A dill PickleAnd then,after six year,she saw him again.He was seated at one of those little bamboo tablesdecorated with a Japanese vase of paper daffodils.He was peeling an orange.然后,六年之后,她再次见到他。她坐在滋长小组桌旁,桌子上摆放着一只插有之水仙花的日是花瓶。他正在啵一个橘子。Pill:剥皮,削皮He must have felt that shock of recognition in her,for he looked up and met her eyes!He didntknow her.She smiled,he frowned.他一定感到她是非常惊讶的,因为当他向上看并且看到她的目光。他没有认出她,她微笑着,他却皱着眉头。She came towards him.He closed his eyes an instant,but opening them his face lit up as thoug hehad struck a match in a dark room.He laid down the orange andpushed back his chair.她向他走去,他闭上他的眼睛,但随即又睁开了。当他真开眼睛他立刻容光焕发就像踏在黑暗的屋子里点燃了一根火柴。Light up:容光焕发,喜气洋洋 过去式:lit upStrike:过去式和过去分词都是 struck.罢工,击打,划 strike a match 划火柴Lay down:放下 过去式 laid downPush back:向后推。Vera!He exclaimed.How strange.Really,for a moment I didnt know you/wont you sit down?Wont you have some coffee?维拉!他大叫到。好奇怪啊、真的,刚才我都没认出你。要不要做回?要不来点咖啡?Yes,id lie some coffee.”and she sat down opposite him.是的,我想来点咖啡。她坐在了他的对面。Youve changed.Youve changed very much,”he said,staring at her with that eager,lightedlook.“you look so well.Ive never seen you look so well before.”你变了,你真的变了很多,他说,用渴望和明亮的眼神看着她。你看起来很好。我以前从没见过你看起来这么好。“really?”she raised her veil and unbuttoned her high fur collar.“I dont feel very well.I cantbear this weather,you know.”真的吗?她揭开她的面纱并且解开了他那高高的毛领。“我感觉不是很好。我不能忍受这种天气,你知道的。Ah,no.you hate the cold奥 不 你讨厌冷Loathe it.She shuddered.And the worst of it is tha6t the older one grows 是极度讨厌,她颤抖了一下,并且最糟糕的是人越老越。He interrupted her.Excuse me,and tapped on the table for the waitress.Please bring somecoffee and cream.To her:you are sure you won t eat anything?他打断了她,不好意思,敲了敲桌子叫那个女服务员过来。请上一些咖啡和奶油,对她说,你确定你什么都不吃吗?Tap:轻敲No thanks.Nothing不吃谢谢Then thats settled.And smiling he took up the orange again.You were sayingthe older onegrows-
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