欢迎来主页下载-精品文档人生如旅,在你的成长过程中,许多人感动着你,影响着你,如:父母、老师、朋友、故事人物.最佳你市正举行以“The person who has influenced me most”为题的中学生英语征文活动,Spud Webb 深深地影响着你,请根据表中的内容要点完成征文。要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括所有的相关信息,The person who has influenced me mostThe pers on who has in flue need me most is Spud Webb.Spud Webb was born in the USA,in 1963.He was very small,but he had a big dream-to play in the NBA.He was fight ing for his dream since his childhood.As a saying goes.Where there is a will,there is a way.”In 1985,he became an NBA player.What led Spud Webb to success?First,he didn lose heart or give up even when he was refused to play basketball in the team because o f his height.Second,he was able to take every cha nee.Spud Webb has in flue need me a lot.When I face difficulty in my daily life,his spirit keeps me going and en courages_me_to.take on new challe nges.某学校英语节正举行关于“small acts of kindness”的征文活动。请根据下面提示,用英语写一篇短文投稿,记述上周一英语课上张老师鼓励你的一件事,并谈谈你自己的感悟。What happened I felt dow n in my En glish class because I failed my En glish test.Mrs Zhang performed some small acts of kindness(eg.a word of en courageme nt,a warm smile)Your toughts 叙事议事Para1 过渡句:What Mrs Zhang did is a good case.Para2 Event 过去时felt dow n failed my En glish test was so upset that .en couraged me because from time to time sothat?and 基本情况1.个头矮小,梦想进入NBA 2.一直为梦想而奋斗3.1985年成为NBA 球员成功原因1.2对我的影响Para1 Para2 In troducti on(过去时)(使用连词与复合句)was short dreamt to do kept fighting for practice doing tried ones best-a professi onal basketball player a member of the NBA although,whe n,fin ally,but,because,because of Para3 The reas on why he succeeded-.(过去时)What led Spud Webb to success?1)did n lose heart/c on fide nee,never gave up 2)take every cha nee first,second On the one hand,on the other hand Para4 In flue nee(一般现在时)his spirit en courages me(to do)Not only but also be biave to lace difficulty 并适当发挥;Small acts of kindn ess can ofte n make a differe nee.What Mrs Zhang did is a 精品文档Spud Webbgood case.人物类:内容要点(6个要点)1.个头矮小,梦想进入NB;直为梦想而奋斗;1985年成为NBA球员2.原因一(不灰心);原因二(不放弃或抓住机遇)3.对我的影响欢迎来主页下载-精品文档/said a word of en courageme nt smiled at me/gave me a warm smile Maybe we can invite foreigners to introduce good ways to learn songs.I m sure all of us will have fun in the sky En glish club.Last Mon day,I I felt dow n in my En glish class because I failed my En glish test,although I worked hard.I was so upset that I hid my head behind the textbook without saying a word.Seeing this,Mrs Zhang encouraged me.Keep going!she said.From time to time,she smiled at me.I was deeply touched,a nd felt much better for the rest of the day.I was really thankful to her.Actually,a word of encourangement or a warm smile not only does good to others but also makes a nice pers on.In other words,no act of kindn ess,however small,is ever wasted.最近,学校就空中俱乐部的英语学习内容设置做了意向调查(结果见下面图表)。请你帮俱乐部用英语写一篇报告,并谈谈你自己的想法或建议。I 峙?511?a practice spoken English?25 o wakh Engli山 jncvies 18%read lnote classics 6 o I earn foreign culture 注意:(1)文中应包含图表所提供的要点,可适当发挥;(2)想法和建议至少两条;文中不能岀现真实姓名和校名Recently we e made a survey of school sky English club.Here are the results.We find that fifty-one perce nt of the stude nts wa nt to practice their spoke n En glish by using Intern et.Twen ty-five perce nt like watch ing En glish movies,which can make their holiday life better.Eightee n perce nt would like to read more En glish classics because they are interested in them.Six percent hope that they can learn more foreig n culture,such as good manners and wester n festivals.As far as I know,it very helpful to improve English byJearning English songs.精品文档Paral Survey 一般现在时Here are the results.(引出调查信息)We find that 51%of the stude nts want to/would like to do/like to do/doing hope that by doing,be interested in because-mea nwhile(与此同时)however,so that in order to do in order that(为了)on the one hand,on the other han d Para2 Thoughts and advice 一般现在时as far as I know,I think./In my opinion,It+adj.for sb.to do v-ing作主语的句子陈述调查信息并发表想法或建议25M18o6o51o欢迎来主页下载-精品文档Para2 was deeply touched/moved felt much better was tha nkful to sb.Para3 Thoughts 一般现在时do good to sb make a nice pers on Not only but also 有关学英语话题的短语:Liste ning liste n to tapes,watch videos/movies,do lots of liste ning practice Speak ing join an En glish club,practice con versati ons with,read aloud to practice pronun ciati on,have a part ner to practice En glish with 欢迎来主页下载-精品文档注意:(1)文中必须包含表中所有要点,可适当发挥;(2)你的观点至少两条。Homework Help APP is more and more popular among the students in China.Here is the survey made by my class.Some students think they can spend less time finishing homework and solve the problem without teachers help,so they will have more time to do something they re interested in.However,some of them are worried about the APP.They say some students will be lazy to think whe n they meet difficult exercises,so they get used to doing homework with APP on the mobile phones and computers.What s more,there are also some wrong an swers in it.In my opinion,spending too much time on Homework Help APP is bad for
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