2022年最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库题库a4版 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、下列不属于无线通信线路的是(  )。 A.微波 B.光纤 C.无线电 D.激光 【答案】: B 2、( )is believing. A.Seeing B.Seen C.To be seeing D.To see 【答案】: A 3、资料:It's almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal working hours. A.Bosses push employees to work by sending emails anytime B.Employees are exhausted by the constant need to check emails C.Companies mean to stress the workers out by sending emails D.None of above 【答案】: B 4、下列关于我国地理常识的说法,正确的是(  ) A.以北京、天津、唐山为中心的京津唐地区是我国最大的综合性工业基地 B.中国稀土的储量和产量均居世界首位 C.准噶尔盆地位于新疆境内,在天山以北,是我国最大的盆地 D.海南省有“东方夏威夷”的美称,简称“琼”,省会是三亚 【答案】: B 5、某企业2010年12月31日银行存款日记账账面余额为217300元,开户行送来的对账单 所列本企业存款余额为254690元,经核对,发现未达账项如下:银行已收、企业未收款 42100元,银行已付、企业未付款5000元,企业巳收、银行未收款21600元,企业已付、银行 未付款21890元。则该企业可动用的银行存款实有数是( )元。 A.217300 B.254690 C.254400 D.276290 【答案】: C 6、下列叙述正确的是( )。 A.用高级程序语言编写的程序称为源程序 B.计算机能直接识别并执行用汇编语言编写的程序 C.机器语言编写的程序必须经过编译和连接后才能执行 D.机器语言编写的程序具有良好的可移植性 【答案】: A 7、Of interest is also the question whether, and if so, how a technology marked by many as "revolutionary" can impact on established leaning and teaching in a context which appears to be______to change. A.hesitant B.reluctant C.resistant D.persistent 【答案】: C 8、 汇款人办理信汇时,如果是交付现金汇款,应该向银行另填制( )。 A.一联特种转账贷方凭证 B.一联特种收款贷方凭证 C.一式三联的信汇凭证 D.一式四联的信汇凭证 【答案】: A 9、在总线拓扑的网络中,每次可传输信号的设备数目为(  )。 A.2个 B.3个 C.1个 D.任意个 【答案】: C 10、While they mainly have ______Japanese tourists previously,luxury stores in Paris now employ Mandarin-speaking assistants for custormers from China. A.amounted to B.referrde to C.adhered to D.catered to 【答案】: D 11、Mobile and portable technologies allow learners to access information irrespective of their physical context, for example on a bus or,______as a way to provide learners with location-based information. A.simultaneously B.generally C.accordingly D.alternatively 【答案】: D 12、生命的物质基础是(  )。 A.蛋白质、甘酸、糖类、碱基、水和无机盐等 B.蛋白质、核酸、糖类、碱基、水和无机盐等 C.蛋白质、核酸、糖类、脂类、水和无机盐等 D.蛋白质、甘酸、糖类、脂类、水和无机盐等 【答案】: C 13、在资本主义生产过程中生产出的商品的价值中,(  )。 A.C+v+m是新创造的价值 B.C+v是旧价值转移来的,m是新创造的价值 C.C是旧价值转移来的,v+m.是新创造的价值 D.C+m是旧价值转移来的,v是新创造的价值 【答案】: C 14、Passage3 A.from one side of a dish to the other B.from the other side of the dish C.with their fingers D.with their spoons 【答案】: C 15、在Word中,想用新名字保存文件应(  )。 A.执行“文件”→“另存为”命令 B.执行“文件”→“保存”命令 C.单击工具栏的“保存”按钮 D.复制文件到新命名的文件中 【答案】: A 16、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But l've also learned that if you don't have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they'll simply never get done. And that means you won't make the progress that's really going to move your business forward. A.Increase B.Peak C.Diminish D.Disappear 【答案】: C 17、When we read,we construct a mental _______ of the text in our minds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create a mental map in our heads. A.representation B.imagination C.interpretation D.identification 【答案】: A 18、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the world’s middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday. A.discuss why developing countries are playing major role B.illustrate a theory for poverty reduction C.explain reasons behind a report D.interpret the role of trade for developing countries 【答案】: C 19、Most of us entirely value human life,____________ some people think of animals as being equally important. A.and B.or C.but D.unless 【答案】: C 20、资料:It’s almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shame!)on a Friday and simply not check your work email again until you return the office during normal working hours。 A.Because they never know what kind of work requests will be asked off hours B.Because they are required by the company to answer emails off hours C.Because smart phones and tablets keep us connected all the time D.None of above 【答案】: A 21、泰戈尔获得诺贝尔文学奖的时间是(  )。 A.1923年 B.1913年 C.1915年 D.1918年 【答案】: B 22、社会生产方式包括的两个方面是(  )。 A.经济基础和上层建筑 B.生产力和生产关系 C.人的因素和物的因素 D.劳动者和生产资料 【答案】: B 23、从效力层级看,下列法律中效力最高的是(  ) A.《中华人民共和国渔业法》 B.《中华人民共和国渔业船舶检验条例》 C.《中华人民共和国渔业行政执法船舶管理办法》 D.《长江渔业管理规定》 【答案】: A 24、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the United States,but they produce more than enough food for 200 million Americans.They
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