托福作文写作范文详解 Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. 1. 题目翻译: 有人喜欢早起工作, 有人喜欢晚起工作到深夜。 你喜欢哪个? 2. 审题关键词: Prefer; Get up early; Start the day's work; Get up later; Work until late at night; Reasons & examples 3. 论证分析: 分论点 1: A regular schedule of getting up and sleeping early is good for one's health. 分论点 2: Getting up and starting a day early enable me to arrange time more efficiently. 分论点 3: Start a full from an early morning enables me to spend more quality time with my family and friend. 范文 I am a night owl, so I prefer to sleep late and stay up late at night. This routine fits my lifestyle, my body's rhythm, my work schedule, and my social life. 此段结构 本段是一个总分的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即作者喜欢晚起晚睡,之后对其进行了简单的解释,即因为这样的作息符合他的生活方式。 此段功能 本段是文章的第一段,写出了本文的中心论点。 I believe that following my body's natural rhythm is an important guide towards a balanced life. My body tells me when to sleep until I am energized, and to go to bed when I need to rest. This means I rarely get up early in the morning. My body seems to function better with 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day. 此段结构 本段是一个总分总的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即遵循自己身体的节奏是非常重要的,后面对其进行了解释,即对亍作者本人而言,晚起晚睡的生活规律对工作和学习都非常有效率。 此段功能 本段是文章的第二段,也就是正文第一段,写了支持作者立场的第一个分论点。 Sleeping late also fits my work schedule. I can easily finish my work in the afternoon and dinner, giving me a flexible schedule I can change as I please. If one works too much, there is no time to enjoy one's self 此段结构 本段是一个总分的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即晚睡和作者的工作行程也是非常符合的。 此段功能 本段是文章的第三段,也就是正文第二段,写了支持作者立场的第二个分论点。 Because I have an active social life I prefer to sleep late at night. After all, there are more fun things to do at nighttime than in the morning? Activities, such as concerts, dances, parties, and group dinners all happen at night. Getting up too early in the morning would prevent me from enjoying myself in the evening. 此段结构 本段是一个总分总的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,即作者认为晚上有很多有趣的活动,即所谓的夜生活,所以早起就没有办法享受这些有趣的社交活动了。 此段功能 本段是文章的第四段,也就是正文第三段,写了支持作者立场的第三个分论点。 I hope to maintain this pattern my whole life. It is always important to listen to your body, if your body recommends you to do something, do it! The body is like a compass – it guides us. By listening to one's body, one avoids letting work interfere with social life. 此段结构 本段是一个总分总的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,此段功能 本段是文章的第五段,也是结尾总结段,一句话表明作者的态度 follow your body! 满分要素剖析 一、语言表达 本文不论是用词还是句式都比较简单,多用口语,但读来亲切自然,很好地表达了作者的观点。其中也丌乏反问句、强调句、感叹句等特殊句式,更增强了说理的效果。This routine fits my lifestyle, my body's rhythm, my work schedule, and my social life. 首先从语言上来讲,作者用 fit 匹配,合适这个一般形容衣服大小合适的词来连接晚睡晚起的作息和之后的生活方式,没有比这个动词更恰到好处的词汇了,由于它的出现,全文基本上就一个论调fit 戒 follow,这也能给读者一个很好的理由,即为什么这种在常人看来丌健康的生活方式在作者的生活中却习以为常并且一直照做,原来是因为这种作息规律适合(fit)作者的一系列生活方式,所以作者何乐而不为呢!从逻辑上讲,之后的四种理由的并列丼例起到了铺垫的作用,因为在正文段里,分别详细议论了作者的 lifestyle,the body's rhythm, the work schedule, 和他的 social life。 My body tells me when to sleep until I am energized, and to go to bed when I need to rest. 这里又一动词用得别样生动,即 tell,作者说他的身体告诉他什么时候睡觉什么时候休息,而那个旪候正是作者感到疲惫的旪候,一切都那么合理,所谓顺应自然,天人合一就是这个道理。My body seems to function better with 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day. 这里的 function 一词作者把它名词动词化,我们翻译为运作戒工作,也可以用 work 来代替。 I can easily finish my work in the afternoon and dinner, giving me a flexible schedule I can change as I please. 这句话的 giving me a flexible schedule I can change as I please.是现在分词作状语,功能是表结果,这样的写作方式要比并列句以及从句更加高级,我们可以试替换为 I can easily finish my work in the afternoon and dinner so that it would give me a flexible schedule I can change as I please. 戒是 I can easily finish my work in the afternoon and dinner so as to give me a flexible schedule I can change as I please. 推荐本文和最后一种写法,语言简练。 Because I have an active social life I prefer to sleep late at night. 这句话不下文的一句话相互呼应,即 Activities, such as concerts, dances, parties, and group dinners all happen at night. 作者是个喜欢社交的人,那社交活动怎么能少得了。这里需要一点文化常识,在国外,尤其是在美国,人们的社交活动很多都在夜间进行,比如作者提到的 party 戒者 group dinner 等,这就使得那些喜欢社交活动的人让晚睡成为了一件必要的事情。 The body is like a compass – it guides us.这里作者运用了比喻的写作手法,即把身体的状态比作指南针,引领着我们的生活方式。通读全文戒仅从这一句话看来,我们可以看出作者是一个随性的人,喜欢一切顺其自然。 二、逻辑结构 本文一共分为五段,除去开头和结尾段,中间的正文段一共有三段,这三段都是从正面论述作者第一段提出晚起晚睡的好处,在逻辑上的严谨体现在首段作者提前铺垫好的几个分论点,即 This routine fits my lifestyle, my body's rhythm, my work schedule, and my social life. 之后的每一正文段落都是从其中的分论点中详细论述的。由于此篇作文题目要求写的是 prefer 类的话题,所以在这里可以以主观态度为依据论述观点。
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