国家开放大学电大一网平台《管理英语1》一体化考试网考机考交际用语单选题题库及答案 第一大题:交际用语(单选题) I. I'm afraid not. But Ill be free this afternoon. 參考答案:Can you spare me a few minutes now 2.I'm not sure what I*11 do. 1 hope to watch TV and enjoy myself. 參考答案:What are your plans for summer vacation? 3. Could you please give me a hand? 参考答案:Sure, what is the matter? 4. Dad, this is my roommate,Andrea. 參考答案:Hello, Andrea. T ve heard so much about you. 5. Hello, this is John speaking. Could I speak to Mike? 参考答案;Hold the line,please. 6. Hello, Yang Lin speaking. 參考答案:This is Carol here. 7. Hello, I* d like to speak to Phil. He's out to lunch now. 参考答案:Would you mind calling back later? 8. Hello, I* m David Chen.Nice to meet you. 參考答案;Nice to meet you, too. 9. Hi. T* m Melinda Smith, the new secretary. Nice to meet you here. Hi, T* m Mike Brown from the Training Center 參考答案:1 hope you* 11 be happy working here. 10. Hi, T*ni Melinda Smith, nice to meet you all here. 參考答案:Nice to meet you. too II. Hi, Melinda. Can I make a brief introduction of the office work to you? 參考答案:Thank you! It* s very kind of you. 12. May 1 use your bike for a moment? 參考答案:By all means. 13. Mom, must I finish my homework now?No, you. You may have supper first 参考答案:needn't 14. Please give me a hand to print out the report, won* t you? 参考答案:Of course I will. 15. Sally, Mary Brown. Nice to meet you. I'm Sally Johnson, the Sales Manager 参考答案:this is our new secretary 16. Thank you for inviting me. 參考答案:Thank you for coining. 17. This is John. 参考答案:Hello, John Nice to meet you. 18. his is Melinda speaking from Qiaoxiang Community Service Center.Let me see.There will be some visits to our coomunity library and learning center 参考答案;I'm calling for thearrangement of the visit next Monday. 19. Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!This is not the end of the world 參考答案:Cheer up! 20. Why don* t you come and join us for a dance? 参考答案;I can*t, but thank you 21.It* s lovely. 1 have never been to such beautiful place like that. 參考答案:How about your trip? 22. I* ve called the maintenance worker. 參考答案;This copier needs repairing 23. My mother is retired. My father is a manager. 参考答案:What do your parents do? 24. Nothing much. 參考答案:What's up? 25. Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you. 参考答案:I'm just wondering if you couldcome to join us. 26. Please call me Mary. That* s my first name. 参考答案:How shall I address you 27. The roundtrip air fare for a person is only $188. 參考答案:What is the exact air fare ? 28. Anything else I can do for you?Thank you! 参考答案:That* s all. 29. Are you ready,folks? 参考答案:Yes, T m ready. I111 have the vegetable salad. 30. Can you copy these papers for me? 參考答案:Ok. Just wait a moment please. 31. Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning? 参考答案:No. 1 have nothing planned tomorrow. 32. Excuse me where is the post office?Sorry I'm new here. 参考答案;Thank you all the same 33. Excuse me, Yes, it* s 86332788.If you have any other questions, don* t hesitate to ask. I 參考答案:could you please tell me what* s the telephone number on my desk? 34. Good morning, can 1 help you? 參考答案:『d like to borrow a book named Gone With the Wind from your library. 35. Hello, Id like to speak to Phil. He's out to lunch now. 参考答案;Would you mind calling back later? 36. Hello, I* m David Chen. Nice to meet you. 参考答案:Nice to meet you too. 37. Hello. Sky Travel Agency. May I help you? 参考答案:Yes, I'd like to make reservations to Beijing on the flight ZH8147 at 6: 00 pm on •cccmbcr 19th. 38. Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing? 參考答案:Personally. I think designing is more difficult. Hey, Tom. You look so pale. What"' s wrong? 参考答案;I didn't sleep well last night 39.1 would like to make an appointment for the meeting. Which day would you prefer,Tuesday or Thursday? 参考答案:Well, either time will do. 40. I* d like to apply for a library card. 參考答案:Fill out the application form first,please. 41.I* d like to invite you for dinner on Saturday. 參考答案:Thank you for your kind invitation. Til be there on time. 42. t's rather cold in here.Bo you mind if I close the window? 43. I* ve got the system running,but I can* t open my file. 参考答案:Let me see if I can get it to work. 44. May I see your tickets, please? 参考答案:Sure 45. May I speak to Tom?!* m sorry.He isn* t in the office now. Yes, of course 參考答案:Can leave a message? 46. We' 11 have a charity book sale together with Meng1 in Publishing House next month. Yes.I think the Music Square is large enough 参考答案:Could you give any suggestion on the location? 47. What color would you like? 参考答案:I want the green one 48. What is your job?I* maccountant 参考答案:a 49. What time does the office open? 参考答案:I think it opens at 8. 50. Will you show me how to use this software? 參考答案:Sure. You* 11 master it in no time. 51. Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? 參考答案:I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight 52. Would you
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