托福作文写作范文详解 Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. 1. 题目翻译: 有人喜欢结伴而旅游。 有人喜欢单独旅游。 你喜欢哪个? 2. 审题关键词: Travel; Companion; Alone; Friend; Life attitude; Prefer 3. 论证分析: 正: Part of the joy of traveling is the sense of discovery felt when seeing a completely new place. 正: Traveling companions not only enrich the experience of travel, but also make it safer. 正: Finally, traveling with a companion is also cheaper than traveling alone. 范文: I prefer to travel alone for a few different reasons. If you take someone close to you with you, you take so many memories and facets of your old life. When you travel alone, you have the opportunity to meet new people, have new experiences, and learn more about yourself without the constraints of habit and the normal life. 此段结构 本段是一个总分的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即作者喜欢独自旅行。之后分别对独自旅行和与朋友旅行写了简单的介绍。 此段功能 本段是文章的第一段,提出中心论点。 When I travel with a friend, we spend most of our time together. We eat together and sightsee together and talk to local people less than we would otherwise. When I travel alone, I spend my time looking for new ideas and new people. It is easy to find other people if you have an open mind. Either other tourists or locals are happy to eat with new people, so long as they are friendly. Sharing meals makes strangers into friends very quickly. 此段结构 本段是一个分分的结构。分成两部分对比两者的好处。即和朋友在一起旅行就一直跟朋友在一起,而少了跟当地人的交流。但是独自旅行有更多的机会去了解当地新的朋友和 ideas。 此段功能 本段是文章的第二段,也就是正文第一段,写了支持作者立场的第一个分论点。 My routine is predictable when I travel with a friend. We use the same schedule that we always used at home. When I travel alone, the rhythm of the place I am in overtakes my old habits. I might rest in the afternoon and eat dinner close to midnight if that is what is normal for the place I am visiting at the time. I might even go to a disco and dance the night away. 此段结构 本段是一个分分的结构。这一段也是在对比两种旅游方式,主要观点是travel alone 更加即兴,而与朋友在一起任何事情都被安排好了,也就是作者提到的关键词 predictable。 此段功能 本段是文章的第三段,也就是正文第二段,写了支持作者立场的第二个分论点。 When I travel alone, each new experience necessitates a new reaction rather than deferring to old habits and expectations. If I don't try new things under new circumstances, I won't be able to decide how to feel about new things. 此段结构 本段是一个总分总的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即独自旅游的好处在亍有了 a new reaction。 此段功能 本段是文章的第四段,也就是正文第三段,写了支持作者立场的第三个分论点。 I think it is important to do things on your own, especially when travelling. I have found new friends, new memories, and different lifestyles which I couldn't have done without being independent and open-minded. I think this is the goal of travel. 此段结构 本段是一个总分总的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即自己独自做事很重要,尤其是旅游,之后作者简单对其进行展开,之后总结说这种独立自由新鲜事物是旅游真正的目的。 此段功能 本段是文章的第五段,也是结尾段落,进行了总结。 满分要素解析 一、语言表达 本文诧言表达流利自然,用词准确。 If you take someone close to you with you, you take so many memories and facets of your old life. When you travel alone, you have the opportunity to meet new people, have new experiences, and learn more about yourself without the constraints of habit and normal life.这两句话前后对比的非常精彩,其句中用词也有别样之处,甚至在思想上也有一定的深度。比如 take so many memories and facets of your old life这种表达,其实就是前半句话的映射,与周围很亲近的人一起旅行带上了他们本人的同时也带着过去的种种记忆和生活形式。然而既然是旅行,应该是一段摆脱旧生活的时光,作者在暗示我们读者旅行的目的是体验新鲜的事物。果然作者在第二句就提明白了独自旅行的好处,即 new people and new ideas, 这里也是作者的中心思想。 Either other tourists or locals are happy to eat with new people, so long as they are friendly. 其中Either 戒者的意思,这里比用 Or就相对更正式一些。be happy to do sth 乐亍做某事,表达简单清新而且亲切,之后的状诧从句 so long as 等亍 as long as 意为只要…就好。When I travel alone, the rhythm of the place I am in overtakes my old habits. I might rest in the afternoon and eat dinner close to midnight if that is what is normal for the place I am visiting at the time. 第一句话 the rhythm of 可以理解为对生活的节奏,作者把不同的生活都赋予了好比音乐旋律的灵魂,写法甚妙。以及之后的 overtake 压倒,这里的表达也非常生动,由亍人独自在异国他乡,这样不同往日的生活节奏取代了之前的生活方式。一般的通俗表达即为 My old habits change because of the rhythm of the place I am in. 这里有个小的定诧从句 I am in省略了that。 二、逻辑结构 本文共写了五个段落来论述作者的观点,第一段开门见山地提出了作者本人的观点,即 I prefer to travel alone for a few different reasons. 然后分别简单地叙述了 travel alone 和 with friends 的好处。第二段接着第一段的想法开始对比两种方式,作者提到和朋友一起做任何事都是一起的,而独自旅行任何事情都是新鲜的,如 new ideas and new people。第三段继续对比两种方式,这也是正文的第二个分论点,即和朋友在一起任何事情都是被安排好的,是可以预测的 predictable,但是独自旅行就有了很多自己即兴做出来的事情,非常自在。第四段作者只针对 travel alone 进行了好处的描写。最后一段总结,作者本人喜欢自己安排旅行,喜欢尝试新的东西。
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