《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、It was very important(  )all projects before the end of the fiscal year. A.complete B.completed C.completing D.to complete 【答案】 DCN1O2E2K7H5U6K10HI6V3B7E2S5B8D7ZG4F8G1L9G5P1O4 2、____their regular daytime job, many people do extra work in the evening. A.Between B.Beside C.Besides D.By 【答案】 CCD10S5H9R4A10P5S5HP8F1K9W5G3H7K3ZB4F1J3O3U6K3F5 3、马克思主义哲学实现了唯物主义自然观和唯物主义历史观的统一的关键是( )。 A.发现了阶级斗争在历史发展中的作用 B.肯定了人民群众在历史上的作用 C.探讨了人与自然的关系 D.把实践理解为对象性活动 【答案】 DCQ7N7Y1U3T6Z3A6HR9U3U9S2U10K2L9ZT10D1B5X3P1O4F1 4、资料:The Oakview Cafe A.A newspaper reporter B.A musician C.A cafe owner D.A chef 【答案】 BCL9C4H3A9H10S1B2HD10S5W4C6K7Z3C1ZC4G4P8G8F7E9W6 5、All participants were told they were free to______answering any of the questions at any time。 A.reject B.decline C.disapprove D.refuse 【答案】 BCW6E3Q10M9R7H8O5HL3G9Z3E7S8M1G4ZG6M6M3X9U9X10U10 6、资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking. A.National Banks in the USA refers to “State Banks” B.The group banking system usually exists in the states where branch banking is prohibited C.Stateside branching implies that bank branches are allowed to operate anywhere within the state D.Limited branching allows bank to operate branches within geographic territories authorized by the state law 【答案】 ACJ4A4W2D8W2R4J9HA6I5X4O7Y9Y9O2ZZ6X6F6L7J5J7S10 7、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, there's a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing. A.The Federal reserve may raises interest rates in December (after the US election)to push towards the GDP growth around 2% B.The Fed thinks that the current inflation rate in the Unites States remain below 1.6% to help increase the employment rate C.After the vote to leave the EU all of these currencies mentioned have gained against the pound and such trend will continue on D.There’s widespread acceptance in the United States that real interest rates are falling to around zero with the rising sluggish labour market and about 0.5% of productivity growth but various economic indicators will not appear miraculous accelerated phenomenon 【答案】 CCK3Z4V7W8G1B5H1HQ9H1X7Q5E8O4G9ZB2T1V2Y4G5S10P6 8、多数鱼类背部发黑、腹部发白,其原因是( )。 A.长期进化形成的保护色 B.背部比腹部接受光线多,导致色素沉淀 C.背部比腹部黏膜厚,吸收光线多 D.背部鱼鳞多,吸收光线多 【答案】 ACP3N8W4P6L3N9I4HM5T8M4Z10H1K10J10ZM8G10D4A6D3C1D2 9、The orphanage is just one of her(  )causes. A.phonetic B.philanthropic C.prevalent D.lunatic 【答案】 BCG10Y6I3U7S1C8E6HB7Q6I9I6S3H1W2ZN9L3O7W8J3Y9P1 10、资料:THOMAS WILSON A.Provide support to the investment banking group VP B.Answer telephone C.Maintain calendars D.Assist visitors 【答案】 DCE10B2M4R9Z5K10V4HP1Z9R1Q6V1J5C2ZV8H6H7S6I5T6K4 11、标志着我国统一的多民族国家开始形成的是( )的建立。 A.汉王朝 B.秦王朝 C.夏王朝 D.唐王朝 【答案】 BCS7S3G4S1A2J2Z3HQ6R6T3P2D2O2A8ZP9F3W7W8J10G6L6 12、日前,据路透社报道,美国财政部于2013年4月12日向国会提交的最新一期《国际爱 济和汇率报告》指出,尽管人民币汇价目前仍然被明显低估,但美国政府仍无意将中国这一全海 第二大经济列入()名单。 A.金融动荡国 B.货币保护国 C.汇率操纵国 D.贸易协定国 【答案】 CCR1B8H4K7M1Q6M8HP8N6O6A2V4Q9B6ZY9M3I10M4X9G10L8 13、(  )on her past mistakes,Jessie realized that she had trusted wrong people. A.Reflecting B.To reflect C.Being reflected D.Reflect 【答案】 ACO1N1I5M3J7A3M2HI10T8S7C3M3G6M4ZZ3U6H9S10L9V2B9 14、Advertising is ______ into every aspect of our social life, and conveying cultural messages with the advantage of mass media. A.to penetrate B.penetrated C.being penetrated D.penetrating 【答案】 DCY7K3X3O2T5I6A1HS6J3O9O10L8I1V10ZP8C10E5W7T4O6U7 15、___the unpredictability, the technological failure is another big threat to the aviation industry. A.Except B.Like C.Along with D.Other than 【答案】 DCO10L6T7Y7A9C7T3HR5E9A1Z9O9K10C3ZY10E9G9E8H8G6U6 16、在某一时期,一国经济中总供求大体平衡,但存在消费需求不足而投资需求旺盛结构性矛盾,我国应实行(  )。 A.松的货币政策和松的财政政策 B.紧的货币政策和紧的财政政策 C.松的货币政策和紧的财政政策 D.紧的货币政策和松的财政政策 【答案】 DCU8T1Y9Y3B1K7F4HN4O6C7J1W7B10W7ZF6Y5Z4L5R7H2I2 17、资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory along with other cognitive abilities. Sitting in the office sleep deprives it’s difficult to remember your own name, let along the ever-lengthening to-do list. A.repeat B.pour back C.feed D.remix 【答案】 ACG10C9S5X9Q3A6N6HC9F9P4A6P2N8S10ZY2Z3X5X5M4U3H2 18、“只有错买的,没有错卖的”指普遍存在于经济生活中的(  )。 A.道德风险 B.逆向选择 C.信息不对称 D.测量误差 【答案】 CCI8Y10Z6Y10G6W4U3HZ10V2Y5S7K10
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