Unit 5 Languages Around the World Ⅰ.阅读单词(每小题1分,共9分) 1.bone n.骨头;骨(质) 2.shell n.壳;壳状物 3.carve vt.& vi.雕刻 4.dynasty n.王朝;朝代 5.dialect n.地方话;方言 6.CE(=Common Era)公元 7.tongue n.舌头;语言 8.semester n.学期 9.pants n.[pl.](BrE)内裤;短裤;(especially NAmE)裤子 Ⅱ.重点单词(每小题1分,共12分) 1.billion n.十亿 2.despite prep.即使;尽管 3.factor n.因素;要素 4.means n.方式;方法;途径 5.regard n.尊重;关注 vt.把……视为;看待 6.character n.文字;符号;角色;品质;特点 7.calligraphy n.书法;书法艺术 8.affair n.公共事务;事件;关系 9.subway n.(BrE underground)地铁 10.apartment n.(especially NAmE)公寓套房 11.gap n.间隔;开口;差距 12.vocabulary n.词汇 Ⅲ.拓展单词(每小题2分,共18分) 1.variety n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化→vary v.变化;不同→various adj.各种各样的 2.major adj.主要的;重要的;大的→majority n.大多数 3.global adj.全球的;全世界的→globe n.地球;地球仪 4.appreciate vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi.增值→appreciation n.感激;欣赏→appreciative adj.感激的 5.specific adj.特定的;明确的;具体的→specifically adv.特定地;明确地 6.beg vt.恳求;祈求;哀求→beggar n.乞丐 7.demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问→demanding adj.要求高的 8.description n.描写(文字);形容→describe vt.描述 9.relate vt.联系;讲述→related adj.相关的→relation n.关系→relationship n.关系 Ⅳ.增加词汇(每小题1分,共5分) 1.appeal vi.对……有吸引力;将……上诉;呼吁 2.appetite n.食欲;嗜好 3.approach vt.& vi.接近;靠近 n.方法 4.appropriate adj.适当的;恰当的 5.approximately adv.大约 Ⅴ.核心短语(每小题2分,共10分) 1.refer to指的是;描述;提到;查阅 2.ups and downs浮沉;兴衰;荣辱 3.date back (to.)追溯到 4.point of view观点;看法 5.relate to与……相关;涉及;谈到 Ⅰ.单词拼写(每小题2分,共16分) 1.A code uses symbols(符号) to replace words,phrases,or sentences. 2.I hope all of us can struggle together and survive all the sufferings. 3.Global warming has become one of the most shocking problems in today’s society. 4.They have some supporting systems(系统) of these all around the world from one base to another. 5.When I listen to native(本国的) English speakers talking in a video,I can catch only a few words. 6.Williams was impressed with Benjamin and had two classic(经典的) books on painting delivered to him. 7.Over the next 40 years,the world will be adding some three billion people if there are no extreme disasters. 8.As for students like us,we should have good attitudes towards life even if the cruel reality ruins our dreams. Ⅱ.词形变化填空(每小题2分,共20分) 1.The majority of the students look forward to majoring in English because English majors can find a job easily.(major) 2.I would like to express my appreciation to all of you.I am completely appreciative of your support.No words are enough to express how I appreciate your assistance.(appreciate) 3.All men are born equal,so everyone hopes to be treated equally because equality is the essential demand.(equal) 4.It is an important but demanding job,so it demands our joint efforts.(demand) 5.I have difficulty describing the tourist attraction,whose beauty is beyond description.(describe) 6.I was wandering in a subway station when I saw a beggar begging for food.(beg) 7.The company whose base is in Beijing desires to build business relationship with us on the basis of trust and mutual benefit and their goods meet our basic requirements.(base) 8.When taking examinations,we are banned from referring to our reference books.(reference) 9.The chairman of the Student Association organizes varieties of activities,varying from English Corner to Speech Competitions.So students can improve various abilities.(variety) 10.I have a lot to say in relation to this affair.Actually I am closely related to it.(relate) Ⅲ.经典句型仿写(每小题2分,共10分) 1.我实在不能理解她为什么对我撒谎,我一直很信任她。(why引导的定语从句) I really can’t understand the reason why she tells lies to me, whom I always have confidence in. 2.我第一次见到她时,她告诉我她出生在一个种着许多玫瑰花的小镇。(where引导的定语从句) When I met her for the first time,she told me she was born in a small town where many roses were planted. 3.无论走到哪里,他总是带着手机。(no matter where引导的状语从句) No matter where he went,he took his cellphone with him. 4.搜集材料花了我们整整一周的时间,在此期间我们采访了老师并拍摄了学校生活的各个方面。(“介词+which”引导的定语从句) Material collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life. 5.随着时间的推移,我对英文报Youth越来越感兴趣了。(as引导的时间状语从句) (2021·新高考全国Ⅰ,应用文写作) As time goes by,I have become more and more interested in the English newspaper Youth.
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