How much are these socks 教学设计Teaching Aims1.Knowledge Objects:(1)Function:Get the students to ask and talk about prices.(2)Key Vocabulary:sock,shirt,T-shirt,shorts,sweater,shoe,shirt,sale,how much.(3)Target Language:Get the students to use thesentence of asking about the price correctly.How much is this T-shirt?Its seven dollars.How much are these socks?Theyre two dollars.(4)Structure:How much isIts/How much are Theyre2.Ability Objects:Learn how to ask about the prices.3.Moral Objects:After learning this lesson,students will be able to knowthe importance of saving money and respect parents hardwork.Teaching Key PointsMaster the words of clothes;master the usage of askingabout the price.Teaching Difficult Points:Learn how to ask about theprices.Teaching Methods:Listening and writingmethods;Pairwork;GroupworkTeaching Aids:A tape recorder;Some picturesTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision(About 8 minutes)1.T:Boys and girls,please look at the teachers desk.(Show the bag and ask)What s this in English?Ask andanswer.T:So its a black bag.Read after me,a black bag.T:Great!In this bag,there are a lot of things.Do you wantto see them?T:Now lets open it and have a look.(Present other things like a red dictionary,a bluenotebook,a yellow key,a green book,a piece of white paper.)2.T:Among these colors,I like blue very much.Doyou like blue?What color do you like?(Ask a group ofstudents to answer.)Step 2 Presentation(words)(About 12 minutes)1.T:Different people like different colors.For example,you like green,I like blue,she likes red and he likes yellow.Different people also like different clothes.I like trousersvery much.Do you know trousers?(Show my trousers to thestudents.)What about you?What kind of clothes do you like?S1:I like skirts.S2:I like T-shirts.(Present all kinds of clothes and teach them one by one.Inaddition,classify them into two forms:singular and plural.)2.T:Well done!Now open your book and turn to page 37,activity la.Find these things in the picture,then match thewords with them.(Check the answer after the exercise.)Step 3 Presentation(sentences)and Pairwork(About13 minutes)1.T:(Ask students to look at the picture)In this picture,there are four people.Where are they?Ss:They are in a clothes store.T:Right!In this clothes store,there are so many beautifulclothes.I like this sweater very much and I want to buy it,but Idont know the price.How can I ask?S1:How much is this sweater?T:Great!Thank you!S2:I also like these trousers.How can I ask the price?T:How much are these trousers?T:When we ask about the price,we should use“Howmuch”If it is only one thing,we use“is”,if they are morethan one thing,we use“are”.T:Now we know how to ask about the price,do youknow how to give the price?2.Pairwork.T:One student acts as the customer,he wants to buyclothes and ask about the price.The other student acts as theshop assistant and gives the price correctly.Understand?Here we go!(Ask 3-5 pairs to practice.)S1:How much are these socks?S2:They are twodollars.Step 4 Practice(About 10 minutes)1.activity 1b:Listen and circle the things you hear in thepicture la.2.Check the answer and repeat after the recorder.(Check the answer and listen again,then repeat thesentences together.)3.Ask the students to practice the conversation with theirpartners like this:A:How much is this T-shirt?B:Its.A:How much are these socks?B:Theyre.Then,let them make their own conversations.Step 5 Homework(About 2 minutes)Recite the words of clothes and sentences.?笸(作者单位:江西省芦溪县芦溪镇中心学校)
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