托福作文写作范文详解 题目:Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 话题和题型分类 社会生活类,双边讨论型 题目分析 一些人认为改善公众健康的最佳方式是增建体育设施,另一些人则认为那样效果不大,需要其他方式。讨论双方观点并给出自己的意见。 思路提示 增加体育设施数量是改善公众健康的最佳方式 体育设施的数量增多可以促进人们多使用它们进行锻炼,增强体质,改善健康 A 的效果不大,需要其他方式 增加的体育设施是否可以让所有人使用,如果否,则“公众”健康难以改善 一些人群不适合使用体育设施,如行动不便的人 提倡健康生活饮食习惯,创造良好医疗条件、生活条件等也是很好的改善公众健康的方式 Sample Answer A problem of modem societies is the declining level of health in the general population. One possible solution is to provide more sports facilities to encourage a more active lifestyle. However, there are some people who doubt whether this solution would have a positive effect. I think that the outcome of such a practice may not be as good as some people believe. (首段开篇摆明观点:增加运动设施并不一定能改善人们的健康水平) Advocates of this solution believe that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve the well‐being of people. First of all, nowadays people have to devote more time and energy to their careers and therefore they are too busy to spare time for physical exercises. If there were easy‐to‐reach local sports facilities, they would be more likely to take part in physical activities regularly. Another reason is that today’s sedentary lifestyle means that physical activity is no longer part of people’s leisure time. With the offering of more sports facilities, doing a variety of sports would be much more attractive than just sitting in front of a screen every evening. (本段是文章第二段,从正面进行论述) However, there are some reasons why this solution may have little effect. In the first place, interest in sports is not universal, and additional facilities might simply attract those who are already fit, not those who need them badly. What we should do is to help children develop a positive attitude to exercise at an early age. In the second place, there may be better ways of tackling this problem. For example, greater tax penalties could be imposed on high‐fat food products, tobacco and alcohol, as excessive consumption of any of these contributes to poor health. Even improving the public transport would help because it takes a longer time to walk to the bus stop than to the car. (从反面进行论述:对体育运动的兴趣并不普遍存在,有更好的方法解决此问题) In my opinion, increasing the number of sports facilities may not have the desired results. People should be encouraged to form the habit of doing regular physical exercises when they are young. In addition, better approaches such as earlier education in fitness awareness may assist in improving people’s health. (全文总结再次重申观点) 满分要素剖析: 语言表达 本文只用了少数的复杂句,语言简洁明了,清晰表达了作者观点。However, first of all, in the first place, for example, in addition 等连接词使得文章更加连贯流畅。 Another reason is that today’s sedentary lifestyle means that physical activity is no longer part of people’s leisure time. With the offering of more sports facilities, doing a variety of sports would be much more attractive than just sitting in front of a screen every evening. Another reason is that…可用于议论文中摆出第二个论据。 However, there are some reasons why this solution may have little effect. 句型 However, there are some reasons why…可用于议论文中从观点的正面过渡到反面进行论述。 For example, greater tax penalties could be imposed on high‐fat food products, tobacco and alcohol, as excessive consumption of any of these contributes to poor health. 用 For example…可引出具体事例论证观点。 逻辑结构 本文是总分总的结构。作者开篇先陈述事实并表达自己的观点,第二段分析支持者观点,第三段分析反对方的看法,使得论证更加客观辩证。最后一段作者总结前文论述,重申观点。
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