上课日期: 2018 年 10 月 日 第 课时 课 题 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them. 课时安排 Period 1 课 型 Listening and speaking 教学目标 Words: snake, thin, danger, interested, allows, wild, protect, grow, enough, dirty, peace, earth, raise Expressions: in danger, at last, be interested in, think of, take away, in peace, on earth, in order to, look after 重难点 New words and expressions. To learn the grammar knowledge of infinitive. Cultivating the ability of expressing opinions. 教具准备 Multi-media 师生活动过程 设计意图 Step 1 Warming-up Ss look the pictures and guess what the animal is. Tell them to try and describe the animals in the pictures by asking and answering. For example: What does it look like? It’s large and brown. Where does it live? I think it lives in the forest. Step 2 Consolidate new words Look and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible. Step 3 Say the meaning of the phrases. Work in pairs. Let Ss say the meaning of the phrases as quickly as possible. Step 4 Listen and answer Listen and answer the questions. 1. What’s this week’s Animal World about? 2. Which animals are in danger? Play the recording again for them to answer the questions and then check with their partners. Play the recording once more for them to check their answers. Elicit answers form the class. Step 5 Listen and read Listen to Activity 3 and answer the following questions. 1. Is Betty more interested in Wolong Panda Reserve? 2. Do many animals have a safe place to live? 3 Did Betty see the pandas at the zoo? 4. Is Betty interested in the pandas? 5. What does Lingling think of the pandas and other animals in danger? 6. Why do many animals not have a safe place to live? Elicit some of their ideas around the class. Play the recording again. Ask the students to listen to and read the conversation at the same time. Ask them to practise and play the conversation in different roles. Step 6 Homework Listen and read the new words and conversation for several times. Copy new words and expressions. 教学反思 上课日期: 2018 年 10 月 日 第 课时 课 题 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them. 课时安排 Period 2 课 型 Listening and speaking 教学目标 Words: snake, thin, danger, interested, allows, wild, protect, grow, enough, dirty, peace, earth, raise Expressions: in danger, at last, be interested in, think of, take away, in peace, on earth, in order to, look after 重难点 New words and expressions. To learn the grammar knowledge of infinitive. Cultivating the ability of expressing opinions. 教具准备 Multi-media 师生活动过程 设计意图 Step 1 Revision Have a dictation. Review the phrases in this unit. in danger, at last, be interested in, think of, take away, in peace, on earth, in order to, look after Step 2 Complete the table Ask the students to read the conversation again and mark the key information which is helpful to complete the table. Ask them to list and sort out the key information and then complete the table. Elicit answers from the class. Why many animals are in danger What we can do to help 1.Many animals don’t have a safe 2. Raise some money at school. place to live, because villages 3. Find out what else we can do to and farms are growing bigger save as many animals as possible and are taking away their land and forests. 2. Often there isn’t enough clean water. Step 3 Work in pairs. Discuss and add more information to the table. Pair the students to discuss the two problems in the table. Offer some ideas to help the students broaden their minds. Step 4 Complete the passage Tell the students to look at the words and expression in the box Ask them to complete the passage individually. Tell them to check their answers in pairs. Elicit answers from the whole class. Nominate some students to read out the passage line by line. Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking Listen and mark the pauses of sentences. Then check them. Ask and answer the questions. Then talk about students’ partners about what they can do to protect animals in danger. Step 6 Homework Recite the new words and the text. Finish the Ex 1 of Unit 1. 教学反思 上课日期: 2018 年 10 月 日 第 课时 课 题 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all. 课时安排 Period 1 课 型 Reading 教学目标 Key vocabulary—research, baby, situation, scientist, produce, feed, government, nature, develop, symbol Key structures—infinitives as object complements and adverbials of purpose 重难点 To get information from the reading material about pandas. To learn some new words. Infinitive structures (1): infinitives as objects. 教具准备 Multi-media 师生活动过程 设计意图 Step 1 Warm up 1. Look at the pictures an
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