2022年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库题库大全附答案(考试直接用) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、The process of perceiving others is rarely translated(to ourselves or others) into cold,objective terms."She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt." More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations,abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quickly--perhaps with a two-second glance. A.the relationship between people B.the perception of other people C.secrets and deceptions of people D.people's attitudes and characters 【答案】: B 2、If a teacher gives commands in English and asks students to show understanding by action_______or gestures, he/she is most probably using A.Communicative Approach B.Audio-Lingual Approach C.Grammar Translation Method D.Total Physical Response 【答案】: D 3、Passage 1 A.Bertha von Suttner B.Ascanio Sobrero C.Alfred Nobel D.Immanuel Nobel 【答案】: B 4、When a student said in class, “I goed there yesterday”. The teacher responded “say it again, please”. The response is an example of _____. A.recast B.modification C.positive feedback D.postponed feedback 【答案】: B 5、When checking students' understanding of a certain language point in class, which of the following utterances is a teacher expected to make? A."Is it okay?" B."Is it clear to you?" C."Are you clear?" D."It is all right to everyone?" 【答案】: B 6、Much __________I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency. A.although B.as C.while D.if 【答案】: B 7、Passage 2 A.CEOs:Where to Go B.CEOs:All the Way Up C.Top Managers Jump without a Net D.The Only Way Out for Top Performers 【答案】: C 8、Passage 1 A.Satire on an extravagant lifestyle B.Challenge to a high-fashion myth C.Criticism of the fast-fashion industry D.Exposure of a mass-market secret 【答案】: C 9、Which of the following features is not exhibited by the deductive method? A.It saves time B.It pays more attention to form C.It teaches grammar in a decontextualized D.It encourages students to work out the grammatical way rules 【答案】: D 10、--I can make it to your concert around 9 o'clock tomorrow night. A.have finished B.had finished C.will be finished D.will have finished 【答案】: D 11、In the Communicative classrooms, the teacher might be a “ _____” ---engaging in communicative activities along with students. A.co-communicator B.co-instructor C.co-learner D.co-performer 【答案】: A 12、Supplementing, deleting, simplifying and reordering are often used in ______. A.adapting teaching materials B.delivering teaching materials C.evaluating teaching materials D.presenting teaching materials 【答案】: A 13、 To establish the evaluation index system of evaluation of students' all-round development must include__________ . A.subject learning goals B.general development goals C.subject learning goals and general development goals D.emotional goals 【答案】: C 14、Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables__________ the black market. A.on B.at C.in D.for 【答案】: A 15、__________in some areas in Anhui Province that people put on their shirts or dresses soon after taking off their coats. A.So short spring is B.Spring is short C.Such is spring D.So short is spring 【答案】: D 16、“Museum”is a slippery word.It first meant(in Greek)anything consecrated to the Muses:a hill,a shrine,a garden,a A.collected from elsewhere B.made part of the buildings C.donated by people D.bought by churches 【答案】: B 17、The word “UNESCO” is called a(n)_______. A.acronym B.blend C.clipped word D.coined word 【答案】: A 18、Passage 1 A.Bending the stiffwire B.Holding papers in place C.The idea of making a paperclip D.The process of making a paperclip 【答案】: D 19、Passage 2 A.They encourage the farmers to produce genetically modified products B.They encourage the farmers to depend on themselves for seeds C.They strongly support the legalization of genetically modified products D.They encourage the farmers to upgrade their farms to bigger ones 【答案】: B 20、Passage 1 A.it takes a lot of space to put them up B.it is hard to wire them to traffic lights C.they cost more money to install D.they are less effective in bad weather 【答案】: C 21、请阅读Passaqe l,完成第小题。 A.Gigantic B.Heavy C.Total D.Maximum 【答案】: C 22、In the editing stage of a writing lesson, ________. A.students mainly check their ideas and logical development B.there are three forms: teacher editing, peer editing and self-editing C.students can negotiate meaning and improve writing D.teachers shouldn’t give any guidance 【答案】: C 23、In th
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