历年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库完整版及答案【有一套】 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、对英镑和美元而言,如果英镑的汇率上升,意味着美元的汇率将( )。 A.上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.两者之间没有关系 【答案】: B 2、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks. To the contrary, people perceive the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight. These questions gently challenge old assumptions, but do so in a constructive way. Sitting there silently nodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening, but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said, but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information. Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog, rather than a one-way “speaker versus hearer” interaction. The best conversations were active. A.He wants to challenge the speaker B.He is getting bored of nodding C.He is listening carefully D.He wants to make the dialog stop 【答案】: C 3、让考核回归价值本位、激发更多正能量,________________。在江西景德镇,当地就领导干部存在的突出问题向社会征求意见,并以此为依据分类设计“逆向民主测评表”;在江苏南通,有关部门在领导干部“德”的评价指标中设置正反两个层面,让考核考出差别、考出问题。各地积极的探索尝试表明,只要高度重视、认真谋划、矢志创新,就能更好激活考核的正向效应,为干部队伍建设注入新的活力。 A.主要是干部队伍建设 B.核心是加强道德建设 C.关键还是靠制度创新 D.突破口在于群众监督 【答案】: C 4、人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,2005年7月21日,人民币汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格局,呈现稳中有升的态势。 A.货币局制 B.传统的盯住汇率制 C.事先不公开汇率目标的管理浮动 D.单独浮动 【答案】: A 5、Passage 7 A.sarcastic B.tolerant C.skeptical D.supportive 【答案】: D 6、下列叙述中,正确的是( )。 A.高级语言编写的程序的可移植性差 B.机器语言就是汇编语言,无非是名称不同而巳 C.指令是由一串二进制数(0和1)组成的 D.由机器语言编写的程序可读性好 【答案】: C 7、在处理实际问题时,往往不能“一刀切”的主要原因是(  )。 A.事物矛盾之间存在有机联系 B.事物矛盾具有特殊性 C.事物矛盾具有共同点 D.事物矛盾具有普遍性 【答案】: B 8、下列对我国在高科技领域说法不正确的是()。 A.发展航天事业可以促进我国经济的发展 B.高科技的竞争是综合国力竞争的实质 C.高科技的竞争仅是国力竞争的一方面,综合国力竞争的实质是军事力量 D.航天事业的发展,能够增强民族凝聚力 【答案】: C 9、价格变动影响对总收益的影响取决于(  )。 A.需求收入弹性 B.供给数量弹性 C.供给价格弹性 D.需求价格弹性 【答案】: D 10、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, there's a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing. A.After Britain leaving the E.U the investment decision of investors has been affected B.After Britain leaving the E.U, the value of the pound will be seen weakened further C.After Britain leaving the E.U, the fed takes this opportunity to raise the rate D.After Britain leaving the E.U, the Bank of England has already cut policy rates to 0.25% 【答案】: A 11、______the farm subsidies, the built-in costs of growing crops have a bigger impact on the price of staples. A.Comparing with B.Compared with C.Compare with D.Compare within 【答案】: B 12、金融风险的高杠杆性表现为( )。 A.金融机构的资产负债率低 B.金融机构的注册资本金要求高 C.金融体系的风险传染快 D.衍生金融工具以小搏大 【答案】: D 13、资料:FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVES A.table, oven and garment B.wardrobe, printer and dryer C.bedside lamp, sofa and closet D.refrigerator, washing machine and laundry detergent 【答案】: C 14、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.The growing national economy B.The tax collections from the non-poor classes C.More choices of selectable job vacancies D.Goverrnment’s investments on the poor to improve their working skills 【答案】: B 15、打开Word文档一般是指( )。 A.把文档的内容从内存中读出并显示出来 B.把文档的内容从磁盘调人内存并显示出来 C.为打开的文档开设一个新的空的文档窗口 D.显乐并打印文档的内容 【答案】: B 16、资料:Taikong City was founded by the dormuns about 50 AD.Its name is derived from a Cethic worldwhich means the piece of the bold one.After they invaded Bliton in 43 AD the Dormons built a bridge across the Themas River.They later decided it was an excellent place to built a port.The water was deep enough for ocean going ships but it was far enough inland to be safe from other raiders.Around 50 AD Dormons merchants built a town by the bridge.So Taikong City was born. A.Queen Boudia made great contribution to Taikong City B.It was not until the middle of the 3rd century that the bastions were built on the stone walls C.By the end of the 2nd century.most people lived in the wooden houses D.缺 【答案】: B 17、三篮桃子共重90斤,如果从第一篮中取出13斤放入第二篮,从第二篮中取出8斤放入第三篮,从第三篮中取出2斤放入第一篮,这时三篮桃子的重量相等,原来第二篮中有桃子(  )斤。 A.21 B.23 C.25 D.27 【答案】: C 18、—个企业的公文从来源上分可分为( )。 A.绝密性公文和公开性公文 B.—般性公文和特殊性公文 C.来文和发文 D.上行文和下行文 【答案】: C 19、 会计是一种反应和监督主体经济活动的经济管理工作,它的主要计量单位是(  )。 A.实物 B.货币 C.价值 D.劳动 【答案】: B 20、 我国刑罚中最轻的主刑是(  )。 A.拘役 B.罚金 C.管制 D.剥夺政治权利 【答案】: C 21、资料:The societal m
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