《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the world’s derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to America’s biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds. A.low taxation B.broad domestic market C.fame for discretion D.stable political environment 【答案】 BCH2D7S5V8G9Y2C9HP7F5L9Q8J10W5R9ZZ9Y3W7G5V5Q2E1 2、To our surprise, she suddenly( )in front of us。 A.appealed B.appeared C.appeased D.prepared 【答案】 BCY8G6T7W7A8G3B4HF7H1W10A6M7S1Y9ZA8Y8B7D7R4E4G7 3、资料:Stress is a common factor in life. Children experience stress from school, new social situations and simply growing up. Adults feel the stress of working, paying bills, raising kids and maintaining households. Seniors also feel stress, even though some may have retired, raised their children and paid off their homes. Certain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages. A.Changing schools may cause children’s stress B.Seniors would feel stress of paying mortgage C.Grown-ups would get stress from raising kids D.Loss of a friend may be the source of stress for seniors 【答案】 BCU6D1H4D1B9R1W4HX10E7T1M10R9R1A1ZA4I7Y10A1X4W6Y7 4、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned. A.result in the rapid increase of family breakdown B.undermine the relationship between father and child C.affect self-esteem of kids from the poorest family D.transmit the traditional role of fathers in the family 【答案】 BCH5E2I9N5D3G10S2HD10P6Y2K10E10K1I8ZH10O8P6P4B3E9V10 5、 银行汇票持票人在代理付款行开户的处理中,代理付款行收到在本行开户的持票人送交的汇票、解讫通知和进账单,经审核无误后,以汇票作借方传票,第二联进账单作贷款传票。其会计分录为( )。 A.借:××存款一一持票人户   贷:存放联行款项(联行往账) B.借:××存款一一持票人户   贷:银行存款 C.借:银行存款   贷:××存款——持票人户 D.借:存放联行款项(联行往账)   贷:××存款一一持票人户 【答案】 DCW4Z7Y2F6Q2V3Q5HS1A1S8E1K7E6Z6ZN2N3K3Y5J7D4S10 6、资料:Early Experiences A.You should separate new and mature customers in testing your products B.Approximate customers are equally valuable as real users C.Salespeople have a lot of customer contact, so they have the same motivations as customers D.Usability test aims to please the customers 【答案】 DCA8Z8J1X5R6Q5T1HG8Z8J5W5F1Z10P10ZQ8O7G5I6R5R6L3 7、It was only a quiz,no need to take it(  ). A.strictly B.solely C.seriously D.sternly 【答案】 CCR4Q4Y10Q6E10F5S4HB6U1O9B1K3C5H9ZP3R9Z4C2D9C4K10 8、关于维生素,下列说法正确的是(  )。 A.缺乏维C可致佝偻病 B.维A有助于视力和免疫力 C.维E有助于凝血并强健骨骼 D.维D促进骨骼生长和重构,防止败血病 【答案】 BCG6S10E7J8K2Q3E9HU2P5Z7D6O1D5P8ZT2V3F9V10Q2P1M2 9、Most economic data,____regarding hiring is positive. A.completely B.exclusively C.particularly D.specifically 【答案】 DCF6V1S5T9U4E6D5HH5A5O2V6X3J1H4ZU2C10P9N9V9D9C9 10、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned. A.preferential policies for the poorer children B.more comprehensive research into its causes C.headteachers good at inspiring talented children D.solutions to the conflict in the education sector 【答案】 CCZ5V7P3T2Q9F10M4HA3P2Q5F9D4E8S3ZR3O3E9X4L8R1B3 11、资料:(四) A.Approach to financial education B.Americans' financial skills C.Reform on financial education D.Lessons of financial crisis 【答案】 ACD9P7D9I2Y9M5G7HG2S2D3Y6P1B1B7ZN1B6U8X3T6M7Y3 12、在PowerPoint 2003中,要将D盘上的“时间都去哪了.MP3”文件插入到当前幻灯片中,所选择的命令项是(  )。 A.插入→影片和声音→剪辑管理器中的声音 B.插入→影片和声音→文件中的声音 C.插入→影片和声音→剪辑管理器中的影片 D.插入→影片和声音→文件中的影片 【答案】 BCK3O3H6N6S7Q3V5HH2M7Q5H7Q4M2L6ZH10L5I6L2V8C10P4 13、An in-depth understanding of this emerging phenomenon requires not just the consideration of quantitative studies, but the______of selected quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs. A.collect B.pooling C.pool D.poll 【答案】 CCJ5G10F9U3B4I6M9HB7W4R4E2U1J2Y7ZZ7W8V3R6D2N9D6 14、资料:FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVES A.table, oven and garment B.wardrobe, printer and dryer C.bedside lamp, sofa and closet D.refrigerator, washing machine and laundry detergent 【答案】 CCM10G1C1N5V10R10V8HK7L6A4R7J1M1P9ZY2J2X10Z5B5T2Q4 15、主张“世界上除了运动着的物质之外,什么也没有”的观点,属于(  )。 A.否认人的意识存在的自然唯物主义 B.主张世界统一于物质的辩证唯物主义 C.否认时间与空间存在性的唯心主义 D.把人的意识理解成某种特殊的“精细物质”的机械唯物主义 【答案】 BCT4T3M5D8W4M4W5HW7U3X1I1M9U2U10ZN5X8G3S5D4P4I4 16、把本国货币与本国主要贸易伙伴国的货币确定一个固定的比价,随着一种或几种货币进行浮动的制度是(  )。 A.固定汇率制度 B.盯住汇率制度 C.联合浮动汇率制度 D.浮动汇率制度 【答案】 BCE3F10Y1P4T2P4I6HZ2V3K5H7K9F2K3ZV9G10V5O8H6Q9U7 17、The size of the audience, ______ we had expected, was well over one thousand. A.whom B.as C.who D.that 【答案】 BCL4S7P10D10D7I2S2HV3P8Q5A9W6O5K7ZB5S2H9U8C10W4G2 18、______ wit
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