走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 高考总复习高考总复习 Module 5Cloning 选修六选修六第一部分基础知识聚焦第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练考点探究演练 3单单 元元 语语 法法 4基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 5课课 时时 作作 业业 6话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵 1话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵话题:克隆与科技发展(2015南宁模拟)研究结果表明:互联网给人们的生活带来方便的同时,也带来了一些问题。在人际交往方面,网络既拉近了我们的距离,也疏离了我们的感情。请你简单论述网络给人们的人际沟通带来的影响。.头脑风暴,知识链接单词短语1.conveniently 方便地2access通路3threaten威胁4interpersonal人际的5effectiveness有效性6efficiency效率7absense缺席8ignore忽略1.keep in touch with与保持联系2face to face面对面地3take cafe 小心4depend on依靠;依赖5make full use of完全利用句式1.The Internet has made it possible for us to keep in touch with our friends conveniently.2Misunderstandings among people and the absence of feelings are increasingly common.范文必背The Internet has made it possible for us to keep in touch with our friends conveniently.We can rapidly access information about others through microblog,QQ,facebook or email,even without calling them or talking face to face.However,the Internet threatens to change our interpersonal communication and relationships.The idea that it is no longer necessary to communicate face to face has reduced the effectiveness and efficiency of communication.Misunderstandings among people and the absence of feelings are increasingly common.Therefore,we should take care not to depend too much on the Internet and ignore the importance of facetoface communication.Only so can we make full use of the Internet while we avoid its negative effects.基础知识梳理基础知识梳理.单词速记核心必记1_(v.)拒绝2_(v.)对照3_(v.)追逐,追赶,追踪4_(n.)害怕,恐惧5_(v.)治愈6_(v.)吸收7_(v.)(问题、困难等)发生,出现refusecontrast chasefearcureabsorbarise8_(v.)使惊恐,使受惊吓_(adj.)恐惧的_(adj.)令人恐惧的9_(v.)呼吸_(n.)呼吸10_(adj.)有益的,有用的_(n.&v)好处;有益11_(v.)抵抗_(n.)抵抗,反抗terrifyterrifiedterrifyingbreathebreathbeneficialbenefitresistresistance高频必知12_(adj.)完全相同的,同一的13_(adj.)难以置信的14_(adj.)透明的15_(n.)程序16_(adj.)有确实根据的,有效的17_(adj.)可选择的18_(adj.)易适应的19_(v.)陪伴,陪同20_(n.)嫌疑人identicalincredibletransparentprocedurevalidoptionalflexibleaccompanysuspect21_(v.)使觉得恶心;使厌烦_(adj.)令人厌烦的_(adj.)恶心的22_(v.)谋杀_(n.)谋杀犯23_(v.)分析_(n.)分析24_(n.)暴力_(adj.)暴力的;猛烈的disgustdisgusting disgustedmurdermurdereranalyseanalysisviolenceviolent.短语互译1(火)燃尽,烧完自灭_2与形成对照 _3一再,屡次_4错误地_5把当成对待_6依靠,依赖_7如下_8据我们所知_burn outcontrast withagain and againby mistaketreat.asrely on/depend onas follows as far as we know9throw oneself on._10make a sound_11a sequence of_12(be)identical to_13knock out_14get out of control _15break down_16vice versa_17bring.back to life _扑倒在上发出声音一系列的和一样,与一致 摧毁摆脱控制分解反过来也一样,反之亦然使复活情景活用用上面的单词或短语的正确形式填空The _(嫌疑人)_(拒绝)to admit they _(谋杀)the girl.They wanted to _(摆脱控制),The police still used a _(有确定根据的)_(程序)to arrest them.Through _(透明的)windows of the room,I saw my daughter _(扑倒在上)the bed.A new problem must _(产生),I think.She should _(依靠)herself to solve it.答案:suspects;refused;murdered;get out of control;valid;proceduretransparent;throwing herself on;arise;rely on.典句析练1_at university,he discovers the secret of how to create life.还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。解析“while分词”作状语,表示时间。仿写玩电脑游戏时,许多学生可以全身心投入。_,many students can focus on themselves.2“_ this creature,_ on the other side of the world,_!”“但愿我没有制造出那个家伙,但愿我身处世界的另一边,但愿我可以消失得无影无踪!”解析wish后接宾语从句,常用虚拟语气。仿写所有的参赛选手都希望他们自己是获胜者。All the competitors wish that they _.3_ on a cold November night _ I saw my creation for the first time.我是在11月一个寒冷的晚上首次看到我的作品的。解析“It is/was被强调部分that/who”的强调句型。仿写是钱让两兄弟变成了仇家。_made the two brothers become enemies.答案:1.While studying;While playing computer games2.I wish I had not created,I wish I were;I wish I could disappear;would be the winner3.It was;that;It was the money that.课文回顾Frankenstein is a young scientist from Genevas,in Switzerland.While _(1)_(study)at university,he discovers the secret of how to c_(2)_ life.Using bones from dead bodies he creates a creature that _(3)_(resemble)a human and gives it life.The creature,which is very large and strong,and is also _(4)_(extreme)ugly,_(5)_(terrify)anyone who sees it.He wishes he had not created this creature,and he wishes he could disappear!The monster was the ugliest thing that Frankenstein had ever seen!The beauty of the dream _(6)_(vanish),and horror and d_(7)_ filled his heart.When the monster turned to look at Frankenstein,he felt unable to stay in the same room with him.He _(8)_(rush)out and for a long time he walked up and down his bedroom.At last he t_(9)_(throw)himself on the bed in his clothes.When he woke,Frankenstein found the monster _(10)_(stand)by his bed.He ran out of the room andhid in the garden and stayed there till morning.(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(5)_(6)_(7)_(8)_(9)_(10)_答 案:(1)studying(2)create(3)resembles(4)extremely(5)terrifies(6)vanished(7)disgust(8)rushed(9)threw(10)standing考点探究演练考点探究演练 1.contrast v.对照,使与对比;n.对比,对照填空激活知识完成句子It is interesting to _ his proposal _ hers.将他和她的建议作对照是很有趣的。She almost failed the exam,but her sister,_ _,did very well.她考试差点不及格,而相比之下她的妹妹考得很好。答案:contrast;with/andby contrast知识链接(1)contrast.and/with.把和进行对比contrast with 和形成对照(2)make a contrast with 和形成对照in contrast with/to 和形成对照by contrast 相比之下The white walls make a contrast with the black carpet
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