《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、We also had to collect immense amounts of historical data and ____satellites to monitor the ocean-atmosphere system. A.make up B.set up C.devote to D.invest in 【答案】 BCQ8Q5B8K5J9G9J4HC3R9G6M8M9A5U10ZT9K3D3B5I8I9C5 2、2月7日,国务院反垄断委员会制定发布平台经济领域反垄断指南,强调(  )及配套法规规章适用于所有行业。 A.《反垄断法》 B.《反经济垄断法》 C.《所有行业反垄断法》 D.反垄断法(试行)》 【答案】 ACG5E10J10L10T6Q7J2HV5W1Q3S10I10J2O9ZH1S5S2Z10C2R1X5 3、当出租车租金价格上涨后,对公共汽车服务的()。 A.需求增加 B.需求减少 C.需求不变 D.需求可能增加,也可能减少 【答案】 ACV4J4U2V10O8W6Z3HB5B6M6H7Y10X4Q10ZH6S5N10X1A4K3Y5 4、重点向国家基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目以及重大技术改造和高新技术产业化 项目发放贷款的银行是( ). A.中国建设银行 B.国家开发银行 C.中国进出口银行 D.中国农业发展银行 【答案】 BCT3F4P7D10G8S7C1HX1O2A3Z2J10Z3N5ZA1D6U3E5L2G3C9 5、下列表述正确的是(  )。 A.对于富有弹性(需求价格弹性大于1)的商品,升高价格会增加厂商的销售收入 B.对于缺乏弹性(需求价格弹性小于1)的商品,降低价格会增加厂商的销售收入 C.对于单位弹性(需求价格弹性等于1)的商品,降低或升高价格对均衡产出没有影响 D.对于无弹性(需求价格弹性等于0)的商品,厂商销售收入会同比例于价格的上升而增加 【答案】 DCK2L10H6L10C1Y6N9HF6I8Q6E3D7R3Y4ZF10L5Q10T8I5L8Q10 6、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults. Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors. In Europe, at least, that is all about to change with a new set of regulations, named PSD2. A.Customers are forced to share their bank data B.Banks are required to open up their entire operational system C.Regulators should be both tough and flexible D.Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch 【答案】 CCX6U2I4U3G1J3O2HC3Q4W4A9W10Q3L10ZS3R8A4L5G8G9F3 7、资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers are. A.It deviates from the traditional Internet B.It is meant to help with the storing and processing of information on computers C.It is an initiative of Nick McKeown and his colleagues D.It will trigger new innovations in the field of cloud computing 【答案】 CCZ5J10G6Y5H1C10C1HP2E5A9O8Q4H8Z9ZM5L5H3Q7B1H3N10 8、实验室有两瓶某物质溶液,甲瓶有100克溶液,浓度为5%,乙瓶有150克溶液,浓度为8%,从两瓶中取出相等的若干克溶液,交换倒入另一瓶,令此刻的甲乙瓶浓度相等,则取出的溶液是(  )。 A.60 B.50 C.70 D.80 【答案】 ACK2B9H4N8A9O3S4HD2D2W8J9Q4T6M3ZK6T1D4U9I5Q5X7 9、投资银行最本源、最基础的业务活动不包括( )。 A.证券发行与承销业务 B.证券经纪与交易 C.承销业务 D.风险投资 【答案】 DCK4Z4N9F6V10X8W6HG6U1Q8L3Z2P3S7ZP7V3J9N1G2A10O9 10、近三十年的航海历程推动了作为商品的青花瓷的大量生产与外销,不仅促进技术创新,使青花瓷达到瓷器新工艺的顶峰,而且改变了中国瓷器发展的走向,带来了人们审美观念的更新。这也就意味着,如果没有郑和远航带来活跃的对外贸易,青花瓷也许会像在元代一样,只是中国瓷器的诸多品种之一,而不会成为主流,更不会成为中国瓷器的代表。由此可见,青花瓷崛起是郑和航海时代技术创新与文化交融的硕果,中外交往的繁盛在推动文明大交融的同时,也推动了生产技术与文化艺术的创新发展。 A.航海历程推动了青花瓷的发展 B.郑航下西洋使得青花瓷发展到鼎盛 C.中外交流的繁多也推动了科技和文化的创新 D.中外交往的增多推动了文明的大融合 【答案】 CCJ1R2I3T9V4U9H5HW1T3P6A8T6N1S2ZR2U7S1N8A4E4E7 11、 出票人在票据正面注明“不得转让”字样的,票据不得转让,其后手再背书转让的,( )。 A.出票人对其直接后手的被背书人承担保证责任 B.出票人对其直接后手的被背书人不承担保证责任 C.出票人对其最后的后手的被背书人不承担保证责任 D.出票人对其最后的后手的被背书人承担保证责任 【答案】 BCS10D4H7U10P3F3R4HH8H4V9U4C4G4N1ZP5D5E2J9B5Q10H10 12、(  )how difficult the situation may seem,it is very important to remember that there are others who are in worse situations. A.As if B.Even so C.As though D.No matter 【答案】 DCI1C10R2X6D4I3H9HM9N2V3Q1H6B8G1ZV7D4I10I7Z8V6R8 13、—堆泥土,甲单独搬运要20天,乙单独搬运要10天。若甲先搬运一天,然后乙接替甲搬运一天,再由甲接替乙搬运1天……两人如此交替工作,那么搬运完这堆泥土共需()天。 A.13 B.14 C.15 D.16 【答案】 BCQ8M1N10U5U4T8Y1HD2I3C1U3I9S7V9ZZ4Y4B7B3C3N3L4 14、下列抽样方法中,属于非概率抽样的是(  )。 A.分层抽样 B.整群抽样 C.判断抽样 D.等距抽样 【答案】 CCQ4Q3D6V3X1B4A5HA8N8S4T9A9B1J10ZV2Y6G2W9A1Y3P1 15、CPU处理数据的运作原理可以分为提取、解码、执行和(  )四个阶段。 A.译码 B.编码 C.写回 D.控制 【答案】 CCE6B6V3E10K4C3N1HS9S6V5L2U2E4V9ZV2Y2U1N4F10P4A10 16、She was very____of our efforts to help. A.appreciating B.appreciative C.appreciate D.appreciable 【答案】 BCO5A8N4T6S8H4M1HU9X5P6A6Y5D7R8ZH7W8D9D8W8K1I3 17、Passage 6 A.stupid B.polite C.considerate D.annoying 【答案】 DCP7X5Q6R8I10L8H1HO3F8D10A3M6A3V10ZG1V1X2R10N9X7M3 18、资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can be collected by computer programs that track how people use Facebook has been revealed by an extensive academic study. A.To show the importance of it in people’s life B.To support that people can collect information from Facebook C.To give an example of the information predicted in the study D.To illustrate the percentage of people with religious belief 【答案】 CCB7F1S2S10S9Z5I4HG7X6Q8Z3H8B5U6ZJ4O3K2F10D9Q3A1 19、联合国大会将每年的(  )定为“妇女和女童参与科学国际日”,今年的主题是“投资妇女和女童参与科学,促进包容性绿色增长”。 A.2月10日 B.2月11日 C.2月12日 D.2月13日 【答案】 BCL9Q6Z5H4C10Q10R3HQ7O6K4K2O8U9L6ZD9N9D5T9J5W9O1 20、资料:Zhang Qiaoli uses her spare bedroom for storing her stock of ladies’ fashion-wear and photo shoots. She is one of more than five million small online stores operating across China, some from small apartments or eve
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