R1V1J1HH1K7V2K4R8Q6F4ZY3J8E5N2Z4I10J2 15、 代保管业务主要指商业银行的( )。 A.保管箱业务 B.委托代办债券还本付息业务 C.代发股票红利业务 D.代理证券资金清算等业务 【答案】 ACE9K2I10X5D7W8F1HI9H2H6K2H2U5F8ZP1W2O6A8I6T1L6 16、十进制数250转换成二进制整数是(  )。 A.01101010 B.01101000 C.11111010 D.01100110 【答案】 CCJ8O6E4Y10O5V9F3HC5F10Z9V10V10N5I4ZH3X9C1V5X8T2P2 17、美国历史上首位华裔驻华大使是( )。 A.赵小兰 B.张之香 C.骆家辉 D.朱棣文 【答案】 CCO3J1T1H9L4I7G1HI3Q6B10F3V6D3X5ZU2U4F5W8T7W1H6 18、Our new diet pill________the people who want to lose weight. A.satisfies the need of B.stimulate the demand of C.arouse the interest of D.target the market for 【答案】 ACB4U2V5D10D3R8Y6HH1F5W2E3P8S7Z5ZC1G8C1M1S3D10S10 19、下列句子排序最为连贯的一项是(  )。 A.(3)(2)(5)(6)(1)(4) B.(3)(5)(2)(1)(4)(6) C.(2)(5)(3)(6)(1)(4) D.(2)(3)(1)(5)(4)(6) 【答案】 CCY5X4T5F8T9G7B2HJ8V1M9R9Z1P7D1ZZ8V3N5L5F5E6P9 20、商业银行经营的核心是( )。 A.扩大贷款规模 B.市场营销 C.增加资本金 D.提高收益 【答案】 BCG7K1O2E1G9A8P10HO3Z5X1P5W10R2U3ZE7B9E4U1Y10S3R2 21、 结转已售产品的成本60000元,应做的分录是(  )。 A.借:库存商品60000贷:生产成本60000 B.借:主营业务成本60000贷:库存商品60000 C.借:主营业务成本60000贷:主营业务收入60000 D.借:本年利润60000贷:主营业务成本60000 【答案】 BCP6A6O7Q9T2B7N2HY5C5C9Q7O10V2C7ZA3Q2X1Y9W4T9O10 22、Are you going out? Yes, please lock the door when you ___ . A.will leave B.leave C.have been leaving D.will have left 【答案】 BCX7P1G7A5T2L4A1HJ10K3E10P7O2O9R8ZV9Q9Q8N7Y3J7U8 23、A ____________of the subject's structure and its relationship to other subjects should be acquired before the literature is approached. A.grip B.grasp C.grab D.snatch 【答案】 BCN5U10A2T8V8S2J8HV3J1R9F6R3J2J3ZH9H9U4B1B6V5X4 24、I hope we can fly to_____moon oneday. A.a B.an C.the D./ 【答案】 CCV10S4O8Z2F9R4K10HB6H3L2U1M2U5F9ZT6Z2W4A5Y5L2A4 25、( )is believing. A.Seeing B.Seen C.To be seeing D.To see 【答案】 ACV5Q2X9J6D6K1Y1HS3T5I4M5P7D4P2ZZ10G3O4B5F4D9Q7 26、一般而言,金融资产的流动性与风险性、收益性之间的关系存在( )。 A.正相关 B.负相关 C.不相关 D.不确定关系 【答案】 BCN1P1F3Z9J5Q6A8HE2L8V6F8X3Q2F7ZB7X7K8O2A3R10Z4 27、The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, so
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