How many desks are there?Is there a?Are there any desks?Is there a TV?Are there any?How manyare there?How many teachers are there?This is my _.Its big and _.There _desks,There _ teachers.There _ a TV in it.Fill and sayIts the floor.There _.Is there a?Are there any?Under the sky,there is a dark,dark moor(沼泽沼泽).there is a dark,dark forest.On the moor(沼泽沼泽),there _a dark,dark_.In the forest,ishousethere _a dark,dark _.In the front of the house,dooristhere is a dark,dark hall(门厅门厅).Behind the door,there _some dark,dark stairs(楼梯楼梯).In the hall(门厅门厅),arethere is a dark,dark passage(走廊走廊).Up the stairs(楼梯楼梯),there is a dark,dark curtain(窗帘窗帘).Across the passage,(穿过走廊穿过走廊)there _ a dark,dark_.Behind the curtain(窗帘窗帘),isroomthere is a dark,dark cupboard(橱柜橱柜).In the room,there is a dark,dark corner(角落角落).In the cupboard(橱柜橱柜)there is a dark,dark box.In the corner(角落角落),there is a_?It is black and grey.It has two big ears and a short tail.It has two big eyes.It likes stealing food(偷食偷食).mouse!In the box,to be continued(未完待续未完待续)?There is a moor.There is a house.There are some stairs.There is a box.There is+There are+可数名词单数可数名词单数可数名词复数可数名词复数There is a house in front of her.There is some soup on the table.There is a pair of gloves and some jeans.There are three beds in the room.There are two cards and a candy on the chair.There is+There are+There 是个是个近视眼近视眼。如果有两个或两个以上的。如果有两个或两个以上的主语时,主语时,be动词要和最靠近它的主语在数上保动词要和最靠近它的主语在数上保持一致。持一致。看着例子,你能总结出更多看着例子,你能总结出更多关于关于there bethere be句型的用法吗?句型的用法吗?可数名词单数可数名词单数/不可数名词不可数名词 可数名词复数可数名词复数用用be 动词动词的正确形式填空的正确形式填空,说出说出关键词关键词1.There_ a football under my bed.2.There_ some apple juice in the cup.3.There_ a lot of animals in the forest.4.There_ a book and two pencils in my hand.isisareisThere _ some juice in the glass.isThere _in the glass.isnt any juiceis no juice用用there be句型来描述下面的图片。句型来描述下面的图片。There _ some bags under the table.areThere _under the table.arent any bagsare no bagsThere be 句型的句型的肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句:*be变为变为be not,some变为变为any,其他不变其他不变 there arent any=there are no *there isnt any=there is noThere _ some juice in the glass.isThere_in the glass.isnt any juiceSpotting gameSpotting game(大家来找茬大家来找茬)用用There be句型找出图片的不同之处。句型找出图片的不同之处。There is/isnt(is no)in picture 1/2.There are/arent(are no)in picture1/2.12用用there be句型来描述下面的图片。句型来描述下面的图片。你有你有5秒钟秒钟记住这幅图。记住这幅图。Ready?Are there any ducks in the forest?Yes,there are.Is there an elephant in the forest?Yes,there is.Is there a mouse in the forest?No,there isnt.Are there any chickens in the forest?No,there arent.Is there a/an?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.Are there any?Yes,there are.No,there arent.There be 句型的句型的一般疑问句一般疑问句:be(is/are)提前,提前,some变为变为any,其他不变其他不变肯定肯定回答:回答:Yes,there is/are.否定否定回答:回答:No,there isnt.No,there arent.There are fourteen animals in the forest._animals _ in the forest?对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:How manyThere be 句型的句型的特殊疑问句形式特殊疑问句形式:对数量提问,一般有两种句型结构对数量提问,一般有两种句型结构How many+复数名词复数名词+are there+介词短语?介词短语?How much+不可数名词不可数名词+is there+介词短语?介词短语?are there对划线部分提问对划线部分提问1.There are five birds in the tree._ _ birds _ _in the tree?Howmany2.There is some rice in the bowl._ _ rice _ _in the bowl?Howmucharethereisthere你能根据已给单词,尽可能多地用你能根据已给单词,尽可能多地用there be句型来造句吗?尽量造得真实有创意。句型来造句吗?尽量造得真实有创意。例如:例如:monkey tree (.)There is a monkey in the tree.There isnt a monkey in the tree.soupnosegirlsfridgefingercuphousesriversandwichesbreadbasket.?.四人一组,选择其中一句来造句,尽量造得真实又不失创意。四人一组,选择其中一句来造句,尽量造得真实又不失创意。12345你能试着用你能试着用there be句型来续编这个故事吗?句型来续编这个故事吗?to be continued(未完待续未完待续);Where there is a will,there is a way!有志者事竟成!有志者事竟成!;Make a continuation of the story.And read it to your parents.续编故事,读给你的父续编故事,读给你的父母听。母听。
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