2023年中考英语总复习七年级上册第14课时U8T1检测卷打印版含答案 I. 根据音标或汉语意思写出单词。(20 分) 1. /'siːzn/ ________ 2. /klaɪm/ ________ 3. /'wɪndi/ ________ 4. /'trævl/ ________ 5. /trɪp/ ________ 6. 夏天________ 7. 假期________ 8. 澳大利亚________ 9. 叶子________ 10. 歌剧________ II. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(10 分) 1. It is a good season for ________ (fly) kites in spring. 2. The weather here is ________ (sun) and warm. 3. Yesterday it was ________ (cloud) in Fuzhou. 4. It’s ________ (rain) outside, so we can’t go for a picnic today. 5. The sun is shining ________ (bright) now. III. 根据汉语写出短语。(30分) 1. 在春天__________________ 2. 穿,戴_____________________ 3. 应该,最好______________ 4. 后来_______________________ 5. 复苏;复活______________ 6. 开花;出版_________________ 7. 忙于做某事______________ 8. 立即,马上_________________ 9. 天气预报________________ 10. 变暖和____________________ IV. 情景交际。(20分) 1. 你想知道今天天气怎么样,可以这样问: _______________________________________________________ ? 2. 你想知道现在的气温,可以这样问: _______________________________________________________? V. 看图写话。(20分) 1. can, winter _____________________________________ 2. it, today __________________________________ 参 考 答 案 Ⅰ. 1.season  2.climb  3.windy  4.travel  5.trip 6.summer 7.holiday 8.Australia 9.leaf  10.opera Ⅱ. 1.flying 2.sunny 3.cloudy 4.rainy/raining 5.brightly Ⅲ. 1.in spring  2.put on  3.had better  4.later on e back to life  e out  7.be busy doing sth. 8.right away  9.a weather report  10.get warm Ⅳ. 1.What's the weather like today/How's the weather today 2.What's the temperature now Ⅴ. 1.We can make snowmen in winter. 2.It is sunny today. 3
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